Tours & Attractions - Carlsbad, California

1. Cole Library

City: Carlsbad, CA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (760) 434-2870
Address: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive

Description: Kids are king at the Cole Library. Along with a huge collection of books, videos, and tapes, there are reading programs and story hours for toddlers and preschoolers. After-school activities, from magic workshops to cultural activities, are free and fun. There are lots of arts and crafts programs designed to please even the most particular child.The library sponsors teen book clubs and the incredibly popular (for more than 30 years!) summer reading program for all ages. Do like the Insiders: Park off Elmwood Street, just east of the library, in the unpaved parking lot. Stop in for a program and newsletter that details the free activities.
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