Detailed job statistics for Genesee County

Area-specific government job data

Average salary

The average salary in Genesee County is $76,866.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the lowest and the highest salaries:

Gender breakdown within the region

The majority of government workers in Genesee County are female. The ratio can be seen here:
The salary distribution between genders in Genesee County also varies. The graphs below represents those differences:

Average salary by profession in Genesee County

Breakdown of grades: number of employees working at each grade and their average salary

Grade Number of employees Average salary
GS 11 46 $72,183
GS 12 31 $88,948
GS 08 22 $50,374
AT GH 17 $114,629
GS 07 16 $45,416
GS 09 16 $56,624
GS 13 12 $98,976
GS 05 11 $36,993
AD 00 7 $48,360
AL 03 6 $161,429
GS 04 5 $33,757
GS 14 5 $126,820
GS 06 4 $45,270
AT GJ 3 $130,593
AT GI 2 $148,062
VN 01 2 $62,145
AD PH 2 $164,500
FV H 2 $91,383
GS 10 1 $66,265
AT FC 1 $46,000
others 11 $88,638