The South Magazine - Media - Savannah, Georgia

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Media

Description: Publisher Michael Brooks launched this bimonthly magazine in 2006. It’s glossier and edgier than its competition but realistically targets a different market. The audience here is just as monied as that of Savannah Magazine, but younger. The magazine draws heavily on Savannah College of Art and Design graduates, and the result is a dramatic showcase for photographic work. Stories range from personality profiles to meditative pieces on Confederate history and its modern-day devotees. The writing is average, but it is often upstaged by the design and photography, which are clearly in the driver’s seat. Subscriptions are $19 a year, but you can pick up single copies at a wide range of local outlets for $3.95 an issue. Like its older competition, this publication comes out every two months—but its management cleverly picked to publish on the competition’s off months.