The number of unemployed law graduates

Pavel Prikhodko, Ph.D. Machine Learning

Law is possibly one of the most popular graduate specializations in the world. In recent years, however, interest in the law profession has dipped in the United States; the following statistics show the proof. As you can see, there were 46,766 students graduated from law school in the United States in 2013. In 2014 and 2015, this number dropped to 43,832 and 39,984 law graduates respectively. In 2016, 37,124 students graduated from law school, while 2017 saw only 34,922 law graduates — a decrease of nearly 12,000 from the number in 2013.


The number of law graduates has decreased from 2013 to 2017, so it isn’t too surprising that the percentage of unemployed graduates is also decreasing. In 2013, 11.2 percent of that year’s law school graduates were unemployed. Among 2014’s graduates, 9.8 percent were still seeking employment. In 2015 and 2016, 9.7 percent and 8.8 percent of graduates were unemployed respectively. The smallest percentage of law graduates were unemployed in 2017: 7.9 percent.


Men are more likely to choose a job in the legal profession, according to recent survey results. The survey conducted in 2017 shows the gender distribution of employees in the legal profession: 65 percent of lawyers were men, while 35 percent were women.


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About Pavel Prikhodko

Pavel Prikhodko, Ph.D. Machine Learning

Pavel has worked for many years as a researcher and developer on a wide range of applications (varying from mechanics and manufacturing to social data, finance and advertising), building predictive systems and trying to find stories that data can tell.

In his free time, he enjoys being with his family.

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One thought on “The number of unemployed law graduates”

  1. Tribalism rules in the legal field. Where you don’t see tribalism, you’ll find cronyism and nepotism. Deserves a lawsuit but finding a lawyer is impossible for the reasons above. Attorneys also discriminate against those seeking legal aid, “no justice for YOU!” It’s criminal. I met a man whose son (a lawyer) was told if he represented a particular individual, he’d be barred from entering prestigious law firms for the rest of his life.

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