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C C Winn High School in Eagle Pass, TX
(09-12 • Public • Regular School)

City-data.com school rating (using weighted test average as compared to other schools in Texas) from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) is 30
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
(830) 757-0828
(make sure to verify first before calling)
City-data.com school rating
Classroom Teachers (FTE)
Free lunch eligible students
Reduced-price lunch
eligible students
School district
Charter school
Title I status
Title I schoolwide school
Magnet School Indicator
Shared Time Indicator
Adult education offered


This school rating compared to other nearby schools ratings:
EAGLE PASS J H (2.7 miles):


ARMANDO CERNA EL (1.5 miles):



RAY H DARR EL (2.5 miles):

MEMORIAL J H (1.5 miles):


C C Winn High School:

C C Winn High School rating compared to average state, county and city schools ratings:

Maverick County:

Eagle Pass:

C C Winn High School:


Students & Teachers

Total enrollment:
Enrollment in 2016: 2,077
Enrollment in 2015: 2,005
Enrollment in 2014: 1,971
Enrollment in 2013: 1,959
Enrollment in 2012: 2,036
Enrollment in 2011: 2,067
Enrollment in 2010: 1,997
Enrollment in 2009: 1,985
Enrollment in 2008: 1,984
Enrollment in 2007: 1,908
Enrollment in 2006: 1,583
Enrollment in 2005: 1,531
Enrollment in 2004: 1,416
Enrollment in 2003: 1,332
Enrollment in 2002: 1,271
Enrollment in 2001: 1,173
Enrollment in 2000: 1,195
Enrollment in 1999: 1,295

C C Winn High School - Historical enrollment

Enrollment by grade, gender and race:
(Note: Details may not add to totals. School year: 2015-2016)

All students6795054794142,077
Female students2982552552111,019
Male students3812502242031,058
American Indian/Alaska Native students19771346
Asian students1 - - - 1
Hispanic students6554974713992,022
White students41128

Enrollment by grade:
9th grade enrollment: 679
10th grade enrollment: 505
11th grade enrollment: 479
12th grade enrollment: 414

C C Winn High School - Historical enrollment by grade

Enrollment by gender:
(State average from 9,864 schools)

Female enrollment: 1,019 (49.1%)
C C Winn High School:


Male enrollment: 1,058 (50.9%)



C C Winn High School - Historical enrollment by gender

Enrollment by race/ethnicity:
(State average from 9,864 schools)

American Indian/Alaska Native enrollment: 46 (2.2%)
C C Winn High School:


Asian enrollment: 1 (0.0%)


Hispanic enrollment: 2,022 (97.4%)


White enrollment: 8 (0.4%)



C C Winn High School - Historical enrollment by race/ethnicity

Lunch Program Eligibility:
(State average from 8,545 schools)

Free/reduced-price lunch eligible students: 1,672 (80.5%)


Free lunch eligible students: 1,478 (71.2%)


Reduced-price lunch eligible students: 194 (9.3%)



C C Winn High School - Lunch Program Eligibility

Teachers and support:
(State average from 9,601 schools)

Classroom Teachers (FTE): 129.6

Number of FTE teachers in their first year of teaching: 7
Number of FTE teachers in their second year of teaching: 26.1
Number of FTE school counselors: 5
Number of FTE teachers who were absent more than 10 school days during the school years: 53
Number of FTE sworn law enforcement officers: 6
Number of FTE security guards: 2
Number of FTE nurses: 2

Student/Teacher Ratio
C C Winn High School:



C C Winn High School - Teachers (FTE) and pupil/teacher ratio

School Expenditures:
Salary Expenditures for Total Personnel Funded with State and Local Funds: $6,093,249
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of Teachers: 126 (Salary Expenditures: $5,498,130)
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of Instructional Aides: 8 (Salary Expenditures: $185,454)
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of Support Services Staff: 11 (Salary Expenditures: $259,029)
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of School Administration Staff: 4 (Salary Expenditures: $314,806)
Salary Expenditures for Non-Personnel Funded with State and Local Funds: $1,883,653
Salary Expenditures for Total Personnel Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds,: $6,151,760
  • Salary Expenditures for Teachers: $6,151,760
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of Instructional Aides: 14 (Salary Expenditures: $319,985)
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of Support Services Staff: 11 (Salary Expenditures: $259,029)
  • Full-time Equivalency Count of School Administration Staff: 4 (Salary Expenditures: $314,806)
Salary Expenditures for Non-Personnel Funded with Federal, State, and Local Funds: $2,070,491

