Jacksonville: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

Jacksonville's major daily (morning) paper is the Florida Times-Union. The Jacksonville Business Journal and the Jacksonville Daily Record are the area's business newspapers. Other weekly newspapers are the Florida Star Times, serving the black community, and the Florida Baptist Witness. Newspapers published in Jacksonville Beach include the semiweekly Beaches Leader and the weekly Sun-Times. Jacksonville Magazine is a monthly publication devoted to the city's attractions, community resources, and recreational opportunities. St. Augustine Catholic is a religious magazine published in Jacksonville.

Television and Radio

Jacksonville is served by seven television stations: six commercial and one PBS. There are 16 AM radio stations and 22 FM stations.

Media Information: Florida Times-Union, 1 Riverside Ave., PO Box 1949, Jacksonville, FL 32231; telephone (904)359-4111

Jacksonville Online

City of Jacksonville home page. Available www.coj.net

Downtown Jacksonville, Inc. Available www.downtownjacksonville.org

Duval County Public Schools. Available www.education central.org

Enterprise Florida. Available www.eflorida.com

Florida Times-Union. Available www.jacksonville.com

Jacksonville and the Beaches Convention & Visitors Bureau. Available www.jaxcvb.com

Jacksonville Historical Society. Available http://www.jaxhistory.com

Jacksonville Public Libraries. Available http://jpl.itd.ci.jax.fl.us

Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce. Available http://www.myjaxchamber.com

Mayo Clinic Jacksonville. Available www.mayoclinic.org/jacksonville

Selected Bibliography

Buker, George E., Jacksonville: Riverport-Seaport (Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1992)

Crooks, Arsenault, and Mormino, Jacksonville: The Consolidation Story, from Civil Rights to the Jaguars (Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 2004)

Crooks, James B., Jacksonville After the Fire, 1901-1919: A New South City (Jacksonville: University of North Florida Press, 1991)

Jacksonville Historical Society, Jacksonville in Vintage Postcards: Between the Great Fire and the Great War (Mount Pleasant, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing, 2001)