Detailed job statistics from Swanton

Various data about jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

Average salary in Swanton is $64,748.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the smallest and the biggest salary in the same region:

Gender breakdown within the region

The majority of people working in Swanton are male, the proportions can be seen here:

The salary distribution between genders in Swanton also varies, graphs below represents those differences:

Average salary for jobs within the region

Breakdown of grades highlighting amount of employees working in each grade and their average salary.

Grade Number of employees Average salary
GS 11 8 $66,496
GS 12 8 $77,696
WG 10 4 $48,559
GS 07 3 $42,240
GS 09 3 $54,300
GS 13 3 $88,187
WS 10 1 $65,469
GS 14 1 $106,358
WG 09 1 $48,210
WL 10 1 $51,445
GS 04 1 $27,990

Other salary data