Limited English Proficiency:
Show data for

    Students Enrolled in LEP Programs

  • Hispanic202
  • American Indian4
  • Asian2
  • White2
  • IDEA16
Students Enrolled in LEP Programs: 210 (male: 127, female: 83)
  • Hispanic: 202 (male: 125, female: 77)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Asian: 2 (all female)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 16 (male: 14, female: 2)

Students with disabilities:
Show data for

Students with Disabilities (IDEA): Students with intellectual disabilities; hearing impairment, including deafness; speech or language impairment; visual impairment, including blindness; serious emotional disturbance; orthopedic impairment; autism; traumatic brain injury; developmental delay; other health impairment; specific learning disability; deaf-blindness; or multiple disabilities and who, by reason thereof, receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) according to an Individualized Education Program, Individual Family Service Plan, or service plan. The "Students with Disabilities (IDEA)" column in the survey items always refers to students with disabilities who receive special education and related services under IDEA.

Students with Disabilities (Section 504 only): Students with a disability, who receive related aids and services solely under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and not under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The "Section 504 only" column in the survey items always refers to students with disabilities who receive related aids and services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and not under IDEA.
Students with disabilities served under IDEA: 78 (male: 50, female: 28)
  • Hispanic: 71 (male: 43, female: 28)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 7 (all male)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 17 (male: 13, female: 4)

Students with disabilities served under Section 504: 170 (male: 112, female: 58)
  • Hispanic: 166 (male: 110, female: 56)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 25 (male: 14, female: 11)

Show data for

(State average from 1,124 schools)

A student is retained if he or she is not promoted to the next grade prior to the beginning of the following school year. Students are not considered retained if they can proceed to the next grade because they successfully completed a summer school program or for a similar reason. At the high school level, a student who has not accumulated enough credits to be classified as being in the next grade is considered retained

    Total number of students retained in 9th grade

  • Hispanic190
  • American Indian7
  • LEP37
  • IDEA19
  • 504145
Total number of students retained in 9th grade: 197 (male: 124, female: 73)
  • Hispanic: 190 (male: 119, female: 71)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 7 (male: 5, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 37 (male: 29, female: 8)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 19 (male: 11, female: 8)
  • Section 504: 145 (male: 98, female: 47)

Percent of 9th grade students retained
C C Winn High School:



    Total number of students retained in 10th grade

  • Hispanic73
  • American Indian4
  • LEP5
  • IDEA4
  • 50458
Total number of students retained in 10th grade: 77 (male: 49, female: 28)
  • Hispanic: 73 (male: 47, female: 26)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 5 (all male)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Section 504: 58 (male: 38, female: 20)

Percent of 10th grade students retained



    Total number of students retained in 11th grade

  • Hispanic34
  • LEP2
  • IDEA4
  • 50422
Total number of students retained in 11th grade: 34 (male: 11, female: 23)
  • Hispanic: 34 (male: 11, female: 23)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all male)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Section 504: 22 (male: 8, female: 14)

Percent of 11th grade students retained



    Total number of students retained in 12th grade

  • Hispanic37
  • American Indian2
  • IDEA19
  • 50413
Total number of students retained in 12th grade: 39 (male: 11, female: 28)
  • Hispanic: 37 (male: 11, female: 26)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all female)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 19 (male: 5, female: 14)
  • Section 504: 13 (male: 5, female: 8)

Percent of 12th grade students retained



Gifted and Talented:
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(State average from 7,254 schools)

This school has students enrolled in one or more gifted/talented programs
Gifted/talented programs are programs during regular school hours that provide special educational opportunities including accelerated promotion through grades and classes and an enriched curriculum for students who are endowed with a high degree of mental ability or who demonstrate unusual physical coordination, creativity, interest, or talent.

