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Old 11-25-2014, 11:24 AM
4,686 posts, read 6,136,209 times
Reputation: 3988


This witness is probably the guy I was talking about as it matches the account from that video as well.

Interview Witness 10

Old 11-25-2014, 11:25 AM
Location: Vallejo
21,863 posts, read 25,121,078 times
Reputation: 19070
Originally Posted by lunetunelover View Post
No, I don't have much experience with guns. That's just not something I have an interest in. However, that doesn't make me some naive little poster on the internet who doesn't know how things work "in the real world." My husband was a sharp shooter in the military and participated in William Tell competitions regularly.

Anyone with decent gun skills could manage not to shoot to kill. Rarely is the intended target so far away that the only thing you can hit is the torso. A good shot to a knee or leg will just as easily get a criminal target down so they can be arrested.

If you can't understand that, then I'm glad you aren't cops.
Yes, I'm sure he participated in William Tell competitions "regularly"

And do tell how his expertise as a pilot help qualify yourself in your opinion that anyone with decent gun skills could manage not to shoot to kill. Right now all we've got that you admittedly know nothing about guns and nothing about the military (despite your husband supposedly having been in it). I'm leaning towards habitual liar myself, but you could just be clueless and I'll give you that benefit of the doubt.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:29 AM
1,385 posts, read 1,523,409 times
Reputation: 1723
Complete nonsense if you have an objective understanding of African history.

Also, the media keeps telling us that Ferguson is a predominantly black community -- yet they always fail to mention that it wasn't as recently as just a few decades ago. So what happened that this changed? Why is it that "most black[s] would never treat others the way we have been treated for such a LONG time" that whites are compelled to flee communities that black take over? There must be thousands of stories of victimization that haven't and never will be told, because to do so means being painted as a "racist". So Ferguson was a white community with a white local government, police and FD. The white citizens left leaving behind the white leadership, and then suddenly there are "systemic problems" because the community becomes predominantly black? And the black activist "community leaders" want us to believe that there is a long-standing problem with the white police force. How could this be if Ferguson was predominantly white up until recently? They talk like there have been hundreds of Michael Browns over the years, but as of yet the media hasn't produced an example of one other such occurrence ever in Ferguson. It seems to me that Sharpton and other outside race-baiters and leftist activists are using the death of Michael Brown as an excuse to overthrow the local government and emergency services based solely on the color of their skin. For some reason it's perfectly fine to argue that a predominantly black community should have political leaders and police etc. solely of their own skin color, yet were a predominantly white community were to expect the same, people would be screaming "white supremacism" etc.

Originally Posted by NativeSon504 View Post
I'm disgusted by some of the things you just said woman, have you lost your damn mind? Nobody body down playing Mike Brown part in this situation but he ran AWAY from the officer. If he had shot once or twice to I could maybe understand. You tell me why he had to shoot all them damn times? That damn cop started with those young men for WALKING IN THE STREET. Shooting him that many times was UNJUSTIFIED and you know it. By the way you're right racist come in all colors but do you know how hard it is for a black person to be a racist being what we've been going thru for over 400years till this day ourselves. Most black would never treat others the way we have been treated for such a LONG time. You need to look up the definition of racism and/or racist and tell what the hell the average black person would get out of being a racist. By the way who started racism? Ask your self that. Also ask your self why is it MOST of the time its black men getting murdered by cops? We hardly ever if ever hear this happening to white kids? You know why because white folks would not tolerate it and somebody would have a price to pay. A black life means nothing in this country and you know it. I'M PISSED
Old 11-25-2014, 11:30 AM
Location: Coastal Georgia
50,362 posts, read 63,939,201 times
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I haven't read all the comments, but what struck me was that none of the protestors were watching the statement, or waited to read the statement, by the prosecutor, outlining the actual facts that resulted in the decision.
It is as if facts are not at all important.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:31 AM
Location: Brooklyn New York
18,469 posts, read 31,627,689 times
Reputation: 28007
I just saw a clip on the TV, WOW, unbelieveable. men smashing store windows, fires every where.

Animals these people are nothing more than animals to be behaving like this.

This is what shows thier mentality. A smart rational person would not do this.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:31 AM
Location: Vallejo
21,863 posts, read 25,121,078 times
Reputation: 19070
Originally Posted by robbobobbo View Post
Other countries have managed to figure it out. The two guys who murdered Lee Rigby in England waited for police to arrive and then charged at them, one assailant with a gun and the other with a cleaver. The British police shot and disabled them.


Amazing. You can tell that the officers involved in that shooting were aiming to disable? I sure can't. Great if they are such crack shots, but that's not what they're trained to do. Just like our police, they're trained to shoot for center mass.

Shooting to wound - Police Firearms Officers Association
Old 11-25-2014, 11:32 AM
639 posts, read 820,792 times
Reputation: 465
Originally Posted by xray731 View Post
Better get your facts straight before you call someone out! The cop saw them walking in the straight and they resembled the suspects that had just robbed the grocery store. He wanted to talk to them to see where they were going and were they'd been to determine if they were the suspects from the robbery. After running away - Brown stopped, turned around and started approaching the officer - the officer told him to stop and get down on the ground but instead Michael came running at him - and had his hand under his shirt, which led the officer to believe he may have had a weapon. He was again told to stop and drop but kept coming. Sorry - but if a 6 foot 300lb adult is charging me - I'm going to shoot until he is down and no longer a threat.

