

Food and food products account for about one-third of the total annual value of shipments by manufacturers, including sugar and pineapples. Other major industries are clothing; stone, clay, and glass products; fabricated metals; and shipbuilding.

Hawaii's publicly held corporations include Amfac, involved in food processing, merchandising, and land development; and Castle & Cooke, which owns the Dole and Bumble Bee food product lines. Other corporations are Dillingham, which is involved in maritime industries and land development, and Brewer (owned by IU International), which produces 20% of the state's sugar and more than half the world's macadamia nuts.

Earnings of persons employed in Hawaii increased from $22.8 billion in 1997 to $23.3 billion in 1998, an increase of 1.9%. The largest industries in 1998 were services, 30.6% of earnings; retail trade, 12.3%; and state and local government, 12.2%. Of the industries that accounted for at least 5% of earnings in 1998, the slowest growing from 1997 to 1998 was construction (6.4% of earnings in 1998), which decreased 5.7%; the fastest was federal civilian government (6.0% of earnings in 1998), which increased 9.2%.