Savannah Mall - Shopping - Savannah, Georgia

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (912) 927-7467
Address: 14045 Abercorn St.

Description: Savannah still calls Savannah Mall, which opened in 1990, “the new mall,” although by most cities’ standards it isn’t new anymore. Actually, this mall almost became known as “the mall that’s in trouble,” as its stock of anchor stores dwindled from four to one. But some savvy lease coups, drawing on stores not usually thought of as mall staples, have given the new mall a new lease on life. First of all, the Bass Pro Shop took over what had been a two-story department store site. Now, it’s a megastore for hunters, anglers, campers, and other outdoors types. There’s both an outdoor and an indoor waterfall and massive aquariums featuring large examples of fish native to local waters (the long-nosed gar is one ugly fish, you’ll discover). The space is so big they sell boats indoors.Our count shows that Savannah Mall’s specialty stores include a Hallmark shop, Bath & Body Works, Victoria’s Secret, Gap/Gap Kids, Gymboree, and mall-brand stores with several restaurants. Behind the mall are neighboring rival multiplexes totaling more than 20 movie screens, so the mall is a convenient place to kill some time while waiting for Hollywood’s latest. Mall hours are Mon through Sat, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sun, noon to 6 p.m.
