City Of Savannah Department Of Recreation Services - Parks & Recreation - Savannah, Georgia

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (912) 351-3852
Address: 7171 Skidaway Rd.

Description: The city provides team athletic competition for youngsters and adults throughout the year. Youth sports include basketball (January through March for kids ages 8 to 17), baseball (April through July for ages 6 to 17), football and cheerleading (September through November for kids ages 6 to 12), and soccer (September through November for girls and boys ages 6 to 19). For adults, there are leagues in softball in the fall and in spring/summer, basketball from January through March, baseball from April through July, and soccer from September through November. Entry fees for youth sports are $100 per team, with no fees charged for youth basketball. Fees for adult teams can run anywhere from $390 to $490, depending on how many games are played in the sport involved and the expenses incurred by the city in providing the program.