Northeast Tarrant, TX vs Frisco, TX - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

Northeast Tarrant, TX vs Frisco, TX

Comparing Northeast Tarrant and Frisco in Texas involves considering a variety of factors. Both cities have their own unique offerings in terms of quality of life, cost of living, education, and employment opportunities. While Northeast Tarrant is known for its safe neighborhoods and flourishing industries, Frisco is noted for its fast-growing local economy and high-quality education. Here, we critically examine and contrast the two cities in several important life facets to offer a comprehensive view.
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Distance between Northeast Tarrant, TX and Frisco, TX : 28.6 miles

Northeast Tarrant's population is larger by 124%. The population of Frisco has grown by 177,005 people (525.0%) during that time.

Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Population 472,730 210,719
Female / male percentage 50.6% / 49.4%
50.7% / 49.3%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity Northeast TarrantFrisco
White Non-Hispanic 80.2% 46.8%
Hispanic 10.3% 13.5%
Asian 3.9% 25.9%
Black 3.2% 7.8%
Two or more 1.5% 5.5%
American Indian 0.5% 0.2%
Pacific Islander 0.3% 0.0%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity Northeast TarrantFrisco
White Non-Hispanic 322,458 98,682
Hispanic 41,581 28,451
Asian 15,741 54,575
Black 12,741 16,507
Two or more 5,929 11,595
American Indian 1,895 323
Pacific Islander 1,322 0

Crime and Safety

Northeast Tarrant enjoys a lower crime rate compared to the national average, making it a generally safe area to live. On the other hand, Frisco is consistently ranked as one of the safest cities in the country, having lower crime rates than Northeast Tarrant. For tourists, both cities provide safe environments. They have efficient public safety departments that ensure swift response to emergencies.

Cost of Living

When it comes to the cost of living, Frisco is notably more expensive than Northeast Tarrant. The higher cost is primarily due to the housing market, with higher median home costs in Frisco, but also includes factors like groceries, health care, and utilities.

Income Tax

Texas, in general, does not impose a state-level income tax, meaning residents of both Northeast Tarrant and Frisco are exempt from this tax type.

Property Tax

Frisco has a slightly higher property tax rate compared to Northeast Tarrant. However, homeowners in both cities can expect a property tax rate higher than the national average.

Sales Tax

Both cities adhere to the general Texas sales tax rate of 8.25%. This percentage includes the 6.25% state tax plus up to 2% for local taxes.
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Estimated median household income $90,881 $130,118
Estimated per capita income $45,353 $58,153
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 102 96.1

If you make $50,000 in Frisco, you will have to make $53,070 in Northeast Tarrant to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

Both cities are located in the northeastern region of Texas and benefit from flat lands and a handful of lakes and parks. Frisco, however, is more landlocked and situated further away from the coast compared to Northeast Tarrant.
Geographical information
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Land area 206.9 sq. miles 69.9 sq. miles
Population density 2,284.3 people per sq. mile 3,015.4 people per sq. mile
Relative area comparison
Northeast Tarrant, TX Frisco, TX


Both cities have strong educational infrastructures, boasting several highly-rated public and private schools. Frisco, in particular, is praised for its education system, with an above-average school ranking and a considerable number of top-performing schools in the state. This result is advantageous for families considering relocation or tourists seeking educational tours.
School enrollment
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Nursery, preschool 9,234 (8.3%) 2,199 (3.5%)
Kindergarten 6,482 (5.8%) 2,311 (3.7%)
Grade 1 to 4 26,254 (23.5%) 15,283 (24.6%)
Grade 5 to 8 26,913 (24%) 13,055 (21%)
Grade 9 to 12 24,049 (21.5%) 17,303 (27.8%)
College undergrad 15,591 (13.9%) 7,941 (12.8%)
Graduate or professional 3,404 (3%) 4,047 (6.5%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade Northeast TarrantFrisco
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 4,281 1,086
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 1,544 582
Undergraduate colleges 2,481 1,663
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade Northeast TarrantFrisco
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 8.1% 3.8%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 6.4% 3.4%
Undergraduate colleges 15.9% 20.9%
Educational attainment
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Less than high school 10.4% 4.3%
High school or equiv. 22.4% 10.5%
Less than 1 year of college 9% 4.4%
1 or more years of college 19% 8.1%
Associate degree 7.2% 5.4%
Bachelor's degree 23.3% 41.7%
Master's degree 6.7% 21.8%
Profess. school degree 1.3% 2.5%
Doctorate degree 0.6% 1.3%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Bachelor's degree or higher 32% 67.2%
Graduate or professional degree 8.7% 25.5%
High school or higher 89.6% 95.7%

