San Diego, CA vs Southwest San Gabriel Valley, CA - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

San Diego, CA vs Southwest San Gabriel Valley, CA

San Diego and Southwest San Gabriel Valley are two distinctive Californian regions offering diverse lifestyles, cultural nuances, and amenities. Both regions boast unique geographies, amenities and cultures for both residents and tourists. While San Diego is primarily a bustling metropolitan area, Southwest San Gabriel Valley is more suburban. A comprehensive comparison of these two regions could provide balanced, in-depth insight for those looking to relocate or visit.
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Distance between San Diego, CA and Southwest San Gabriel Valley, CA : 104.8 miles

San Diego's population is larger by 323%. Its population has grown by 158,211 people (12.9%) since 2000.

Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Population 1,381,611 326,450
Female / male percentage 48.8% / 51.2%
52% / 48%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
White Non-Hispanic 41.9% 11.9%
Hispanic 29.0% 42.3%
Asian 16.9% 42.9%
Black 5.5% 0.8%
Two or more 5.3% 1.8%
Pacific Islander 0.5% 0.1%
American Indian 0.2% 0.2%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
White Non-Hispanic 579,373 37,991
Hispanic 400,337 135,233
Asian 233,618 137,295
Black 75,323 2,619
Two or more 73,108 5,621
Pacific Islander 6,302 177
American Indian 2,753 703

Crime and Safety

In comparing crime and safety, San Diego generally has a higher crime rate than Southwest San Gabriel Valley. However, like many cities, certain neighborhoods in both areas differ in safety. It's essential to research these areas carefully before moving or visiting. Both regions benefit from active law enforcement agencies that work diligently to maintain safety.

Cost of Living

In terms of cost of living, San Diego's is generally higher, factoring in factors like housing, food, and healthcare. Conversely, Southwest San Gabriel Valley has a lower cost of living, making it an attractive option for those looking for a more affordable California lifestyle.

Income Tax

Income tax rates are consistent across California, with rates ranging from 1% to 13.3% depending on income level. Therefore, residents of both San Diego and Southwest San Gabriel Valley fall under this tax structure.

Property Tax

Property tax rates are set at the county level in California. Both San Diego and Southwest San Gabriel Valley residents will experience similar rates, adjusted marginally based on the county and the value of their property.

Sales Tax

Both regions are subject to California's state sales tax of 7.25%, but San Diego charges an additional city tax of 2.25%. No additional local sales tax is collected in the Southwest San Gabriel Valley.
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Estimated median household income $93,042 $73,720
Estimated per capita income $48,380 $29,945
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 126.4 161.2

If you make $50,000 in San Diego, you will have to make $63,766 in Southwest San Gabriel Valley to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

San Diego is a coastal city boasting beautiful beaches, bays, and natural parks. The Southwest San Gabriel Valley, located inland, offers a gentler landscape featuring rolling hills and open spaces.
Geographical information
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Land area 324.3 sq. miles 35.3 sq. miles
Population density 4,259.7 people per sq. mile 9,252.7 people per sq. mile
Relative area comparison
San Diego, CA Southwest San Gabriel Valley, CA


San Diego is home to many prestigious institutions, such as the University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University. On the other hand, Southwest San Gabriel Valley contains many highly-rated public and private schools but lacks major universities.
School enrollment
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Nursery, preschool 17,408 (5.2%) 4,637 (4.8%)
Kindergarten 15,191 (4.5%) 4,890 (5.1%)
Grade 1 to 4 57,255 (17%) 18,460 (19.1%)
Grade 5 to 8 50,659 (15.1%) 18,541 (19.2%)
Grade 9 to 12 61,511 (18.3%) 20,367 (21.1%)
College undergrad 105,968 (31.5%) 24,642 (25.5%)
Graduate or professional 28,062 (8.4%) 5,156 (5.3%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 12,248 4,280
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 7,798 1,870
Undergraduate colleges 23,490 3,437
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 11.4% 11.6%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 12.7% 9.2%
Undergraduate colleges 22.2% 13.9%
Educational attainment
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Less than high school 10.1% 32.8%
High school or equiv. 15.7% 20.3%
Less than 1 year of college 5.2% 5.3%
1 or more years of college 12.7% 12.3%
Associate degree 7.4% 7.3%
Bachelor's degree 28.5% 15.5%
Master's degree 13.1% 4.1%
Profess. school degree 3.4% 1.8%
Doctorate degree 3.8% 0.6%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Bachelor's degree or higher 48.8% 22%
Graduate or professional degree 20.3% 6.5%
High school or higher 89.9% 67.2%

