Anniston: Todd Jones, superintendent of the Center for Domestic Preparedness...
Photo date: August 4, 2011
Photographer: FEMA / Shannon Arledge
Photo location: Anniston AL
Categories: Training, Chemical/Biological
Todd Jones, superintendent of the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), displays his COBRA pin after completing a training course at the Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, and Radiological (COBRA) Training Facility. Emergency responders attending a COBRA course are presented the coveted COBRA pin—a King Cobra in a hooded threat display, a recognizable warning posture—signifying their successful entry and execution of tasks in a toxic environment. The COBRA Training Facility is the nation’s only toxic chemical agent training facility for civilian responders. Learn more about the CDP at (Photo by Shannon Arledge/FEMA)

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