

Export crops—especially sugar cane and pineapple—dominate Hawaiian agriculture, which had farm receipts exceeding $511 million in 2001.

The islands of Hawaii (Maui, Molokai, Oahu, and Kauai) are the only places in the US where coffee is grown commercially; production in 2002/2003 totaled 8.5 million lb (3.86 million kg). Another tropical product, papaya, has also become a substantial export crop, with 45.5 million lb (20.6 million kg) produced in 2002, valued at $11.8 million, as well as macadamia nuts and tropical flowers. Taro (coco yam) used for making poi, is also grown; production in 2001 was 6.1 million lb (2.8 million kg), valued at $3,290,000. Banana production in 2002 was 19 million lb (8.6 million kg), valued at $7.9 million.