Work and Economy

San Diego's economy is diverse, with sectors like Biotech, Marine, and Telecommunications playing significant roles. Southwest San Gabriel Valley also boasts a thriving local economy, with small businesses being a significant contributor. Job opportunities and overall economic health vary between these two areas.

Biggest Employers

San Diego's largest employers include the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Naval Base San Diego. In Southwest San Gabriel Valley, large employers like the Huntington Hospital and Pasadena Unified School District provide significant local employment.

In San Diego (San Diego County), 52.6% voted for Democrats and 45.0% for Republicans in 2012 Presidential Election. In Southwest San Gabriel Valley (Los Angeles County), 69.7% voted for Democrats and 27.8% for Republicans.

Type DemocratsRepublicansOther
Year San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
2020 60.3% 71.0% 37.5% 26.9% 2.1% 2.1%
2016 56.3% 72.0% 36.6% 22.5% 7.1% 5.5%
2012 52.6% 69.7% 45.0% 27.8% 2.4% 2.4%
2008 54.2% 69.2% 44.0% 28.8% 1.8% 1.9%
2004 46.7% 63.3% 52.9% 35.7% 0.4% 1.0%
2000 45.8% 63.6% 49.8% 32.4% 4.5% 4.0%
1996 44.1% 59.3% 45.6% 31.0% 10.3% 9.7%
Breakdown of population affiliated with a religious congregation
Type AdherentsCongregations
Religion San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
CATHOLIC CHURCH 25.9% 36.1% 6.7% 4.7%
MUSLIM ESTIMATE 0.7% 0.7% 1.1% 1.0%
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 0.4% 0.4% 2.0% 1.4%
LUTHERAN CHURCH 0.4% 0.2% 2.2% 1.6%


For fans of sunnier weather, San Diego is known for its warm, beach-friendly climate year-round, while Southwest San Gabriel Valley often experiences a semi-arid Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, wet winters. For tourists, this could impact travel plans and activities during a visit.
Weather and climate
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Temperature - Average 64.4°F 66.3°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 74% 61.4%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 22% 16.5%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 80% 65.8%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 58% 49.3%
Precipitation - Yearly average 11 in 17.6 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 0 in 0 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 24.3% 30.1%
Sunshine amount - Average 74.8% 78.4%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 19% 22%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 75% 85%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 56% 63%
Wind speed - Average 6.9 mph 2.3 mph

Average climate in San Diego, California

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Southwest San Gabriel Valley, California

