Masquerade - Nightlife - Atlanta, Georgia

City: Atlanta, GA
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (404) 577-8178
Address: 695 North Ave. NE

Description: Masquerade is the kind of place your mama must have warned you about; there are a lot more body piercings and tattoos per person than on the average businessperson. But those into the goth, punk, and alternative rock scenes will have a blast here. But that’s not all there is. In an antique factory that once turned out excelsior (wood shavings used as packing straw), Masquerade’s monstrous space is divided into three theme areas: Hell, the throbbing downstairs dance room with a DJ; Heaven, the big upstairs concert hall; and Purgatory, a more low-key bar that’s—you guessed it—between the two. Masquerade showcases lots of local talent and books national acts for major concerts. It’s open Wednesday through Sunday; the cover charge is moderate but varies significantly depending on who’s playing.