    Gifted and Talented Student Enrollment

  • Hispanic157
  • American Indian2
  • White2
  • IDEA2
Gifted and Talented Student Enrollment: 161 (male: 76, female: 85)
  • Hispanic: 157 (male: 74, female: 83)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all male)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 2 (all male)

Gifted and Talented Student Enrollment per 1,000 students
C C Winn High School:



Dual Enrollment:
(State average from 1,381 schools)

This school has students in grades 9-12 enrolled in a dual enrollment / dual credit program
Dual enrollment/dual credit programs provide opportunities for high school students to take college-level courses offered by colleges, and earn concurrent credit toward a high school diploma and a college degree while still in high school.These programs are for high school - enrolled students who are academically prepared to enroll in college and are interested in taking on additional coursework.For example, students who want to study subjects not offered at their high school may seek supplemental education at colleges nearby.

    Dual Enrollment

  • Hispanic253
  • American Indian2
  • White2
  • LEP2
  • IDEA2
Dual Enrollment: 257 (male: 95, female: 162)
  • Hispanic: 253 (male: 95, female: 158)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all female)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all male)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 2 (all female)

Dual Enrollment per 1,000 students
C C Winn High School:




Show data for

(State average from 1,567 schools)

The ACT Test (ACT) is a nationally recognized assessment used to indicate college readiness.
The SAT Reasoning Test (SAT) is a curriculum-based, college readiness test that assesses the academic skills and knowledge students acquire in high school and the ability to apply that knowledge.

C C Winn High School - ACT/SAT scores

Percent of graduates taking the ACT:


ACT composite scores above criteria:


Number of graduates: <450
Number of graduates taking the ACT: <50

Average ACT composite score:


Average ACT English score:


Average ACT mathematics score:


Average ACT reading score:


Average ACT science score:



    Average SAT combined score

  • All840
  • Hispanic841
  • American Indian815
  • LEP650
  • IDEA585
Percent of graduates taking the SAT:


SAT combined scores above criteria:


Number of graduates: <450
Number of graduates taking the SAT: <200

Average SAT critical reading and mathematics combined score:


Average SAT mathematics score:


Average SAT critical reading score:


Average SAT writing score:



    SAT or ACT Test Participation

  • Hispanic139
  • American Indian4
  • White2
  • LEP2
  • IDEA4
SAT or ACT Test Participation: 145 (male: 58, female: 87)
  • Hispanic: 139 (male: 56, female: 83)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all female)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 4 (male: 2, female: 2)

Advanced Placement:
(State average from 1,179 schools)

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) - Accountability system mandated by federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

C C Winn High School - AP exams with scores at or above criteria

Number of students in Grades 11 and 12: 896
Number of students taking at least one AP exam: 131
Percent of students taking at least one AP exam:


Number of examinees scoring at or above 3 on at least one AP exam: 49
Examinees scoring at or above criteria on at least one AP exam:



Number of AP exams:
Number of AP exams with scores at or above 3: 65
Percent of AP exams with scores at or above 3:



Number of different AP courses provided by school: 20
Is enrollment via self-selection by students permittedfor all AP courses offered by the school?: Yes

Students Enrolled in at least one AP Course: 143 (male: 49, female: 94)
  • Hispanic: 139 (male: 47, female: 92)
  • White: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all female)

Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics: 16 (male: 8, female: 8)
  • Hispanic: 16 (male: 8, female: 8)

Student Enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) Science: 32 (male: 16, female: 16)
  • Hispanic: 28 (male: 14, female: 14)
  • White: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)

Students Enrollment in Other Advanced Placement (AP) Subjects: 112 (male: 41, female: 71)
  • Hispanic: 112 (male: 41, female: 71)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all female)

Students who took one or more AP exams: 129 (male: 49, female: 80)
  • Hispanic: 127 (male: 47, female: 80)
  • White: 2 (all male)

Students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams: 44 (male: 19, female: 25)
  • Hispanic: 44 (male: 19, female: 25)
Percent students who received a qualifying score on one or more AP exams



Students who did not receive a qualifying score on any AP exams: 83 (male: 28, female: 55)
  • Hispanic: 83 (male: 28, female: 55)

Students who took no AP exams: 16 (all female)
  • Hispanic: 14
  • White: 2
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2

Health & Safety

Referrals and Arrests:
Show data for

(State average from 1,516 schools)

Referral to law enforcement is an action by which a student is reported to any law enforcement agency or official, including a school police unit, for an incident that occurs on school grounds, during school-related events, or while taking school transportation, regardless of whether official action is taken. Citations, tickets, court referrals, and school-related arrests are considered referrals to law enforcement.

