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Registered sex offenders zip code 27534

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According to our research of North Carolina and other state lists, there were 44 registered sex offenders living in zip code 27534 (Goldsboro, NC) as of April 25, 2024.
The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code 27534 is 770 to 1.
The ratio of registered sex offenders to all residents in this zip code is lower than the state average.

Crime in Goldsboro detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson

Zip code 27534 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to nearest zip codes:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
Zip code 27534:

Zip code 28578:

Zip code 28580:

Zip code 27863:

Zip code 27830:

Zip code 28551:

Zip code 28333:

Zip code 27530:

Zip code 27883:

Zip code 27534 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to county and state:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
Zip code 27534:

Wayne County:

North Carolina:


  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-02-28, Conviction date: 2003-01-10, Release date: 2004-02-13, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 1Y4M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-02-28, Conviction date: 2003-01-10, Release date: 2004-02-13, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 1Y4M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-02-28, Conviction date: 2003-01-10, Release date: 2004-02-13, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 1Y4M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-02-28, Conviction date: 2003-01-10, Release date: 2004-02-13, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1969-04-25
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 147 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc face - on left side right side of face 2 each; sc r hnd - shot wound 1 long; tat lf arm - face on left bicep; tat r arm - a dagger
Race: Black
Registration date: 2004-02-23
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1994-10-01, Conviction date: 2023-02-17, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 11

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1968-11-30
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r elb - surgery scar
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-03-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2010-04-01, Conviction date: 2011-02-17, Probation: 9Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 13

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1988-12-01
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc abdom; tat r arm; tat l shld; tat chest - rose; tat l hip - cross; tat r hnd - cross; tat l arm - beast; tat r brst
Race: White
Registration date: 2018-10-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2017-01-26, Conviction date: 2021-10-27, Release date: 2023-11-07, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 3Y3M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1981-11-29
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 223 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear - 1 hole; prcd r ear - 1 hole; sc l leg - gun shout wound 6 on each side; tat l arm - ashley; tat l arm - forgiven skulls snake dragon cross; tat r arm - forever woman tribal band; tat r shld - tribal band; tat r shld - tribal moon; tat r wrs - tribal band
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-11-08
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 1ST DEGREE, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1996-06-01, Conviction date: 1998-02-16, Release date: 2021-05-30, Statute: 14-27.2, Victim's age: 6, Confinement: 29Y7M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1996-06-01, Conviction date: 1998-02-16, Release date: 2021-05-30, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 6, Confinement: 29Y7M
  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 1ST DEGREE, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1996-06-01, Conviction date: 1998-02-16, Release date: 2021-05-30, Statute: 14-27.4, Victim's age: 6, Confinement: 29Y7M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1971-10-03
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 204 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - tattoo
Race: White
Registration date: 2021-06-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2017-01-04, Conviction date: 2021-06-30, Release date: 2021-07-01, Statute: 14-27.33, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 150D

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1973-11-24
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l shld; sc r arm; tat r arm
Race: Black
Registration date: 2021-07-08
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1994-12-30, Conviction date: 1995-12-07, Release date: 2001-07-11, Probation: 48M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 10, Confinement: 16M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1976-03-14
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r shld - initials
Race: Black
Registration date: 2001-07-15
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-04-18, Conviction date: 2005-03-14, Release date: 2011-01-28, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 3Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1985-09-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat lf arm
Race: White
Registration date: 2011-02-01
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: KIDNAPPING AGAINST A MINOR (1ST,2ND), Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1996-02-10, Conviction date: 1997-07-21, Release date: 2001-10-08, Probation: 6M, Statute: 14-39, Victim's age: 8, Confinement: 31M-47M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1979-12-01
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: mole l fgr - wart l ring finger; tat l arm - cross; tat rf arm - mob
Race: White
Registration date: 2001-10-09
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2018-10-15, Conviction date: 2019-06-12, Release date: 2021-08-23, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 2Y5M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1992-03-13
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 226 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r hnd - mob
Race: Black
Registration date: 2021-08-31
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: JOHNSTON COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-12-10, Conviction date: 2004-01-28, Release date: 2004-01-28, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 43D
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: JOHNSTON COUNTY, Offense date: 2008-08-12, Conviction date: 2008-12-01, Release date: 2009-10-08, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1986-05-05
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r shld - d gutta in olde english script
Race: Black
Registration date: 2009-10-09
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2020-02-08, Conviction date: 2024-01-02, Probation: 24M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1991-11-07
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2024-01-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAKE COUNTY, Offense date: 2015-02-25, Conviction date: 2015-05-13, Probation: 16M, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 17

