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Registered sex offenders zip code 98661

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According to our research of Washington and other state lists, there were 57 registered sex offenders living in zip code 98661 (Vancouver, WA) as of April 24, 2024.
The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code 98661 is 798 to 1.

Crime in Vancouver detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson

Zip code 98661 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to nearest zip codes:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
Zip code 98686:

Zip code 98664:

Zip code 97217:

Zip code 97218:

Zip code 98662:

Zip code 97211:

Zip code 98665:

Zip code 98661:

Zip code 98663:

Zip code 98661 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to county and state:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
Clark County:


Zip code 98661:


  • Crime: 9A.44.070 - Statutory Rape in the first degree, Conviction date: 1987-02-20, Statute: 9A.44.070, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 163.427 - Sexual abuse in the first degree, Conviction date: 1998-02-27, Jurisdiction: Oregon

Risk level: Level III
City: Unknown, OR
Sex: Male
Age: 63
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Conviction date: 1997-10-30, Release date: 1999-04-12, Probation: 2Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 2Y4M

City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1977-06-19
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 248 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd ears; prcd llip; sc chest; sc neck; sc rf arm; tat back - unc ram; tat l arm - guy flipping bird; tat neck - transformer symbols on both sides; tat r arm - woman sitting on another womans face; tat rf arm - small nc symbol; tat ur arm - tweety bird; tat lf arm - october 28 1992; tat rf arm - january 23 1943; tat abdom - get lowriderz; tat chest - asshole by nature; tat l arm - courtney
Race: Black
Registration date: 2010-11-03
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: WA-FELONY, Conviction date: 2010-04-22

City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Date of birth: 10/04/1981
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 601
Weight: 230 lbs.
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: PUBLIC INDECENCY-FEL, Conviction date: 2017-08-04

City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Date of birth: 09/02/1993
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 600
Weight: 155 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoos: neck; tattoos: arm, right; tattoos: arm, left
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: FL - SEXUAL BATTERY BY ADULT, VICTIM UNDER 12, Offense date: 2001-01-16, Statute: 39-13-PT5

Risk level: Violent Against Children
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 10/23/1981
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2015-09-04
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(12)(A) - Sex offender/felony-kidnap fail to register, Conviction date: 2014-06-20, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 68
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 1994-09-15, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 65
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 311.11(c) - POSSESS/CONTROL OBSCENE MATTER DEPICTING MINOR IN SEXUAL CONDUCT, Conviction date: 2015-04-28, Jurisdiction: California

City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Female
Age: 44
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 325 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2001-04-10, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 53
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.070 - Possession of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct 1, Conviction date: 2017-02-22, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Red
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_forearm (jedi symbol); tattoo on r_forearm (thor's hammer, iron cross); tattoo on r_shoulder (kanji - "strength); tattoo on r_calf ("cfh", "66-04")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 330 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.086 - Child molestation in the second degree, Conviction date: 2014-12-05, Statute: 9A.44.086, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 211 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm ("69"); tattoo on upper_r_arm (demon jester); tattoo on l_forearm (cross with banner, "rip wally", "1973 2000"); tattoo on r_forearm (skull); tattoo on l_shoulder ("mom", heart); tattoo on r_shoulder ("alyssa", "brayden", "katrina"); tattoo on l_calf (hatchet man); tattoo on rh_finger ("5150"); tattoo on l_hand ("mk")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 1998-09-08, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.060 - Rape in the third degree, Conviction date: 1979-12-31, Statute: 9A.44.060

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 54
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.076 - Rape of a child in the second degree, Conviction date: 2006-10-11, Statute: 9A.44.076, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm (skull, flames); tattoo on l_forearm (iron cross); tattoo on r_forearm (japanese symbol); tattoo on l_shoulder (tribal); tattoo on r_shoulder (tribal); tattoo on neck (japanese symbol); tattoo on l_calf (tribal, star, kanji symbol, start of skull); tattoo on r_calf (skull, tribal, star); tattoo on l_wrist ((3) star); tattoo on lower lip ((inside) "bite me"); tattoo on neck ("forgiven" (2) star); tattoo on r_foot (kanji symbol); tattoo on abdomen ((r-side) scorpion); tattoo on back ("bruiser"); tattoo on chest (demon skull (right side)); tattoo on chest (gabriel); piercing on ear (both ears gauged .5" pierced)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 2010-12-14, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.88.010 - Indecent exposure, Conviction date: 2010-12-14, Statute: 9A.88.010, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9.68A.090GM - Communication with minor for immoral purposes -unless prior conviction for any other sex offense, than a C, Conviction date: 2010-12-14, Statute: 9.68A.090, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 49
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on back (jester)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.100 - Indecent liberties, Conviction date: 2016-12-21, Statute: 9A.44.100, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 49
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm (skull, snake, "4 all"); tattoo on r_forearm (skulls); tattoo on r_shoulder (skull); tattoo on l_ankle (cross); tattoo on back (lady, wings, flames)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.090(2) - Comm w/Minor for Immoral Purposes, Conviction date: 2016-08-23, Statute: 9.68A.090, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm (skull w/wings, crossed bones); tattoo on r_hand ((#2) crown, "rotten")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 2004-11-04, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on r_shoulder (1/8")
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2008-04-21, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 55
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Race: Hispanic
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.36.021 - Assault in the second degree, Conviction date: 2010-06-07, Statute: 9A.36.021, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 2012-01-27, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 2012-01-27, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.089 - Child molestation in the third degree, Conviction date: 2018-08-16, Statute: 9A.44.089, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level III
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 192 lbs.
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2002-03-15, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level III
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on l_arm; tattoo on l_forearm; scar on chest; scar on l_hand; tattoo on neck (both sides)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 2008-01-18, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 59
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on r_forearm (3")
Race: Am Ind
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.076 - Rape of a child in the second degree, Conviction date: 1997-04-24, Statute: 9A.44.076, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 73
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2007-03-20, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Bald
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_arm; tattoo on r_arm ("west"); tattoo on l_forearm ("jasmin", "wsr", "piru", jesse"/"rip"/"yum yum" & "lil", "pb"); tattoo on upper_l_arm ("side"); tattoo on abdomen ("droopy"); scar on forearm; scar on neck (1"); scar on l_knee (multiple sc)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2008-12-19, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 314.1 - INDECENT EXPOSURE, Conviction date: 2000-10-11, Jurisdiction: California