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel ValleySan DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
2018 101 140 0.53 0.39 11.2 14.2 32.6 26.6 0.007 0.008 N/A 27.5 10.5 15.1 0.1 0.4
2017 115 142 0.63 0.38 12.7 15.1 32.7 27.8 0.007 0.007 N/A 30.2 10.8 15.3 0.1 0.5
2016 105 128 0.46 0.36 13.0 15.2 30.4 26.5 0.006 0.007 N/A 27.8 11.4 14.3 0.1 0.4
2015 111 137 0.43 0.36 13.2 15.3 29.9 26.7 0.005 0.006 N/A 27.6 11.9 16.4 0.1 0.3
2014 105 138 0.44 0.39 11.6 16.3 31.1 26.8 0.007 0.007 N/A 29.9 11.1 18.0 0.1 0.4
2013 138 140 0.50 0.44 12.4 17.5 27.4 25.2 0.019 0.007 N/A 28.3 12.3 17.0 0.2 0.4
2012 110 144 0.53 0.47 12.7 17.7 28.0 25.0 0.019 0.007 N/A 27.6 13.6 18.1 0.2 0.5
2011 122 142 0.51 0.50 13.5 19.3 29.0 23.6 0.034 0.008 N/A 29.8 14.0 17.6 1.5 0.4
2010 109 128 0.52 0.52 14.0 19.4 29.3 22.9 0.019 0.020 N/A 30.0 13.9 16.3 1.0 0.5
2009 121 150 0.64 0.43 15.6 21.5 26.9 23.5 0.014 0.011 N/A 40.0 15.1 18.0 2.7 0.5
2008 127 152 0.71 0.53 16.1 23.5 28.4 22.8 N/A 0.014 67.3 39.1 N/A 18.3 2.6 0.6
2007 157 128 0.71 0.58 16.4 24.2 28.0 21.8 0.012 0.017 64.6 N/A N/A N/A 2.8 1.1
2006 123 125 0.81 0.63 18.9 24.6 27.1 22.1 0.056 0.009 64.8 N/A N/A N/A 3.4 1.7
2005 112 123 0.90 0.66 19.2 25.6 24.4 20.5 0.049 0.015 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.7 2.1
2004 120 132 0.93 0.77 18.4 27.7 25.9 22.9 0.055 0.019 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.6 2.4
2003 124 143 0.88 0.98 19.4 31.8 25.4 22.0 0.049 0.027 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.8 1.8
2002 125 137 0.86 1.00 20.9 33.0 25.9 21.1 0.039 0.025 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.6 2.4
2001 132 143 0.93 1.11 20.4 34.2 26.5 18.9 0.048 0.039 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.4 2.4
2000 134 147 1.02 1.12 22.3 33.4 23.8 18.9 0.054 0.033 N/A N/A N/A N/A 3.6 1.4
Natural disasters
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 6.7% 18%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 5,835% 7,182.3%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 39% 57%


San Diego hosts an extensive public transit system, including buses, trams, and the Amtrak train service. In the Southwest San Gabriel Valley, public transit consists primarily of bus services, and driving tends to be the most common commuting method.
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Amtrak stations 1 0
Amtrak stations nearby 2 3
FAA registered aircraft 852 0
FAA registered aircraft manufacturers and dealers 33 0
Means of transportation to work
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Bicycle 0.6% 0.5%
Bus 2% 4.7%
Carpooled 9.4% 16.1%
Car alone 81.7% 73%
Ferryboat 0.1% 0%
Motorcycle 0.3% 0.1%
Railroad 0.5% 0%
Walked 3.6% 2.5%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Average 27.4 min 29.1 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work

Real Estate

San Diego's real estate market is infamous for its high prices, driven by the city's popularity and seafront location. In contrast, Southwest San Gabriel Valley's real estate market is more affordable, with a range of housing options to suit different income levels.


From Downtown San Diego's bustling nightlife to La Jolla's serene ocean views, there's a neighborhood for everyone. In Southwest San Gabriel Valley, quieter suburban neighborhoods are more common, offering a peaceful, family-friendly environment.
Houses and residents
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Houses 555,456 102,656
Average household size (people) 2.6 3.1
Houses occupied 521,000 (93.8%) 99,543 (97%)
Houses occupied by owners 251,507 (48.3%) 47,333 (47.6%)
Houses occupied by renters 269,493 (51.7%) 52,210 (52.5%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $2,096 $1,828
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $957,871 $1,138,428
Estimated median house or condo value $768,800 $723,161
Median number of rooms in apartments 3.7 3.7
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 5.9 5.9
Renting percentage 51.7% 51.7%
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 1,712.6 2,909.6
Household income disparities 42.3% 44%
Housing units without a mortgage 2,803 (1.6%) 13,166 (31.1%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 12,495 (6.9%) 88 (0.2%)
Housing units with a mortgage 177,643 (98.4%) 29,118 (68.9%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 694 (0.4%) 2,557 (6%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 16,654 (9.2%) 2,975 (7%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 0.8% 1.5%
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 0.3% 0.9%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
One, detached 43.4% 53.7%
One, attached 9.9% 10.1%
Two 1.9% 3.2%
3 or 4 6.0% 7.4%
5 to 9 9.3% 9.1%
10 to 19 7.4% 6.4%
20 to 49 6.3% 5.5%
50 or more 14.6% 3.8%
Mobile homes 1.0% 0.7%
Boats, RVs, vans, etc. 0.0% 0.1%
Marital status
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
Divorced 8.7% 7%
Never married 40.5% 32.4%
Now married 45.1% 54.1%
Separated 1.9% 2.4%
Widowed 3.9% 6.6%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Employee of private company 66.4% 69.9%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 9.8% 5.3%
Local government workers 6.4% 9.9%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 5.8% 6.7%
State government workers 4.3% 3.2%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 3.9% 2.5%
Federal government workers 3.5% 2.0%
Unpaid family workers 0.1% 0.5%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Employee of private company 456,519 90,634
Federal government workers 23,728 2,605
Local government workers 43,803 12,817
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 67,149 6,938
Self-employed in own incorporated business 26,516 3,268
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 39,709 8,660
State government workers 29,438 4,158
Unpaid family workers 808 639