Work and Economy

The economies of both Northeast Tarrant and Frisco are diverse and strong. Northeast Tarrant's economy relies heavily on aviation, logistics, and manufacturing, while Frisco is a budding tech and sports hub, with increased job opportunities in these fields.

Biggest Employers

In Northeast Tarrant, the biggest employers include American Airlines and Bell Helicopter. For Frisco, it's the Frisco Independent School District, city government, and several tech and sports companies.

In Northeast Tarrant (Tarrant County), 41.4% voted for Democrats and 57.1% for Republicans in 2012 Presidential Election. In Frisco (Collin County), 33.6% voted for Democrats and 65.2% for Republicans.

Type DemocratsRepublicansOther
Year Northeast TarrantFriscoNortheast TarrantFriscoNortheast TarrantFrisco
2020 49.3% 47.1% 49.1% 51.4% 1.6% 1.5%
2016 43.2% 39.0% 51.8% 55.7% 5.0% 5.4%
2012 41.4% 33.6% 57.1% 65.2% 1.4% 1.2%
2008 43.8% 36.7% 55.5% 62.3% 0.7% 1.0%
2004 37.0% 28.2% 62.5% 71.3% 0.5% 0.6%
2000 36.9% 24.5% 60.9% 73.2% 2.3% 2.3%
1996 41.6% 28.5% 50.9% 63.0% 7.5% 8.5%
Breakdown of population affiliated with a religious congregation
Type AdherentsCongregations
Religion Northeast TarrantFriscoNortheast TarrantFrisco
SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 17.3% 10.1% 33.3% 29.1%
CATHOLIC CHURCH 11.1% 14.2% 1.9% 1.6%
MUSLIM ESTIMATE 2.2% 2.9% 0.9% 1.9%
LUTHERAN CHURCH 0.5% 0.8% 0.9% 1.4%
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 0.3% 0.2% 0.8% 1.0%


Just like the rest of Texas, both Northeast Tarrant and Frisco experience a subtropical climate. This means hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. Frisco, however, tends to be slightly cooler in the summer months. Both cities see moderate rainfall throughout the year, but Frisco gets slightly more precipitation.
Weather and climate
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Temperature - Average 64.6°F 63.3°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 71.3% 71.3%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 34% 34%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 82% 82%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 48% 48%
Precipitation - Yearly average 37.2 in 39.2 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 4.2 in 4.2 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 22.8% 22.8%
Sunshine amount - Average 66.6% 66.6%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 20% 20%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 74% 74%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 54% 54%
Wind speed - Average 10.3 mph 10.3 mph