School-related arrest refers to an arrest of a student for any activity conducted on school grounds, during off-campus school activities (including while taking school transportation), or due to a referral by any school official. All school-related arrests are considered referrals to law enforcement.
Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official: 7 (male: 5, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 5 (all male)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all female)

Students without disabilities who were referred to a law enforcement agency or official per 1,000 students



Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest: 7 (male: 5, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 5 (all male)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all female)

Students without disabilities who received a school-related arrest per 1,000 students
C C Winn High School:



Chronic Student Absenteeismt:
Show data for

(State average from 7,777 schools)

A chronically absent student is a student who is absent 15 or more school days during the school year. A student is absent if he or she is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in instruction or instruction - related activities at an approved off-grounds location for at least half the school day. Each day that a student is absent for 50 percent or more of the school day should be counted. Any day that a student is absent for less than 50 percent of the school day should not be counted. The number of absences is based on the total number of school days absent. Chronically absent students include students who are absent for any reason(e.g., illness, suspension, the need to care for a family member), regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused.

    Chronic Student Absenteeism

  • Hispanic481
  • American Indian25
  • White2
  • LEP94
  • IDEA28
  • 50455
Chronic Student Absenteeism: 508 (male: 244, female: 264)
  • Hispanic: 481 (male: 233, female: 248)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 25 (male: 11, female: 14)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 94 (male: 56, female: 38)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 28 (male: 14, female: 14)
  • Section 504: 55 (male: 38, female: 17)
Chronic Student Absenteeism per 1,000 students



Restraint and Seclusion:
Show data for

(State average from 2,148 schools)

Mechanical restraint refers to the use of any device or equipment to restrict a student's freedom of movement. The term does not include devices implemented by trained school personnel, or utilized by a student that have been prescribed by an appropriate medical or related services professional and are used for the specific and approved purposes for which such devices were designed, such as:
  • Adaptive devices or mechanical supports used to achieve proper body position, balance, or alignment to allow greater freedom of mobility than would be possible without the use of such devices or mechanical supports;
  • Vehicle safety restraints when used as intended during the transport of a student in a moving vehicle;
  • Restraints for medical immobilization; or Orthopedically prescribed devices that permit a student to participate in activities without risk of harm.
Total Number of Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint: 2 (all male)
  • Hispanic: 2

Non-IDEA students subjected to mechanical restraint per 1,000 students



Show data for

(State average from 3,231 schools)

Out-of-school suspension
  • For students with disabilities served under IDEA : Out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular school for at least half a day for disciplinary purposes to another setting (e.g., home, behavior center).Out-of-school suspensions include both removals in which no individualized family service plan(IFSP) or individualized education plan(IEP) services are provided because the removal is 10 days or less as well as removals in which the child continues to receive services according to his/her IFSP or IEP.
  • For students without disabilities and students with disabilities served solely under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act : Out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from his / her regular school for at least half a day(but less than the remainder of the school year) for disciplinary purposes to another setting(e.g., home, behavior center).Out-of-school suspensions include removals in which no educational services are provided, and removals in which educational services are provided(e.g., school-provided at home instruction or tutoring).
In-school suspension is an instance in which a child is temporarily removed from his or her regular classroom(s) for at least half a day for disciplinary purposes, but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are physically in the same location as students under their supervision.

    School days missed due to out-of-school suspension

  • Hispanic158
  • American Indian7
  • LEP29
  • IDEA22
School days missed due to out-of-school suspension: 165 (male: 116, female: 49)
  • Hispanic: 158 (male: 112, female: 46)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 7 (male: 4, female: 3)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 29 (male: 24, female: 5)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 22 (male: 19, female: 3)

Instances of out-of-school suspension (Students without disabilities): 169

Instances of out-of-school suspension per 1,000 students (Students without disabilities)


Students without disabilities receiving one or more in-school suspension: 27 (male: 17, female: 10)
  • Hispanic: 25 (male: 17, female: 8)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 5 (all male)

