Oklahoma City, OK vs Northeast Tarrant, TX - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

Oklahoma City, OK vs Northeast Tarrant, TX

When comparing Oklahoma City, OK to Northeast Tarrant, TX, you'll find some differences and also similarities. Both areas have their unique characteristics varying in crime rates, weather, cost of living and many other aspects. The following comparison will detail important factors to consider whether you want to relocate or simply visit either of the two.
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Distance between Oklahoma City, OK and Northeast Tarrant, TX : 181.4 miles

Oklahoma City's population is larger by 46%. Its population has grown by 181,593 people (35.9%) since 2000.

Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Population 687,725 472,730
Female / male percentage 50.9% / 49.1%
50.6% / 49.4%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
White Non-Hispanic 52.4% 80.2%
Hispanic 19.6% 10.3%
Black 13.5% 3.2%
Two or more 7.4% 1.5%
Asian 4.2% 3.9%
American Indian 2.2% 0.5%
Pacific Islander 0.1% 0.3%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
White Non-Hispanic 360,288 322,458
Hispanic 134,767 41,581
Black 92,670 12,741
Two or more 51,162 5,929
Asian 28,626 15,741
American Indian 14,912 1,895
Pacific Islander 402 1,322

Crime and Safety

Oklahoma City has a higher crime rate than the national average. Although there are safe neighborhoods, the overall crime rate could be a concern for families looking to relocate. Conversely, Northeast Tarrant is considered safer, with a lower crime rate than the national average providing a safer environment for both residents and visitors.

Cost of Living

Cost of living in Oklahoma City is relatively low compared to the national average, including affordability in housing. However, Northeast Tarrant's cost of living is higher than the national average. Housing is also more expensive, but is well-balanced by higher incomes typical for the area.

Income Tax

Oklahoma imposes a state income tax that ranges from 0.5% to 5%. Texas, where Northeast Tarrant is, does not charge any state income tax.

Property Tax

The average property tax rate in Oklahoma City is around 0.98%. In Northeast Tarrant, the rate is higher at approximately 2.18%.

Sales Tax

Oklahoma City has a combined city and state sales tax rate of about 8.38%. Northeast Tarrant, on the other hand, has a combined rate of approximately 8.25%.
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Estimated median household income $59,214 $90,881
Estimated per capita income $31,630 $45,353
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 85.4 102

If you make $50,000 in Oklahoma City, you will have to make $59,719 in Northeast Tarrant to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

Oklahoma City, situated in the Great Plains region, offers flat, fertile land with a few low mountain ranges. Northeast Tarrant lies in the Prairie and Lakes region of Texas, providing varied landscapes from hills and forests to lakes and urban areas.
Geographical information
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Land area 607 sq. miles 206.9 sq. miles
Population density 1,133 people per sq. mile 2,284.3 people per sq. mile
Relative area comparison
Oklahoma City, OK Northeast Tarrant, TX


Oklahoma City has an extensive public school system and is home to several universities. However, the state of Oklahoma's education ranks lower in the U.S. On the other hand, Northeast Tarrant is renowned for its quality of education, boasting some of top schools in Texas.
School enrollment
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Nursery, preschool 10,305 (6%) 9,234 (8.3%)
Kindergarten 12,619 (7.3%) 6,482 (5.8%)
Grade 1 to 4 35,673 (20.7%) 26,254 (23.5%)
Grade 5 to 8 39,721 (23.1%) 26,913 (24%)
Grade 9 to 12 35,483 (20.6%) 24,049 (21.5%)
College undergrad 29,413 (17.1%) 15,591 (13.9%)
Graduate or professional 9,115 (5.3%) 3,404 (3%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 9,760 4,281
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 3,892 1,544
Undergraduate colleges 5,267 2,481
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 12.9% 8.1%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 11.0% 6.4%
Undergraduate colleges 17.9% 15.9%
Educational attainment
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Less than high school 12.8% 10.4%
High school or equiv. 24.8% 22.4%
Less than 1 year of college 7.5% 9%
1 or more years of college 14.2% 19%
Associate degree 7.6% 7.2%
Bachelor's degree 21.5% 23.3%
Master's degree 8.3% 6.7%
Profess. school degree 2.1% 1.3%
Doctorate degree 1.4% 0.6%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Bachelor's degree or higher 33.2% 32%
Graduate or professional degree 11.7% 8.7%
High school or higher 87.2% 89.6%

Work and Economy

Work opportunities are bountiful in Oklahoma City, with diverse industries such as aviation, biotechnology, and energy. On the other hand, Northeast Tarrant has a robust economy too, with thriving industries catering to technology, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Biggest Employers

Oklahoma City's biggest employers are the State of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Public Schools, and The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Northeast Tarrant's prominent employers are Cisco Systems, Bank of America, and Sabre Corperation.

In Oklahoma City (Oklahoma County), 41.7% voted for Democrats and 58.3% for Republicans in 2012 Presidential Election. In Northeast Tarrant (Tarrant County), 41.4% voted for Democrats and 57.1% for Republicans.

