Detailed job statistics from Aberdeen

Various data about jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

Average salary in Aberdeen is $68,972.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the smallest and the biggest salary in the same region:

Gender breakdown within the region

The majority of people working in Aberdeen are male, the proportions can be seen here:

The salary distribution between genders in Aberdeen also varies, graphs below represents those differences:

Average salary for jobs within the region

Breakdown of grades highlighting amount of employees working in each grade and their average salary.

Grade Number of employees Average salary
GS 12 79 $78,854
GS 11 58 $65,754
GS 13 51 $92,965
GS 07 37 $44,599
GS 08 29 $47,156
GS 05 25 $34,195
GS 09 23 $51,985
GS 14 15 $110,011
GS 06 14 $41,720
GS 15 6 $135,219
GS 04 4 $30,322
VN 03 3 $88,939
AD 00 2 $55,236
VN 02 2 $62,758
VN 12 2 $84,863
GM 13 1 $106,369
ES 00 1 $136,634
IR FM 1 $116,719
VM PH 1 $179,715
WS 10 1 $63,674
others 3 $132,260

Other salary data