Students without disabilities receiving only one out-of-school suspension: 89 (male: 64, female: 25)
  • Hispanic: 85 (male: 62, female: 23)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 19 (male: 17, female: 2)

Students without disabilities receiving more than one out-of-school suspension: 31 (male: 20, female: 11)
  • Hispanic: 31 (male: 20, female: 11)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 4 (male: 2, female: 2)

Instances of out-of-school suspension (Students with disabilities): 27

Instances of out-of-school suspension per 1,000 students (Students with disabilities)


Students with disabilities receiving one or more in-school suspension: 5 (all male)
  • Hispanic: 5
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2

Students with disabilities receiving only one out-of-school suspension: 10 (male: 8, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 10 (male: 8, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all male)

Students with disabilities receiving more than one out-of-school suspension: 13 (male: 11, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 13 (male: 11, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 5 (all male)

Show data for

(State average from 1,623 schools)

Expulsion with educational services refers to an action taken by the local educational agency of removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes, and providing educational services to the child (e.g., school-provided at home instruction or tutoring; transfer to an alternative school) for the remainder of the school year (or longer) in accordance with local educational agency policy. Expulsion with educational services also includes removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.

Expulsion without educational services refers to an action taken by the local educational agency of removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes, and not providing educational services to the child for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Expulsion without services also includes removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
Students without Disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services: 2 (all male)
  • Hispanic: 2

Students without Disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services per 1,000 students



Students without Disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services: 5 (all male)
  • Hispanic: 5
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2

Students without Disabilities who received an expulsion without educational services per 1,000 students



Students with Disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services: 7 (male: 5, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 7 (male: 5, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all male)

Students with Disabilities who received an expulsion with educational services per 1,000 students



Classes & Courses

Algebra I:
Show data for

(State average from 1,490 schools)

Algebra I is a (college-preparatory) course that includes the study of properties and operations of the real number system; evaluating rational algebraic expressions; solving and graphing first degree equations and inequalities; translating word problems into equations; operations with and factoring of polynomials; and solving simple quadratic equations. Algebra I is a foundation course leading to higher-level mathematics courses, including Geometry and Algebra II.
Number of Algebra I classes: 22
Number of Algebra I classes taught by certified teachers: 22

    9-10th grade student enrollment in Algebra I

  • Hispanic619
  • American Indian19
  • Asian2
  • White2
  • LEP115
  • IDEA46
9-10th grade student enrollment in Algebra I: 642 (male: 352, female: 290)
  • Hispanic: 619 (male: 341, female: 278)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 19 (male: 11, female: 8)
  • Asian: 2 (all female)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 115 (male: 74, female: 41)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 46 (male: 38, female: 8)

    9-10th grade studenst who passed Algebra I

  • Hispanic500
  • American Indian11
  • LEP80
  • IDEA35
9-10th grade studenst who passed Algebra I: 511 (male: 284, female: 227)
  • Hispanic: 500 (male: 277, female: 223)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 11 (male: 7, female: 4)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 80 (male: 52, female: 28)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 35 (male: 28, female: 7)
Percent of 9-10th grade students who passed



11-12th grade student enrollment in Algebra I: 10 (male: 8, female: 2)
  • Hispanic: 10 (male: 8, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 2 (all male)
Percent of 11-12th grade students who passed
C C Winn High School:



Algebra II:
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Algebra II (college-preparatory) course topics typically include field properties and theorems; set theory; operations with rational and irrational expressions; factoring of rational expressions; in - depth study of linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; solving systems of linear and quadratic equations; graphing of constant, linear, and quadratic equations; properties of higher degree equations; and operations with rational and irrational exponents.
Number of Algebra II classes: 12
Number of Algebra II classes taught by certified teachers: 12

    Student Enrollment in Algebra II

  • Hispanic418
  • American Indian10
  • White4
  • LEP19
  • IDEA10
Student Enrollment in Algebra II: 432 (male: 210, female: 222)
  • Hispanic: 418 (male: 203, female: 215)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 10 (male: 5, female: 5)
  • White: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 19 (male: 11, female: 8)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 10 (male: 8, female: 2)

