Detailed statistics for Colorado federal government workers

Various data about federal government jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

The average salary in Colorado is $79,124.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the lowest and the highest average salary:

Gender breakdown within the state

The majority of people working in Colorado are male. The ratio can be seen here:
The salary distribution between genders in Colorado also varies. The graphs below represents those differences: :

Average salary by profession in Colorado

Breakdown of grades: number of employees working at each grade and their average salary

Grade Number of employees Average salary
GS 13 420 $103,065
GS 08 402 $51,123
VN 02 329 $76,041
GS 12 319 $86,747
GS 07 289 $47,468
AT JH 281 $134,537
GS 12 276 $80,918
GS 12 248 $82,346
GS 13 243 $97,527
AD 00 220 $62,528
GS 04 204 $30,773
GS 13 202 $100,369
VN 03 199 $97,839
GS 05 198 $32,112
GS 05 186 $37,216
GS 11 185 $68,229
GS 06 180 $42,455
GS 09 179 $56,504
GS 12 179 $86,514
VM PH 178 $216,386
others 20,428 $79,391