Average climate in Northeast Tarrant, Texas

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Frisco, Texas

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year Northeast TarrantFriscoNortheast Tarrant Northeast TarrantFriscoNortheast TarrantFriscoFrisco Northeast TarrantFriscoNortheast TarrantFrisco
2018 86 88 N/A N/A 5.8 5.8 27.9 31.0 N/A N/A 9.2 9.1 0.4 0.4
2017 84 85 N/A N/A 5.9 5.8 28.0 32.2 N/A N/A 8.6 8.4 0.3 0.3
2016 75 81 N/A N/A 6.2 6.4 26.4 30.6 N/A N/A 8.2 8.2 0.2 0.2
2015 81 86 N/A N/A 6.5 7.2 25.7 30.7 N/A N/A 8.5 8.4 0.3 0.3
2014 77 87 0.22 N/A 6.6 6.1 27.1 31.4 N/A N/A 9.4 9.2 0.3 0.3
2013 95 98 0.25 N/A 6.8 7.0 28.0 33.0 N/A N/A 11.3 11.0 0.2 0.2
2012 108 113 0.26 N/A 8.1 8.5 30.7 35.3 N/A N/A 10.8 10.5 0.3 0.3
2011 98 105 0.23 N/A 8.0 9.1 30.8 35.0 N/A N/A 10.2 10.1 0.6 0.6
2010 76 85 0.23 N/A 8.7 9.7 28.0 31.8 N/A N/A 8.5 8.5 0.7 0.7
2009 93 93 0.25 N/A 8.9 9.6 29.1 32.2 N/A N/A 8.7 8.7 0.5 0.5
2008 89 86 0.25 N/A 9.7 9.9 27.5 33.3 0.121 N/A 9.4 9.4 0.5 0.5
2007 91 93 0.30 N/A 10.8 10.3 25.1 31.4 0.070 N/A 9.7 9.7 0.3 0.3
2006 99 109 0.34 N/A 10.6 10.5 30.2 35.1 0.106 N/A 9.5 9.5 0.7 0.7
2005 109 105 0.34 N/A 12.3 13.2 29.1 33.6 0.142 N/A 10.7 10.6 0.9 0.9
2004 90 90 0.39 N/A 11.6 11.8 25.7 29.9 0.099 N/A N/A N/A 0.8 0.8
2003 97 97 0.40 N/A 12.3 13.9 27.2 31.1 0.121 N/A N/A N/A 1.0 1.0
2002 97 96 0.37 N/A 13.0 14.3 25.4 30.6 0.080 N/A N/A N/A 0.4 0.4
2001 88 99 0.48 N/A 14.3 12.8 26.0 31.7 0.069 N/A N/A N/A 1.0 1.0
2000 104 107 0.55 N/A 14.5 14.5 27.1 32.8 0.092 N/A N/A N/A 1.1 1.1
Natural disasters
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 252.8% 252.4%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 578.9% 608.9%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 23% 14%


Public transportation is more developed in Northeast Tarrant, where larger populations necessitate well-established bus and train routes. Frisco, however, is largely car-dependent, yet this is offset by less traffic and easy navigation within the city.
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Amtrak stations nearby 1 0
FAA registered aircraft 0 131
FAA registered aircraft manufacturers and dealers 0 10
Means of transportation to work
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Bicycle 0.2% 0.2%
Carpooled 9.8% 11%
Car alone 84.8% 85.7%
Motorcycle 0.1% 0%
Taxicab 0.1% 0.1%
Walked 0.9% 1%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Average 26.8 min 26.7 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work

Real Estate

Real estate in Frisco tends to be more expensive than in Northeast Tarrant due to demand and fast growth. Both offer diverse housing options, from apartments to single-family homes, but Frisco provides more upscale, modern housing options.