Industries and Occupations

San Diego's thriving sectors are Biotechnology and Healthcare, where many residents work. In the Southwest San Gabriel Valley, the Healthcare sector is also dominant, supplemented by retail, education, and local government jobs.
Food environment data per 10,000 residents
Food environment statistics San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 1.7 1.2
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 0.8 0.6
Number of full-service restaurants 7.6 7.2
Number of grocery stores 1.9 2.1
Food environment - absolute values
Food environment statistics San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 487 1,206
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 227 567
Number of full-service restaurants 2,238 7,008
Number of grocery stores 574 2,084
Number of supercenters and club stores 17 32
Obesity and diabetes
Food environment statistics rate San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Adult diabetes rate 6.5% 7.5%
Adult obesity rate 22.2% 20.4%
Low-income preschool obesity rate 16.0% 18.6%

Health Care

Both regions have access to high-quality healthcare, with San Diego hosting university-affiliated hospitals and Southwest San Gabriel Valley's Huntington Hospital ranked highly across California.
Health (county statistics)
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) 3.6 3.5
Average weight of females (lbs) 153.7 lbs 154.6 lbs
Average weight of males (lbs) 189.9 lbs 185 lbs
Residents visited a dentist within the past year 73.5% 68.1%
Residents exercised in the past month 79% 74.7%
Adult residents drank alcohol in the past 30 days 82.1% 69.2%
Residents smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives 41.3% 37.8%
Mechanisms of homicide
Mechanism San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 813 7,493
Cut / Pierce 130 577
Firearm 478 6,003
Poisoning 0 21
Struck by / against 0 39
Suffocation 41 166
Terrorism 0 23
Transportation - Related, Overall 0 34
Mechanisms of homicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 40.0 110.2
Cut / Pierce 6.4 8.5
Firearm 23.5 88.3
Suffocation 2.0 2.4
Mechanisms of suicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism San DiegoSouthwest San Gabriel Valley
Suicides from 2000 to 2006 103.8 72.9
Cut / Pierce 2.3 2.0
Drowning 2.1 0.6
Fall 6.3 3.8
Firearm 45.1 30.7
Poisoning 20.2 11.9
Suffocation 22.8 20.5


San Diego has a developed infrastructure with substantial investments in public utilities, transportation, and urban planning. Comparatively, Southwest San Gabriel Valley, whilst smaller, also sports a well-planned infrastructure that supports its suburban communities.
Type San Diego Southwest San Gabriel Valley
TV stations 13 26

Culture and Food

San Diego is famously multicultural, evident in its diverse food scene featuring Mexican, Seafood, and American cuisines. Southwest San Gabriel Valley is strongly influenced by a significant Asian-American population, contributing to a rich array of East Asian food options.

Sports Teams

San Diego is home to sports teams like the Padres (MLB) and Sockers (MASL). Southwest San Gabriel Valley, being a more suburban region, lacks professional sports teams but has a robust community sports culture.