Annual Events & Festivals - Edmond, Oklahoma

1. Boys Ranch Town Drive Through Christmas Pageant

City: Edmond, OK
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (405) 341-3606
Address: 5100 E. 33rd St.

Description: Between 4,000 and 5,000 people attend this drive-through pageant. It started in 1975 and is always held the first full week of Dec. The pageant is a living nativity complete with children and animals in the care of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. The pageant depicts the life of Jesus Christ, including his birth, death, and resurrection. The organization believes their event prepares individuals for celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus Christ. A drive-through pageant does not need parking, so none is available. Guests line up on 33rd Street to enter the pageant. If it is raining or snowing and road conditions are hazardous, the event is canceled. Visitors are allowed to take pictures. There is no charge for admission, but donations are welcome.
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