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Calculus (college-preparatory) course topics include the study of derivatives, differentiation, integration, the definite and indefinite integral, and applications of calculus.Typically, students have previously attained knowledge of precalculus topics (some combination of trigonometry, elementary functions, analytic geometry, and math analysis).
Number of Calculus classes: 1
Number of Calculus classes taught by certified teachers: 1

Student Enrollment in Calculus: 16 (male: 8, female: 8)
  • Hispanic: 16 (male: 8, female: 8)

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Geometry is a (college-preparatory) course that typically includes topics such as properties of plane and solid figures; deductive methods of reasoning and use of logic; geometry as an axiomatic system including the study of postulates, theorems, and formal proofs; concepts of congruence, similarity, parallelism, perpendicularity, and proportion; and rules of angle measurement in triangles.Geometry is considered a prerequisite for Algebra II.
Number of Geometry classes: 9
Number of Geometry classes taught by certified teachers: 9

    Student Enrollment in Geometry

  • Hispanic586
  • American Indian13
  • LEP64
  • IDEA34
Student Enrollment in Geometry: 599 (male: 310, female: 289)
  • Hispanic: 586 (male: 302, female: 284)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 13 (male: 8, female: 5)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 64 (male: 38, female: 26)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 34 (male: 23, female: 11)

Advanced Mathematics:
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Advanced mathematics (college-preparatory) courses cover the following topics: trigonometry, trigonometry/algebra, trigonometry / analytic geometry, trigonometry / math analysis, analytic geometry, math analysis, math analysis / analytic geometry, probability and statistics, and precalculus
Number of Advanced Mathematics classes: 6
Number of Advanced Mathematics classes taught by certified teachers: 5

    Student Enrollment in Advanced Mathematics

  • Hispanic505
  • American Indian10
  • White4
  • LEP25
  • IDEA22
Student Enrollment in Advanced Mathematics: 519 (male: 267, female: 252)
  • Hispanic: 505 (male: 260, female: 245)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 10 (male: 5, female: 5)
  • White: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 25 (male: 14, female: 11)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 22 (male: 17, female: 5)

Show data for

Biology (college-preparatory) courses are designed to provide information regarding the fundamental concepts of life and life processes.These courses include(but are not restricted to) such topics as cell structure and function, general plant and animal physiology, genetics, and taxonomy.
Number of Biology classes: 21
Number of Biology classes taught by certified teachers: 21

    Student Enrollment in Biology

  • Hispanic517
  • American Indian13
  • White2
  • LEP58
  • IDEA40
Student Enrollment in Biology: 532 (male: 277, female: 255)
  • Hispanic: 517 (male: 269, female: 248)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 13 (male: 8, female: 5)
  • White: 2 (all female)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 58 (male: 38, female: 20)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 40 (male: 29, female: 11)

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Chemistry (college-preparatory) courses involve studying the composition, properties, and reactions of substances. These courses typically explore such concepts as the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases; acid / base and oxidation / reduction reactions; and atomic structure.Chemical formulas and equations and nuclear reactions are also studied.
Number of Chemistry classes: 12
Number of Chemistry classes taught by certified teachers: 12

    Student Enrollment in Chemistry

  • Hispanic499
  • American Indian10
  • LEP31
  • IDEA40
Student Enrollment in Chemistry: 509 (male: 250, female: 259)
  • Hispanic: 499 (male: 245, female: 254)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 10 (male: 5, female: 5)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 31 (male: 17, female: 14)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 40 (male: 26, female: 14)

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Physics (college-preparatory) courses involve the study of the forces and laws of nature affecting matter, such as equilibrium, motion, momentum, and the relationships between matter and energy.The study of physics includes examination of sound, light, and magnetic and electric phenomena.
Number of Physics classes: 11
Number of Physics classes taught by certified teachers: 11

    Student Enrollment in Physics

  • Hispanic649
  • American Indian22
  • Asian2
  • White4
  • LEP106
  • IDEA46
Student Enrollment in Physics: 677 (male: 348, female: 329)
  • Hispanic: 649 (male: 335, female: 314)
  • American Indian / Alaska Native: 22 (male: 11, female: 11)
  • Asian: 2 (all female)
  • White: 4 (male: 2, female: 2)
  • Limited English Proficiency (LEP): 106 (male: 68, female: 38)
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): 46 (male: 35, female: 11)


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