Charlotte, NC vs Fayette, KY - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

Charlotte, NC vs Fayette, KY

Charlotte, North Carolina and Fayette, Kentucky are two diverse American cities with their unique charms and differences. Charlotte is a bustling metropolis known for its thriving industries and vibrant lifestyle, while, Fayette carries a smaller-town charm, with agriculture playing a significant role in its economy. This comparison aims to shed light on the many different factors that define the quality of life in these two cities and may aid your decision on whether to relocate or simply visit.
Distance between Charlotte, NC and Fayette, KY : 281.6 miles

Charlotte's population is larger by 207%. Its population has grown by 338,881 people (62.7%) since 2000.

Type Charlotte Fayette
Population 879,709 286,518
Female / male percentage 51.8% / 48.2%
50.9% / 49.1%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity CharlotteFayette
White Non-Hispanic 39.6% 79.1%
Black 34.4% 13.4%
Hispanic 14.8% 3.3%
Asian 6.5% 2.4%
Two or more 4.1% 1.4%
American Indian 0.1% 0.2%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity CharlotteFayette
White Non-Hispanic 348,655 206,174
Black 302,251 34,876
Hispanic 130,550 8,561
Asian 57,386 6,360
Two or more 35,858 3,534
American Indian 859 457
Pacific Islander 97 80

Crime and Safety

Charlotte, NC's crime rate, as in many larger cities, is somewhat higher compared to the national average. Most crimes are property-related, including burglary or theft. On the other hand, Fayette, KY, a smaller and more rural area, tends to have a lower crime rate. Neighborhoods in both cities are generally safe, but it's always good practice to stay informed about local crime trends by consulting with local law enforcement or community information sources.

Cost of Living

Living cost is generally higher in Charlotte, NC due to its status as a major city. Housing stands as the most significant cost factor. Fayette, KY, being more rural, has a lower cost of living, with housing costs significantly lower than those in Charlotte. However, salaries in Charlotte are typically higher to accommodate for the increased cost of living.

Income Tax

Both North Carolina and Kentucky follow a progressive state income tax system. However, North Carolina's highest rate is currently at 5.25%, while Kentucky's is a flat rate of 5% for all taxpayers.

Property Tax

Charlotte homeowners generally pay higher property taxes due to higher real estate values, while Fayette offers lower property taxes due to its more rural nature and less expensive homes.

Sales Tax

North Carolina imposes a combined state and county sales tax that varies from 6.75% to 7.5%, whereas Kentucky has a flat sales tax rate of 6%.
Type Charlotte Fayette
Estimated median household income $70,869 $60,942
Estimated per capita income $44,593 $37,011
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 93.2 94.6

If you make $50,000 in Charlotte, you will have to make $50,751 in Fayette to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

Charlotte sits atop the Piedmont region and is flanked by the Appalachian mountains and Atlantic coast. Fayette is characterized by rolling pastures and is part of the Bluegrass region, known for its fertile soil ideal for horse farms.
Geographical information
Type Charlotte Fayette
Land area 242.3 sq. miles 284.5 sq. miles
Population density 3,631.1 people per sq. mile 1,007 people per sq. mile
Relative area comparison
Charlotte, NC Fayette, KY


Both cities offer high-quality education options. Charlotte boasts several highly-ranked public schools and prestigious private schools. It is further home to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. However, Fayette, despite being smaller, offers exceptional education at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
School enrollment
Type Charlotte Fayette
Nursery, preschool 10,625 (5.1%) 4,666 (6.1%)
Kindergarten 11,309 (5.4%) 3,218 (4.2%)
Grade 1 to 4 44,753 (21.5%) 13,446 (17.6%)
Grade 5 to 8 40,086 (19.2%) 12,072 (15.8%)
Grade 9 to 12 44,565 (21.4%) 11,420 (15%)
College undergrad 42,468 (20.4%) 24,746 (32.4%)
Graduate or professional 14,664 (7%) 6,762 (8.9%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade CharlotteFayette
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 14,078 3,508
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 4,801 1,563
Undergraduate colleges 7,904 2,682
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade CharlotteFayette
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 16.6% 13.7%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 10.8% 13.7%
Undergraduate colleges 18.6% 10.8%
Educational attainment
Type Charlotte Fayette
Less than high school 9.9% 14.2%
High school or equiv. 16.9% 22.4%
Less than 1 year of college 4.3% 5.7%
1 or more years of college 13% 15.7%
Associate degree 7.1% 6.4%
Bachelor's degree 31.1% 21.2%
Master's degree 13.5% 8.8%
Profess. school degree 3% 3.4%
Doctorate degree 1.3% 2.3%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type Charlotte Fayette
Bachelor's degree or higher 48.8% 35.6%
Graduate or professional degree 17.8% 14.5%
High school or higher 90.1% 85.8%