Type DemocratsRepublicansOther
Year Oklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
2020 48.1% 49.3% 49.2% 49.1% 2.7% 1.6%
2016 41.2% 43.2% 51.7% 51.8% 7.1% 5.0%
2012 41.7% 41.4% 58.3% 57.1% 0.0% 1.4%
2008 41.6% 43.8% 58.4% 55.5% 0.0% 0.7%
2004 35.8% 37.0% 64.2% 62.5% 0.0% 0.5%
2000 36.6% 36.9% 62.3% 60.9% 1.1% 2.3%
1996 36.5% 41.6% 54.7% 50.9% 8.8% 7.5%
Breakdown of population affiliated with a religious congregation
Type AdherentsCongregations
Religion Oklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION 20.7% 17.3% 20.0% 33.3%
CATHOLIC CHURCH 8.5% 11.1% 3.0% 1.9%
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 0.7% 0.3% 1.3% 0.8%
LUTHERAN CHURCH 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 0.9%
MUSLIM ESTIMATE 0.3% 2.2% 0.6% 0.9%


In Oklahoma City, you can experience harsh winters and very hot, dry summers. The city is also part of Tornado Alley, leading to possible severe weather in spring as well as autumn. Northeast Tarrant, situated in Texas, has a subtropical climate with high summer temperatures, but milder and shorter winters, which can be an attractive feature for potential residents and visitors.
Weather and climate
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Temperature - Average 60.1°F 64.6°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 73.1% 71.3%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 35% 34%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 85% 82%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 50% 48%
Precipitation - Yearly average 35.7 in 37.2 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 17.2 in 4.2 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 23.1% 22.8%
Sunshine amount - Average 72.1% 66.6%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 21% 20%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 79% 74%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 58% 54%
Wind speed - Average 12.3 mph 10.3 mph

Average climate in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Northeast Tarrant, Texas

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year Oklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma CityNortheast TarrantOklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
2018 85 86 0.29 N/A 6.6 5.8 31.9 27.9 0.002 N/A 21.3 N/A 9.6 9.2 0.0 0.4
2017 82 84 0.32 N/A 6.7 5.9 33.0 28.0 0.002 N/A 20.7 N/A 8.9 8.6 0.0 0.3
2016 72 75 0.29 N/A 6.6 6.2 31.9 26.4 0.002 N/A 19.4 N/A 8.5 8.2 0.2 0.2
2015 76 81 0.24 N/A 7.0 6.5 31.5 25.7 0.002 N/A 19.1 N/A 7.8 8.5 0.5 0.3
2014 84 77 0.15 0.22 7.1 6.6 32.4 27.1 0.002 N/A N/A N/A 8.7 9.4 0.1 0.3
2013 84 95 0.14 0.25 8.6 6.8 32.8 28.0 0.002 N/A N/A N/A 9.3 11.3 0.2 0.2
2012 97 108 0.13 0.26 9.4 8.1 34.0 30.7 0.007 N/A N/A N/A 7.9 10.8 0.3 0.3
2011 107 98 0.24 0.23 9.9 8.0 36.3 30.8 0.003 N/A N/A N/A 9.9 10.2 0.8 0.6
2010 81 76 0.30 0.23 8.8 8.7 31.7 28.0 0.002 N/A N/A N/A 9.8 8.5 0.7 0.7
2009 82 93 0.52 0.25 8.1 8.9 31.9 29.1 0.002 N/A N/A N/A 10.2 8.7 0.7 0.5
2008 78 89 0.51 0.25 9.8 9.7 31.0 27.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.4 1.4 0.5
2007 81 91 0.44 0.30 10.2 10.8 29.4 25.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.7 2.0 0.3
2006 95 99 0.43 0.34 10.1 10.6 33.7 30.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.5 1.2 0.7
2005 88 109 0.38 0.34 11.6 12.3 31.0 29.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10.7 1.3 0.9
2004 75 90 0.46 0.39 10.5 11.6 28.6 25.7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.6 0.8
2003 87 97 0.42 0.40 10.9 12.3 30.8 27.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.0
2002 91 97 0.35 0.37 14.3 13.0 29.0 25.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.0 0.4
2001 87 88 0.69 0.48 13.1 14.3 31.0 26.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.8 1.0
2000 89 104 0.66 0.55 13.4 14.5 29.5 27.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.0 1.1
Natural disasters
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 353.4% 252.8%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 938.9% 578.9%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 43% 23%


Oklahoma City has public transportation but is known for being a car-dependent city. Northeast Tarrant, in contrast, offers several public transport options with a Metro for commuting, thus making commuting easier here.
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Amtrak stations 1 0
Amtrak stations nearby 2 1
Means of transportation to work
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Bicycle 0.2% 0.2%
Bus 0.3% 0%
Carpooled 8.6% 9.8%
Car alone 87.6% 84.8%
Motorcycle 0.1% 0.1%
Taxicab 0.2% 0.1%
Walked 1.4% 0.9%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Average 25.6 min 26.8 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work

Real Estate

Oklahoma City boasts affordable housing prices, making it an attractive option for relocation. Whereas, Northeast Tarrant, home prices are substantially higher; however, the real estate market offers homes that are newer and often larger.