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1969-07-05
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - picture of two shotguns; tat chest - liberty bell; tat l shld - aunk; tat lf arm - pitch fork; tat r hnd - lg with six point star; tat abdom - one of his disciples; tat l arm - angela; tat l hnd - ebony; tat neck - ali; tat neck - mishka; tat r arm - no mercy
Race: Black
Registration date: 2017-06-29
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: ATTEMPTED RAPE OR ATTEMPTED SEX OFFENSE (1ST,2ND DEGREE), Location: WILSON COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-04-21, Conviction date: 2003-10-09, Release date: 2012-05-22, Statute: 14-27.6, Confinement: 12Y2M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1971-09-25
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat chest - d l e f; tat l arm - fela sign and thug; tat r arm - heart w an i; tat r wrs - outlaw
Race: Black
Registration date: 2012-05-25
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Conviction date: 1996-11-15, Probation: 12M, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1960-05-18
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2011-10-21
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: JOHNSTON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1995-05-30, Release date: 2007-10-15, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 20Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-06-01
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2007-10-22
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL OFFENSE WITH CERTAIN VICTIMS, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-03-21, Conviction date: 2021-05-26, Release date: 2022-10-17, Statute: 14-27.7, Confinement: 3Y8M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1974-07-26
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 251 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r arm - 2 inch scar
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-10-25
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-05-01, Conviction date: 2009-08-05, Probation: 24M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 4

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-04-16
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 207 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2009-08-25
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-10-21, Conviction date: 2001-02-26, Release date: 2004-03-11, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-08-20
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 144 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r hip; tat abdom; tat chest; tat neck; tat ul arm; tat ur arm; tat l arm - cross gw; tat r arm - peace sign with lightening bolt
Race: White
Registration date: 2004-03-15
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-06-01, Conviction date: 2012-04-16, Release date: 2021-09-26, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y9M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1947-09-15
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l leg - small scar just below the lt knee
Race: White
Registration date: 2021-10-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-05-10, Conviction date: 2007-01-17, Release date: 2012-05-02, Statute: 14-27.5, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 7Y5M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1972-05-24
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - 2 dragons face; tat r arm - grim reaper face
Race: Black
Registration date: 2012-05-07
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-07-01, Conviction date: 2006-10-10, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1950-10-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc back; sc up lip
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-02-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR - SEX AROUSAL WITH A CHILD, Location: EDGECOMBE COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-10-01, Conviction date: 2014-12-03, Probation: 14M, Statute: 14-202.1.A.1, Victim's age: 11

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1989-09-03
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 199 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat neck - jay; tat rf arm - cross with praying hands; tat r arm - lois
Race: Black
Registration date: 2014-12-03
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: ATTEMPTED RAPE OR ATTEMPTED SEX OFFENSE (1ST,2ND DEGREE), Location: CRAVEN COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-11-15, Conviction date: 2006-09-07, Release date: 2015-07-30, Probation: 5Y, Statute: 14-27.6, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 12Y2M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-04-09
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 177 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc head - 1 forehead; sc nose - 1 under nose
Race: Black
Registration date: 2015-07-31
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-12-03, Conviction date: 2016-08-09, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1967-07-01
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm; tat r ankl - mildred
Race: White
Registration date: 2018-10-30
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Offense date: 2010-11-01, Conviction date: 2013-01-14, Release date: 2013-01-14, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 12M-15M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-02-10
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 206 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - 02 10 1983; tat r arm - blue rose; tat ul arm - panther with a snake wrapped around; tat face - two hearts with music notes; tat ur arm; tat l chk
Race: Black
Registration date: 2013-01-17
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: GUILFORD COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-07-25, Conviction date: 2012-08-15, Release date: 2014-05-27, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y8M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: GUILFORD COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-07-25, Conviction date: 2012-08-15, Release date: 2014-05-27, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y8M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1976-08-03
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: disc neck - birthmark
Race: Black
Registration date: 2014-05-30
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-11-01, Conviction date: 2018-07-23, Probation: 10Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 7