Work and Economy

Charlotte's economy is stalwart and highly diversified, with strong job markets in banking, energy, and healthcare. High wages are prevalent in these industries. Fayette's economy is driven largely by agriculture and manufacturing, although it also houses the University of Kentucky, one of the largest employers in the state.

Biggest Employers

Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Carolinas Healthcare System are among the largest employers in Charlotte. Fayette's largest employers include the University of Kentucky, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, and Toyota Motor Manufacturing.

In Charlotte (Mecklenburg County), 60.8% voted for Democrats and 38.3% for Republicans in 2012 Presidential Election. In Fayette (Fayette County), 49.3% voted for Democrats and 48.3% for Republicans.

Type DemocratsRepublicansOther
Year CharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayette
2020 66.8% 59.4% 31.6% 38.6% 1.6% 1.9%
2016 62.3% 51.3% 32.9% 41.8% 4.8% 6.9%
2012 60.8% 49.3% 38.3% 48.3% 0.9% 2.3%
2008 62.0% 51.7% 37.6% 46.9% 0.5% 1.3%
2004 51.7% 46.3% 48.0% 53.1% 0.3% 0.6%
2000 48.4% 45.0% 51.1% 51.8% 0.5% 3.2%
1996 48.6% 47.1% 45.9% 46.3% 5.5% 6.6%
Breakdown of population affiliated with a religious congregation
Type AdherentsCongregations
Religion CharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayette
SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 9.0% 13.7% 19.0% 19.5%
CATHOLIC CHURCH 8.5% 8.8% 1.8% 3.0%
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1.2% 0.9% 1.3% 2.3%
MUSLIM ESTIMATE 0.3% 0.2% 1.2% 0.8%
VINEYARD USA 0.0% 0.4% 0.1% 0.4%


Weather characteristics differ noticeably. Charlotte, NC enjoys a subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters with minimal snowfall. Fayette, KY, experiences a more temperate climate with cold winters and warm summers. These climates can impact both lifestyle and the industries prevalent in these areas.
Weather and climate
Type Charlotte Fayette
Temperature - Average 61°F 55.3°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 72.3% 75.8%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 41% 31%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 87% 85%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 46% 54%
Precipitation - Yearly average 44.5 in 45.9 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 10.2 in 35.2 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 18.1% 14.9%
Sunshine amount - Average 69.8% 59.9%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 14% 25.4%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 70% 66.2%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 56% 40.7%
Wind speed - Average 6.9 mph 8.6 mph