White, black, red or yellow - each color and nationality has at time been subject to poor treatment and conditions in the US - but blacks are the only ones that continue to perpetuate the race card and feel someone owes them. Bloacks re the only ones who destroy their own communities because they want it their way. My black friends are offended by the actions of a few, who don't represent their race. My friends took advantage of everything possible to make something of themselves.

Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.

Are you trying to justify killing an unarmed man? Man I have heard it all. You people, just don't get it do you. First of all white people in general are taught to fear black people especially black men so MOST not ALL white folks already have a preconceived notion in there head that black men are a threat I don't care if his pants are sagging or if he has on a three piece suit and you know it. I don't agree with some the actions of a few either in Ferguson either but don't make it about that. The bottom line people are hurt and downright mad because there was a clear injustice done. I hope the friends you are talking about are not "token negroes" and I'll just leave that at that. "RACE CARD" how in the hell do you think we even have a so called "race card" to play? I wonder how that was obtained. If being black was never a issue in the FIRST PLACE we would not have a race card to play in the first place, now would we? Do you smell what I'm cooking. Also I'll dare try to compare the UNJUSTIFIED killings by the police of UNARMED black men to that of whites there is NO COMPARISON and any reasonable knows this. I can go down the list Sean Bell, Mike Brown, Victor White who supposedly shot himself while HANDCUFFED behind his back, the guy in New York who was choked to death and when he said he could not breath they kept on etc. I can go on an on. You need to get your head out your ass partner.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:33 AM
Location: Altadena, CA
1,596 posts, read 2,058,161 times
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Originally Posted by robbobobbo View Post
Other countries have managed to figure it out. The two guys who murdered Lee Rigby in England waited for police to arrive and then charged at them, one assailant with a gun and the other with a cleaver. The British police shot and disabled them.

With the exception of this grossly brutal case, the UK/England doesn't have the crime rates that we have here in America. Interview a London police person, then interview the RCMP in Canada, and interview a cop in Any Big City, USA, and you will see a clear difference as to why lethal force is resorted to more frequently.

Apples and oranges.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:34 AM
Location: Houston, TX
254 posts, read 464,482 times
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Originally Posted by ringwise View Post
Not ignorant - FACT. He'd just committed armed robbery. A felony. He was only 18. He may have turned his life around, but it's not likely. After years in prison, he most likely would come out MORE of a criminal. He was on the wrong path at 18. Why would you think things would change that drastically down the road, unless it was WAY down the road.

Frat boys don't try and grab guns from police officers. If they do, yes, they will get shot. Getting drunk is FAR different from armed robbery, then assault on a police officer. Twice.

How is my comment awful. Again, just stating facts. The fact is, if a young black man is already using his huge size at 18 to commit armed robbery, AND had tried to shoot a police officer, I'm pretty sure he was headed to prison. Repeatedly.

I do understand where these kids come from. And I certainly feel for them. But he was "lost" at birth. Raised in a neighborhood that glorified living off the government teat. Thinking nothing of robbing a store. Thinking nothing of assaulting a police officer. I blame his parents. I've seen his mother, and see where he got his "values" from.

I think it's you who doesn't understand where these "kids" come from. You think that they can just flip a switch and change their upbringing, lack of morals and the fact that if they do try and make something of themselves they are mocked by their community and their family. Nah, you won't. You would rather blame the police officer that was just trying to go home to his family at the end of the day, and sadly ran into a thug that had zero respect for laws.
Dude, your ability to tell the future with such accuracy is amazing! Tell me the winning lotto numbers! Yes yes, he was lost at birth. No chance for a person like him at all. And I've never heard stories of someone reforming themselves in prison. NEVER.

Try me again on understanding where these kids come from. Step into 3rd ward Houston where my family is from and then tell me I don't understand. My mother is from Dennis St. POOR. My pops is from the slums of Jacksonville. I grew up in Klein. Amazing. 2 kids that were "lost" at birth grew up to be successful and raise children in an affluent suburb.

I don't blame the police officer. I blame people like you who don't try.

Your understanding of the incredible human psyche is flawed.
Old 11-25-2014, 11:35 AM
Location: Vallejo
21,863 posts, read 25,121,078 times
Reputation: 19070
Originally Posted by NativeSon504 View Post
Are you trying to justify killing an unarmed man? Man I have heard it all. You people, just don't get it do you. First of all white people in general are taught to fear black people especially black men so MOST not ALL white folks already have a preconceived notion in there head that black men are a threat I don't care if his pants are sagging or if he has on a three piece suit and you know it. I don't agree with some the actions of a few either in Ferguson either but don't make it about that. The bottom line people are hurt and downright mad because there was a clear injustice done. I hope the friends you are talking about are not "token negroes" and I'll just leave that at that. "RACE CARD" how in the hell do you think we even have a so called "race card" to play? I wonder how that was obtained. If being black was never a issue in the FIRST PLACE we would not have a race card to play in the first place, now would we? Do you smell what I'm cooking. Also I'll dare try to compare the UNJUSTIFIED killings by the police of UNARMED black men to that of whites there is NO COMPARISON and any reasonable knows this. I can go down the list Sean Bell, Mike Brown, Victor White who supposedly shot himself while HANDCUFFED behind his back, the guy in New York who was choked to death and when he said he could not breath they kept on etc. I can go on an on. You need to get your head out your ass partner.
I doubt it.

No reason to try to justify that. The grand jury did for everyone that thinks it was justified.
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