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 55
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 232 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_r_arm (bear claw); tattoo on upper_l_arm (barb wire); scar on abdomen (surgery); prosthesis on (none); mark on (none); other on (none)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 163.415 - Sexual abuse in the third degree, Conviction date: 2009-07-30, Jurisdiction: Oregon

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on r_wrist (724); tattoo on chest (left upper chest, "braxton")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 1991-11-08, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.100 - Indecent liberties, Conviction date: 2007-05-30, Statute: 9A.44.100, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 61
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 310 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_r_arm (falcon); tattoo on l_forearm (tribal, wolf); tattoo on r_forearm (skylar); scar on l_hand (2")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2003-09-17, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.100 - Indecent liberties, Conviction date: 2011-08-04, Statute: 9A.44.100, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level III
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 38
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2015-12-02, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2019-01-15, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on r_arm; tattoo on r_forearm ("jeannie"); tattoo on l_calf (native art)
Race: Am Ind
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 2008-03-13, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2011-07-27, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 50
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.076 - Rape of a child in the second degree, Conviction date: 2014-01-03, Statute: 9A.44.076, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 167 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_hand (4 dots); tattoo on r_forearm ("bonez"); tattoo on l_hand (4 dots, cross)
Race: Am Ind
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 288a - ORAL COPULATION, Conviction date: 1993-12-02
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2008-06-03, Statute: 9A.44.130

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 72
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 172 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 1993-12-10, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 72
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 163.433 - Online sexual corruption of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 2022-01-26, Jurisdiction: Oregon

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.070 - Possession of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.,, Conviction date: 2011-07-27, Statute: 9.68A.070, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level III
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 199 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on r_eyebrow (1"); scar on forehead; scar on r_knee (sm)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.073 - Rape of a child in the first degree, Conviction date: 2000-01-06, Statute: 9A.44.073, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2000-12-28, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9.68A.090(2) - Comm w/Minor for Immoral Purposes, Conviction date: 2016-04-25, Statute: 9.68A.090, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 235 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.070 - Possession of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct 1, Conviction date: 2016-01-22, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on ankle (1")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 2000-11-27, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 61
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 163.405 - Sodomy in the first degree, Conviction date: 1996-01-19, Jurisdiction: Oregon
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2011-07-07, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 73
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: White
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 194 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.090GM - Communication with minor for immoral purposes -unless prior conviction for any other sex offense, than a C, Conviction date: 2011-12-06, Statute: 9.68A.090, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 69
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on abdomen (3 inches)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.40.040 - Unlawful imprisonment, Conviction date: 2001-06-06, Statute: 9A.40.040, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.44.130(12)(A) - Sex offender/felony-kidnap fail to register, Conviction date: 2009-05-22, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Kidnapping
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.100 - Commercial sexual abuse of a minor Penalties, Conviction date: 2018-06-29, Statute: 9.68A.100, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9.68A.090 - Communication with minor for immoral purposes, Conviction date: 2018-06-29, Statute: 9.68A.090, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 53
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.083 - Child molestation in the first degree, Conviction date: 2015-06-30, Statute: 9A.44.083, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_leg (turtle); scar on l_forearm (3"); scar on l_hand (3")
Race: Asian Or Pac. Isl.
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.070 - Possession of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct 1, Conviction date: 2017-03-15, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 73
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on l_knee (7" sc); scar on abdomen (4" sc)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.130(11)(A) - Sex offender - felony - fail to register, Conviction date: 2018-01-04, Statute: 9A.44.130, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Unknown, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 66
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm (cross); tattoo on l_thigh (unicorn); tattoo on back ("rene"); scar on lh_finger; scar on face; scar on abdomen (12 inches)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.44.079 - Rape of a child in the third degree, Conviction date: 2004-10-21, Statute: 9A.44.079, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 64
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on upper_l_leg
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.40.040 - Unlawful imprisonment, Conviction date: 2010-05-03, Statute: 9A.40.040, Jurisdiction: Washington
  • Crime: 9A.28.020b - Attempted Rape 2, Conviction date: 2010-05-03, Statute: 9A.28.020, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 37
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on upper_l_arm (tribal, "usmc"); tattoo on chest (oriental writing); scar on l_forearm (1 inch)
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9A.36.021 2(b) - Assault in the second degree with a finding of sexual motivation, Conviction date: 2012-02-09, Jurisdiction: Washington

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 65
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: scar on abdomen (8'")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 130.25 - Rape in the third degree, Conviction date: 2011-07-21, Jurisdiction: New York

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 47
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 240 lbs.
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: 9.68A.075(2) - Viewing Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct 2, Conviction date: 2021-10-06

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 55
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_forearm (star/name); tattoo on back ("ryerson")
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

Risk level: Level II
City: Vancouver, WA
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on l_forearm (cross, "bb isaiah holifield 12/4/04 4/18/17"); tattoo on upper_l_arm ("holifield")
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

No representation is made that the persons listed here are currently on the state's sex offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered sex offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of City-data.com assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site.