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1994-08-01
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat lf arm - chain around wrist with flames; tat chest - bear paw with star and text ribbons; tat l fgr - heart with k; tat lf arm - 2 angels holding w hebrew lettering
Race: Unknown
Registration date: 2018-08-23
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1992-06-01, Conviction date: 1996-05-29, Release date: 2007-02-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 7, Confinement: 10Y
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1992-06-01, Conviction date: 1996-05-29, Release date: 2007-02-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 7, Confinement: 10Y
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1992-06-01, Conviction date: 1996-05-29, Release date: 2007-02-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 7, Confinement: 10Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1941-09-28
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2007-02-21
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-06-05, Conviction date: 2005-04-25, Release date: 2009-11-20, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 2Y
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-06-05, Conviction date: 2005-04-25, Release date: 2009-11-20, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 2Y
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-06-05, Conviction date: 2005-04-25, Release date: 2009-11-20, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 2Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1964-05-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 202 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm; sc r hnd - surgical scar
Race: Black
Registration date: 2009-11-23
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: CARTERET COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-06-13, Conviction date: 2014-04-28, Probation: 3Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1993-02-15
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 256 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l knee; tat lf arm - skull containing 3 roses
Race: Black
Registration date: 2014-08-22
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1997-12-09, Conviction date: 1999-04-15, Release date: 2003-09-30, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 002Y06M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1971-06-20
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 169 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc abdom - surgical scar on abdomen; sc r hnd; sc r leg - the length of the upper leg
Race: Black
Registration date: 2003-10-01
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2020-06-25, Conviction date: 2021-11-17, Release date: 2021-11-29, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 12M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1958-07-12
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 6'04"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2021-12-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2021-11-15, Conviction date: 2023-01-03, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1970-03-06
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2023-02-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Conviction date: 2008-07-31, Release date: 2009-05-12, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 1Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1982-07-16
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2009-07-20
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2014-05-27, Conviction date: 2015-03-06, Probation: 18M, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 18

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-09-23
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear; prcd r ear
Race: White
Registration date: 2015-06-23
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: GREENE COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-11-01, Conviction date: 2013-07-22, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 5

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1993-10-28
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2013-07-22
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: EDGECOMBE COUNTY, Offense date: 1993-06-13, Conviction date: 1994-01-18, Release date: 2003-10-03, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 018Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1975-10-23
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'08"
Weight: 290 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat chest - baby lion; tat back - world war 6; tat l arm - a globe w writing; tat r arm - big 6
Race: Black
Registration date: 2003-10-07
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2016-06-10, Conviction date: 2019-06-10, Probation: 72M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 8
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 2016-06-10, Conviction date: 2019-06-10, Probation: 72M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 6

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1958-10-24
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2019-07-02
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: CABARRUS COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-06-01, Conviction date: 2003-03-20, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-202.1

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1979-12-07
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear - both ears; sc r hnd; sc r hnd - 2 accident
Race: Black
Registration date: 2003-11-03
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1986-11-01, Conviction date: 1987-05-15, Release date: 2023-03-21, Statute: 14-27.3, Confinement: 12Y

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1960-03-19
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r fgr
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-11-09
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: WAYNE COUNTY, Offense date: 1998-11-26, Conviction date: 1999-06-09, Release date: 1999-06-14, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 5, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-01-01
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 162 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc face - left eye
Race: White
Registration date: 1999-06-21
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: Sentence: Term: 16 Month(s) to 4 Year(s) State Prison; Offense description: Actual,MoreThanOnce Sexual Intercourse; Actual,MoreThanOnce Sexual Contact; charge: Attempted Rape-2nd:Person 18 Yrs Old or More Has Intercourse With Person<15 Yrs, Jurisdiction: North Carolina Bureau of Investigation - Sex Offender Registry

Risk level: 3
City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1985-09-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo-arm, left; scar-arm, left; tattoo-arm, right; tattoo-arm, left; tattoo-arm, right
Race: White
Ethnicity: Not Hispanic
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF A MINOR, Offense date: 2005-11-14, Statute: 39-17-1003

Risk level: Sexual
City: Goldsboro, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 12/29/1974
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 235 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2009-07-23
Based on this official offender page

No representation is made that the persons listed here are currently on the state's sex offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered sex offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of City-data.com assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site.