
Political parties

Both Republicans and Democrats established party organizations early in the 20th century when Hawaii was still a territory. Before statehood, the Republican Party dominated the political scene; since the 1960s, however, Hawaii was solidly Democratic.

Democrat Al Gore won 56% of the vote in the presidential election in 2000, while Republican George W. Bush garnered 38%, and Green Party candidate Ralph Nader took 6%. Democrat Daniel K Inouye first won election to the US Senate in 1962, he was reelected in 1968, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1992, and 1998. Democratic Senator Daniel K. Akaka, first appointed in 1990 and elected to a full term in 1994, was reelected in 2000. In 2002 there were 676,242 registered voters; there is no party registration in the state. The state had four electoral votes in the 2000 presidential election.

Hawaii Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, 1960–2000
Hawaii Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, 1960–2000

Hawaii Presidential Vote by Major Political Parties, 1960–2000

*Won US presidential election.
**Independent candidate Ross Perot received 53,003 votes in 1992 and 27,358 votes in l996.
***Green Party candidate Ralph Nader received 21,623 votes in 2000.
1960 3 *Kennedy (D) 92,410 92,295
1964 4 *Johnson (D) 163,249 44,022
1968 4 Humphrey (D) 141,324 91,425
1972 4 *Nixon (R) 101,433 168,933
1976 4 *Carter (D) 147,375 140,003
1980 4 Carter (D) 135,879 130,112
1984 4 *Reagan (R) 147,154 185,050
1988 4 Dukakis (D) 192,364 158,625
1992** 4 *Clinton (D) 179,310 136,822
1996** 4 *Clinton (D) 205,012 113,943
2000*** 4 Gore (D) 205,286 137,845