Relocation - Sebastopol, California

1. Sebastopol Area Senior Center

City: Sebastopol, CA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (707) 829-2440
Address: 167 North High Street

Description: This center receives laudable backing from the community, and several stores and bakeries bring in day-old products to distribute among the members. Lunch is served in the dining room each weekday, and home-delivered meals are dispatched to those who cannot come in. Card games and bingo are regular sources of entertainment, and every once in a while, there’s a special program by a harp and flute duo.

2. Palm Drive Hospital

City: Sebastopol, CA
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (707) 823-8511
Address: 501 Petaluma Avenue

Description: Palm Drive’s future as a small community hospital has been tested during the past few years. In 2007 it nearly closed for good, saved by a generous benefactor and changes in management. The hospital filed for bankruptcy protection and has remained open while it reorganizes its business plan. It intends to launch a fund drive to raise $10 million. Currently the hospital has 37 beds and one operating room, and its emergency room is staffed 24 hours a day.
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