Northeast Tarrant is composed of several welcoming neighborhoods with a lower cost of living, while Frisco's neighborhoods tend to be more affluent, reflecting the city's overall higher cost of living. Both places offer quiet, family-friendly communities, making them excellent for relocation.
Houses and residents
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Houses 155,788 74,074
Average household size (people) 2.7 2.9
Houses occupied 149,489 (96%) 72,282 (97.6%)
Houses occupied by owners 101,491 (67.9%) 46,921 (64.9%)
Houses occupied by renters 47,998 (32.1%) 25,361 (35.1%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $1,297 $773.82
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $288,870 $474,691
Estimated median house or condo value $337,949 $520,200
Median number of rooms in apartments 4.1 3.8
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 6.5 8.3
Renting percentage 32.5% 23.4%
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 752.8 1,060
Household income disparities 38.7% 34.8%
Housing units without a mortgage 18,262 (19.1%) 289 (0.8%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 88 (0.1%) 897 (2.5%)
Housing units with a mortgage 77,313 (80.9%) 35,782 (99.2%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 4,029 (4.2%) 238 (0.7%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 5,649 (5.9%) 2,028 (5.6%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 0.4% 1%
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 0.2% 0.2%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures Northeast TarrantFrisco
One, detached 69.3% 68.5%
One, attached 2.8% 4.0%
Two 1.0% 0.6%
3 or 4 4.1% 1.4%
5 to 9 6.9% 2.4%
10 to 19 5.5% 4.1%
20 to 49 2.1% 4.7%
50 or more 6.2% 14.2%
Mobile homes 2.1% 0.0%
Marital status
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
Divorced 10.9% 6.4%
Never married 21.7% 25.7%
Now married 63.5% 64.3%
Separated 1.6% 1.1%
Widowed 4% 2.4%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers Northeast TarrantFrisco
Employee of private company 77.1% 79.9%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 5.5% 3.9%
Local government workers 5.0% 4.9%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 5.0% 3.7%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 2.8% 5.0%
Federal government workers 2.3% 0.9%
State government workers 2.0% 1.1%
Unpaid family workers 0.2% 0.6%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers Northeast TarrantFrisco
Employee of private company 166,461 88,139
Federal government workers 4,855 940
Local government workers 10,878 5,381
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 10,742 4,059
Self-employed in own incorporated business 6,107 5,497
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 11,886 4,313
State government workers 4,379 1,249
Unpaid family workers 466 688

Industries and Occupations

Northeast Tarrant hosts a variety of industries, including logistics, aerospace, and manufacturing. On the other hand, Frisco’s fast-growing economy includes burgeoning tech and sports industries, resulting in diverse job opportunities.
Food environment data per 10,000 residents
Food environment statistics Northeast TarrantFrisco
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 3.6 2.9
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 1.1 0.7
Number of full-service restaurants 5.7 6.5
Number of grocery stores 1.2 1.1
Number of supercenters and club stores 0.2 0.2
Food environment - absolute values
Food environment statistics Northeast TarrantFrisco
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 609 215
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 194 53
Number of full-service restaurants 970 478
Number of grocery stores 212 77
Number of supercenters and club stores 25 13
Obesity and diabetes
Food environment statistics rate Northeast TarrantFrisco
Adult diabetes rate 8.1% 7.3%
Adult obesity rate 26.1% 24.0%
Low-income preschool obesity rate 14.5% 15.3%

Health Care

Both cities offer excellent healthcare with multiple hospitals and clinics. However, due to its rapid growth, Frisco has more recently-built medical facilities.
Mechanisms of homicide
Mechanism Northeast TarrantFrisco
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 624 108
Cut / Pierce 68 0
Firearm 385 63
Suffocation 32 0
Mechanisms of homicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism Northeast TarrantFrisco
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 57.4 25.8
Cut / Pierce 6.3 0
Firearm 35.4 15.1
Suffocation 2.9 0
Mechanisms of suicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism Northeast TarrantFrisco
Suicides from 2000 to 2006 98.7 78.2
Firearm 54.9 39.7
Poisoning 14.4 17.2
Suffocation 23.6 16.7


Northeast Tarrant, due to its more extended existence, has a more established infrastructure than Frisco. However, as Frisco continues to grow, the city has been investing heavily in development projects to upgrade its infrastructure, making it modern, efficient, and convenient.
Type Northeast Tarrant Frisco
TV stations 25 24

Culture and Food

Both Northeast Tarrant and Frisco are filled with rich culture and diverse food options. Northeast Tarrant, being closer to Fort Worth, offers more traditional Texas fare and cultural experiences. Frisco, however, is known for its unique blend of Texan and cosmopolitan life that extends to food and cultural offerings.

Sports Teams

Frisco is a city that cherishes sports, hosting several minor and major league teams, including FC Dallas and the Dallas Cowboys. While Northeast Tarrant doesn't host significant sports teams, it's within a short driving distance of major Dallas and Fort Worth teams.