Oklahoma City provides a variety of neighborhoods ranging from urban to suburban. Northeast Tarrant offers distinct and well-planned neighborhoods with a focus on community-driven amenities and safety.
Houses and residents
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Houses 302,241 155,788
Average household size (people) 2.5 2.7
Houses occupied 275,285 (91.1%) 149,489 (96%)
Houses occupied by owners 164,470 (59.7%) 101,491 (67.9%)
Houses occupied by renters 110,815 (40.3%) 47,998 (32.1%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $1,241 $1,297
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $278,299 $288,870
Estimated median house or condo value $190,900 $337,949
Median number of rooms in apartments 4.3 4.1
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 6.2 6.5
Renting percentage 40.3% 32.5%
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 497.9 752.8
Household income disparities 44.3% 38.7%
Housing units without a mortgage 1,238 (1.2%) 18,262 (19.1%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 4,838 (4.7%) 88 (0.1%)
Housing units with a mortgage 100,798 (98.8%) 77,313 (80.9%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 123 (0.1%) 4,029 (4.2%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 5,921 (5.8%) 5,649 (5.9%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 3.1% 0.4%
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 1.9% 0.2%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
One, detached 67.8% 69.3%
One, attached 3.4% 2.8%
Two 2.0% 1.0%
3 or 4 5.1% 4.1%
5 to 9 6.0% 6.9%
10 to 19 5.6% 5.5%
20 to 49 2.4% 2.1%
50 or more 4.6% 6.2%
Mobile homes 3.1% 2.1%
Boats, RVs, vans, etc. 0.1% 0.0%
Marital status
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
Divorced 11.4% 10.9%
Never married 33.5% 21.7%
Now married 48.5% 63.5%
Separated 1.7% 1.6%
Widowed 5% 4%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Employee of private company 65.2% 77.1%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 8.4% 5.0%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 6.3% 5.5%
Federal government workers 5.9% 2.3%
State government workers 5.2% 2.0%
Local government workers 4.8% 5.0%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 4.0% 2.8%
Unpaid family workers 0.2% 0.2%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Employee of private company 216,173 166,461
Federal government workers 19,592 4,855
Local government workers 16,004 10,878
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 27,924 10,742
Self-employed in own incorporated business 13,234 6,107
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 20,964 11,886
State government workers 17,132 4,379
Unpaid family workers 555 466

Industries and Occupations

Oklahoma City's economy is diverse with a concentration in sectors such as petroleum, natural gas, and oil. In Northeast Tarrant, you'll find a concentration in the technology, healthcare, and financial services sectors leading to different job opportunities.
Food environment data per 10,000 residents
Food environment statistics Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 2.3 3.6
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 0.4 1.1
Number of full-service restaurants 8.1 5.7
Number of grocery stores 2.8 1.2
Number of supercenters and club stores 0.2 0.2
Food environment - absolute values
Food environment statistics Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 163 609
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 29 194
Number of full-service restaurants 566 970
Number of grocery stores 195 212
Number of supercenters and club stores 12 25
Obesity and diabetes
Food environment statistics rate Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Adult diabetes rate 9.8% 8.1%
Adult obesity rate 27.9% 26.1%
Low-income preschool obesity rate 0.0% 14.5%

Health Care

In terms of health care, Oklahoma City provides various quality care facilities. However, Oklahoma ranks relatively low for healthcare. Northeast Tarrant, however, has an excellent health care system and high-quality medical facilities due to its proximity to the Dallas and Fort Worth areas.
Health (county statistics)
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) 3.4 3.4
Average weight of females (lbs) 166.6 lbs 159 lbs
Average weight of males (lbs) 202.5 lbs 197.2 lbs
Residents visited a dentist within the past year 65.3% 66%
Residents exercised in the past month 68.3% 72.8%
Adult residents drank alcohol in the past 30 days 42.2% 74.1%
Residents smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives 43.2% 42.6%
Mechanisms of homicide
Mechanism Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 393 624
Cut / Pierce 59 68
Firearm 231 385
Suffocation 0 32
Mechanisms of homicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 83.0 57.4
Cut / Pierce 12.5 6.3
Firearm 48.8 35.4
Suffocation 0 2.9
Mechanisms of suicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism Oklahoma CityNortheast Tarrant
Suicides from 2000 to 2006 147.2 98.7
Firearm 77.7 54.9
Poisoning 28.7 14.4
Suffocation 29.8 23.6


In terms of infrastructure, Oklahoma City provides comprehensive utilities and public works systems. However, the city has been dealing with infrastructure issues, mainly related to ageing public facilities. Northeast Tarrant, Texas has better infrastructure with well-planned roads, multiple planned communities and a strong utility networks.
Type Oklahoma City Northeast Tarrant
TV stations 20 25

Culture and Food

In Oklahoma City, cultural institutions and dining options are diverse, showcasing the city's deep-rooted southern charm. Northeast Tarrant offers a rich blend of culture with Mexican influence, as well as a wide variety of food and dining experiences.

Sports Teams

Oklahoma City boasts the Thunder, its own NBA team. Northeast Tarrant residents are close to the Dallas and Fort Worth areas, which hosts teams from the NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB.