Detailed statistics for Iowa federal government workers

Various data about federal government jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

The average salary in Iowa is $65,411.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the lowest and the highest average salary:

Gender breakdown within the state

The majority of people working in Iowa are male. The ratio can be seen here:
The salary distribution between genders in Iowa also varies. The graphs below represents those differences: :

Average salary by profession in Iowa

Breakdown of grades: number of employees working at each grade and their average salary

Grade Number of employees Average salary
VN 02 240 $64,182
VN 03 150 $81,623
VN 01 148 $54,178
AD PH 138 $191,663
GS 11 135 $67,059
GS 06 124 $43,325
GS 07 118 $44,359
WG 02 109 $31,420
VM PH 94 $205,448
AD 00 93 $58,230
GS 05 81 $35,327
GS 05 81 $36,186
GS 07 74 $47,268
GS 09 72 $57,632
GS 07 67 $46,705
GS 01 66 $20,324
GS 07 66 $45,186
GS 07 64 $38,911
GS 12 64 $84,469
GS 11 62 $65,524
others 4,587 $63,929