Average climate in Charlotte, North Carolina

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Fayette, Kentucky

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year CharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayetteCharlotte Charlotte CharlotteFayetteCharlotteFayette
2018 75 63 0.24 N/A 6.3 3.1 27.8 31.6 N/A N/A 15.5 N/A 8.2 9.7 0.2 0.1
2017 77 64 0.25 N/A 7.0 4.9 28.0 32.1 N/A N/A 16.3 N/A 8.8 7.2 0.2 0.1
2016 82 68 0.25 N/A 7.6 6.6 28.7 33.3 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.4 6.9 0.2 0.1
2015 76 71 0.25 N/A 8.1 6.7 27.6 31.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.6 7.3 0.2 0.1
2014 76 68 0.26 N/A 8.5 6.8 26.3 34.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.3 7.6 0.3 0.3
2013 71 69 0.29 N/A 8.4 7.3 25.5 31.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.6 10.0 0.3 0.2
2012 95 81 0.28 N/A 8.7 8.1 27.3 34.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.7 10.6 0.3 0.8
2011 94 78 0.34 N/A 10.1 8.3 28.9 34.6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.2 11.3 0.6 2.1
2010 97 76 0.33 N/A 11.8 9.5 28.0 34.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.6 10.0 1.0 2.2
2009 82 75 0.30 N/A 10.0 8.5 25.4 31.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.1 9.2 0.9 2.7
2008 102 72 0.32 N/A 11.2 7.8 27.6 36.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13.0 9.1 2.1 2.4
2007 108 92 0.37 N/A 13.9 10.9 29.1 37.9 0.001 N/A N/A N/A 14.5 12.9 3.0 4.0
2006 107 65 0.44 N/A 13.9 11.8 27.3 32.8 0.000 N/A N/A N/A 14.8 N/A 3.3 3.8
2005 109 77 0.53 N/A 14.6 12.1 30.6 34.0 0.000 N/A N/A N/A 15.2 N/A 2.7 4.4
2004 89 60 0.53 N/A 14.6 11.6 28.9 28.6 0.001 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.8 3.2
2003 85 67 0.57 N/A 15.6 12.2 27.6 30.3 0.003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.0 3.5
2002 103 76 0.63 0.04 15.3 12.1 32.6 31.3 0.003 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.7 3.6
2001 108 69 0.72 0.07 17.5 13.2 32.3 30.9 0.005 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.9 4.4
2000 107 79 0.79 0.14 18.0 13.4 32.6 32.7 0.014 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.4 5.0
Natural disasters
Type Charlotte Fayette
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 111.5% 126.8%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 79% 171.6%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 9% 14%


Charlotte's developed infrastructure supports easy commuting with a light rail system, bus transit, and well-maintained roads. Traffic can be heavy during peak hours, leading to longer commute times. Fayette, meanwhile, relies more heavily on personal vehicles, but its smaller size usually leads to shorter commute times.
Type Charlotte Fayette
Amtrak stations 1 0
Amtrak stations nearby 2 0
FAA registered aircraft 439 0
FAA registered aircraft manufacturers and dealers 12 0
Means of transportation to work
Type Charlotte Fayette
Bicycle 0.1% 0.6%
Bus 1.2% 1.2%
Carpooled 8.7% 11.2%
Car alone 86.2% 79.9%
Railroad 0.4% 0%
Taxicab 0.2% 0.1%
Walked 1.5% 4%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type Charlotte Fayette
Average 29.6 min 20.2 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work

Real Estate

Real estate market in Charlotte is much larger and more diverse, offering everything from condos to single-family homes. Fayette, with a smaller population, has a more limited yet affordable selection of properties, most of them being single-family homes.


Charlotte offers a broad range of neighborhoods that cater to young professionals, families, and retirees alike. Fayette, while smaller, boasts a variety of communities that blend urban conveniences with rural charm.
Houses and residents
Type Charlotte Fayette
Houses 393,631 116,167
Average household size (people) 2.5 2.3
Houses occupied 365,269 (92.8%) 108,288 (93.2%)
Houses occupied by owners 193,930 (53.1%) 59,915 (55.3%)
Houses occupied by renters 171,339 (46.9%) 48,373 (44.7%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $1,482 $911.33
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $445,491 $229,178
Estimated median house or condo value $321,400 $242,400
Median number of rooms in apartments 4 4
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 6.6 7
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 1,624.8 408.3
Household income disparities 44.1% 46.3%
Housing units without a mortgage 3,089 (2.1%) 12,909 (23.7%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 10,553 (7.2%) 179 (0.3%)
Housing units with a mortgage 142,912 (97.9%) 41,461 (76.3%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 171 (0.1%) 6,586 (12.1%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 13,532 (9.3%) 5,023 (9.2%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 0.8% 0.6%
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 0.2% 0.4%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures CharlotteFayette
One, detached 52.7% 57.4%
One, attached 9.1% 4.6%
Two 0.9% 5.3%
3 or 4 2.9% 5.5%
5 to 9 7.1% 7.3%
10 to 19 9.5% 9.2%
20 to 49 6.2% 4.1%
50 or more 10.3% 5.2%
Mobile homes 1.4% 1.4%
Marital status
Type Charlotte Fayette
Divorced 9.6% 11%
Never married 41.7% 32.2%
Now married 43.1% 51.4%
Separated 2.1% 2%
Widowed 3.5% 5.5%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers CharlotteFayette
Employee of private company 75.8% 66.1%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 5.9% 8.3%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 5.4% 4.9%
Local government workers 4.2% 5.2%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 3.7% 3.1%
State government workers 3.4% 9.9%
Federal government workers 1.3% 2.2%
Unpaid family workers 0.3% 0.3%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers CharlotteFayette
Employee of private company 364,991 91,971
Federal government workers 6,108 3,036
Local government workers 20,212 7,251
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 28,585 11,580
Self-employed in own incorporated business 17,833 4,344
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 25,780 6,793
State government workers 16,519 13,814
Unpaid family workers 1,214 385

