Annual Events & Festivals - Alexandria, Virginia

1. Mount Vernon Open House

City: Alexandria, VA
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (703) 780-2000

Description: After the parade in Old Town on George Washington’s Birthday, head south to George Washington’s lovely estate on the Potomac for an afternoon of period costumes, music, and food. Admission is free of charge on this special day, which usually includes a performance on the bowling green by the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps and the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard. A tour of the house is worth the wait, and “George Washington” will be on the grounds all day to receive your birthday wishes.

2. Civil War Camp Day

City: Alexandria, VA
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (703) 838-4848
Address: 4301 West Braddock Road

Description: Fort Ward was one of several Union fortifications that encircled Washington during the Civil War. This living history reenacts Union and Confederate camp life, complete with artillery drills. Suggested donation is $2.

3. Virginia Scottish Games

City: Alexandria, VA
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (703) 912-1943
Address: 4301 West Braddock Road

Description: The Virginia Scottish Games used to be held annually in July, but organizers moved it to September in 2006 in hopes of milder weather. No matter the month, it’s still a treat to watch Northern Virginia embrace its Scottish heritage at this weekend fete. Entertainment highlights include Highland dancing, bagpiping, fiddling, and athletic events. Scottish foods, crafts, and genealogy exhibits are also part of the popular festival. Admission fee applies.
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