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El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico (NM) income map, earnings map, and wages data

The median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022 was $36,744, which was 62.5% less than the median annual income of $59,726 across the entire state of New Mexico. Compared to the median income of $25,761 in 2000 this represents an increase of 29.9%. The per capita income in 2022 was $18,196, which means an increase of 52.0% compared to 2000 when it was $8,734.

Income statistics for all residents

Median household income in 2022
Change in household income between 2000 and 2022
Median non-family household income in 2022
Change in non-family household income between 2000 and 2022
Median per capita income in 2022
Change in per capita income between 2000 and 2022
Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Distribution of median household income by age in 2022
Median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:

Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.7% (1,902)
New Mexico:

7.4% (62,451)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.9% (2,624)

9.5% (80,886)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.7% (1,919)

8.9% (75,578)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

13.6% (2,985)

9.1% (77,319)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.4% (1,841)

8.0% (67,979)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

4.9% (1,084)

7.2% (61,477)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.8% (1,703)

9.1% (77,047)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

12.2% (2,671)
New Mexico:

12.5% (106,292)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.5% (1,874)
New Mexico:

9.3% (79,200)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.5% (1,217)
New Mexico:

6.2% (52,769)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.3% (1,169)

6.4% (54,020)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

4.5% (981)
New Mexico:

6.3% (53,200)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $117,400,194
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Distribution of median family (with children under 18) income by family type
Distribution of median family (without children < 18) income by family type
Median non-family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:



Income statistics for White residents

Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Distribution of median household income by age in 2022
Median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.6% (904)

6.7% (30,275)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.7% (1,229)

8.1% (36,636)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.3% (551)

7.6% (34,662)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.4% (1,195)

8.5% (38,487)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.9% (1,037)

7.9% (35,775)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.6% (377)
New Mexico:

6.5% (29,590)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.8% (1,240)

9.4% (42,749)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.3% (1,189)

12.1% (54,752)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.6% (1,109)
New Mexico:

10.5% (47,619)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.6% (587)
New Mexico:

7.1% (32,441)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.2% (340)
New Mexico:

7.6% (34,408)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

6.9% (727)
New Mexico:

8.0% (36,335)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $64,552,591
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Number of families with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

12.5% (71)

3.2% (8,287)
Number of families with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

15.0% (85)

3.8% (9,892)
Number of families with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

6.1% (35)

4.9% (12,813)
Number of families with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

14.6% (83)

7.9% (20,670)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.0% (62)

7.4% (19,396)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

1.5% (8)

6.0% (15,747)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.9% (51)
New Mexico:

10.0% (26,136)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.0% (45)
New Mexico:

13.6% (35,677)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

4.7% (26)

9.4% (24,562)
Number of families with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

17.8% (101)

11.1% (29,014)
Median non-family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:

Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:



Income statistics for Black or African American residents

Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.0% (1)

6.7% (1,186)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)
New Mexico:

8.5% (1,505)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

15.0% (3)

14.3% (2,518)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)
New Mexico:

12.3% (2,169)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.0% (1)

5.1% (901)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)

8.4% (1,487)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)

9.4% (1,648)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)

11.6% (2,046)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2)

9.4% (1,660)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.0% (1)

3.6% (630)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.0% (1)

6.3% (1,113)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.0% (1)
New Mexico:

4.3% (749)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $2,149,850
Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:


Income statistics for Asian residents

Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $580,798
Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:


Income statistics for Hispanic or Latino residents

Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Distribution of median household income by age in 2022
Median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.9% (1,205)

7.7% (28,825)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.3% (1,370)

11.3% (42,162)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

13.3% (1,610)

10.3% (38,397)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

17.0% (2,062)

10.0% (37,425)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.9% (962)
New Mexico:

8.8% (32,925)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

6.4% (774)

8.2% (30,606)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.8% (460)

8.6% (32,270)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.6% (1,409)

13.3% (49,793)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.2% (1,118)
New Mexico:

8.1% (30,306)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

2.5% (305)

5.3% (19,926)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.9% (716)

4.9% (18,186)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

1.2% (142)

3.6% (13,321)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $60,424,876
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Number of families with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

12.7% (51)

7.5% (18,298)
Number of families with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

13.0% (53)

8.9% (21,661)
Number of families with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

18.4% (75)
New Mexico:

9.3% (22,776)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

16.6% (67)
New Mexico:

10.0% (24,418)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.2% (21)

8.1% (19,722)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.9% (32)

9.5% (23,251)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

16.0% (65)

14.4% (35,090)
Number of families with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.4% (42)

4.7% (11,406)
Median non-family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:


Income statistics for American Indian and Alaska Native residents

Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:

New Mexico:

Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

13.1% (3,835)

12.8% (7,750)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

14.1% (4,126)

14.0% (8,481)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.6% (2,821)

9.4% (5,714)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.0% (2,942)

10.2% (6,190)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.7% (2,263)
New Mexico:

7.8% (4,765)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.5% (2,489)

8.6% (5,205)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.3% (2,432)

8.3% (5,073)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.1% (3,248)
New Mexico:

11.3% (6,847)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.5% (2,191)

7.4% (4,504)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

4.2% (1,232)

4.3% (2,588)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.5% (1,035)

3.5% (2,146)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

2.4% (713)
New Mexico:

2.5% (1,505)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $470,800
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:



Income statistics for Multirace residents

Distribution of median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022
Income distribution in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM (%)
Income distribution in New Mexico (%)
Median household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park, NM in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.0% (117)

6.5% (12,332)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

12.1% (157)

10.6% (19,977)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

15.6% (203)

10.3% (19,459)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

16.8% (219)

8.8% (16,721)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

6.8% (89)
New Mexico:

7.4% (14,003)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.5% (46)
New Mexico:

9.0% (16,994)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

2.6% (34)
New Mexico:

8.9% (16,866)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.0% (91)

13.5% (25,577)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.0% (104)
New Mexico:

8.9% (16,792)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.5% (111)

5.6% (10,584)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.7% (126)

5.7% (10,849)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

0.4% (5)
New Mexico:

4.8% (9,158)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $1,024,410
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Median non-family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:



Income statistics for other residents

Number of households with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.2% (46)

8.9% (10,041)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.1% (62)

11.6% (13,195)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.6% (59)

10.7% (12,163)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.3% (63)

11.4% (12,903)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.7% (60)
New Mexico:

10.3% (11,698)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.9% (44)

6.8% (7,753)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

8.6% (48)

8.4% (9,473)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

12.5% (70)

13.7% (15,509)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

7.5% (42)

6.6% (7,461)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

5.7% (32)

5.3% (6,039)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

3.8% (21)

3.9% (4,404)
Number of households with income > $200k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

2.1% (12)
New Mexico:

2.4% (2,687)
Aggregate household income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022: $23,136,139
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Number of families with income < $10k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

11.1% (34)

5.8% (4,399)
Number of families with income $10k - 20k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

10.2% (31)
New Mexico:

8.1% (6,127)
Number of families with income $20k - 30k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

15.0% (46)

9.6% (7,269)
Number of families with income $30k - 40k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

26.4% (80)

10.8% (8,195)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

14.2% (43)

11.6% (8,800)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

9.8% (30)

7.1% (5,371)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

13.2% (40)

9.4% (7,169)
Median non-family income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:

New Mexico:

Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


Median per capita income in El Cerro-Monterey Park in 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
El Cerro-Monterey Park, New Mexico:


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