Industries and Occupations

Banking and financial services dominate Charlotte with the presence of Bank of America and Wells Fargo. Healthcare is another substantial sector. In contrast, Fayette's economy leans heavily on agriculture, specifically horses and cattle, and manufacturing.
Food environment data per 10,000 residents
Food environment statistics CharlotteFayette
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 2.8 2.7
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 1.0 0.7
Number of full-service restaurants 9.3 8.7
Number of grocery stores 2.1 1.9
Number of supercenters and club stores 0.1 0.2
Food environment - absolute values
Food environment statistics CharlotteFayette
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 245 75
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 83 20
Number of full-service restaurants 804 243
Number of grocery stores 185 52
Number of supercenters and club stores 10 5
Obesity and diabetes
Food environment statistics rate CharlotteFayette
Adult diabetes rate 7.7% 9.9%
Adult obesity rate 24.2% 27.5%
Low-income preschool obesity rate 17.4% 18.9%

Health Care

For healthcare services, Charlotte boasts large medical centers like Atrium Health and Novant Health. Fayette residents rely on the University of Kentucky health system and several other smaller providers. Both cities offer comprehensive healthcare covering many specialties.
Health (county statistics)
Type Charlotte Fayette
General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) 3.5 3.5
Average weight of females (lbs) 164.8 lbs 160.8 lbs
Average weight of males (lbs) 198.6 lbs 200.6 lbs
Residents visited a dentist within the past year 66.4% 68.8%
Residents exercised in the past month 73.3% 72.7%
Adult residents drank alcohol in the past 30 days 48.8% 51%
Residents smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives 42.2% 42.1%
Mechanisms of homicide
Mechanism CharlotteFayette
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 537 103
Cut / Pierce 60 0
Firearm 408 66
Mechanisms of homicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism CharlotteFayette
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 101.0 54.2
Cut / Pierce 11.3 0
Firearm 76.7 34.7
Mechanisms of suicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism CharlotteFayette
Suicides from 2000 to 2006 93.7 106.9
Firearm 51.7 53.2
Poisoning 15.2 21.1
Suffocation 18.2 23.2


Charlotte houses a superior infrastructure, including a rapidly growing light rail system and numerous highways. Similarly, Fayette possesses an efficient road network and access to commercial rail service, though it lacks the extensive public transit found in Charlotte.
Type Charlotte Fayette
TV stations 16 6
Nuclear power plants nearby 2 0

Culture and Food

Both cities have unique cultural offerings. Charlotte touts a blend of Southern charm and cosmopolitan lifestyle with a vibrant music scene, art galleries, and culinary variety. Fayette offers traditional Southern hospitality, with an emphasis on its horse racing traditions, Bourbon crafting, and rich history.

Sports Teams

Sports enthusiasts will find plenty in both cities. Charlotte is home to the Charlotte Hornets(Basketball) and Carolina Panthers(Football). Fayette, while not having its own major league team, has a strong connection to University of Kentucky sports, with the Kentucky Wildcats providing football and basketball excitement.