Detailed job statistics from Minneapolis

Various data about jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

Average salary in Minneapolis is $82,360.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the smallest and the biggest salary in the same region:

Gender breakdown within the region

The majority of people working in Minneapolis are female, the proportions can be seen here:

The salary distribution between genders in Minneapolis also varies, graphs below represents those differences:

Average salary for jobs within the region

Breakdown of grades highlighting amount of employees working in each grade and their average salary.

Grade Number of employees Average salary
GS 05 468 $38,411
GS 12 444 $88,684
GS 06 381 $45,386
GS 11 326 $69,310
VN 02 321 $87,131
GS 13 296 $100,572
GS 07 281 $48,068
GS 09 268 $58,392
VN 03 189 $109,983
VM PH 175 $212,805
WG 02 159 $36,210
AD 02 150 $87,602
AD PH 123 $240,959
GS 08 111 $57,472
AT KH 106 $135,428
GS 14 106 $119,189
AD 00 95 $30,191
VN 01 82 $67,626
GS 04 82 $33,901
AD 01 56 $67,518
others 894 $91,796

Other salary data