Christ Church - Tours & Attractions - Savannah, Georgia

City: Savannah, GA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (912) 232-4131
Address: 28 Bull St.

Description: Christ Church is known as Georgia’s Mother Church. It was founded in 1733, on the exact spot where the first Christian religious service in Georgia was held. The current church replaced two churches that were destroyed. In 1735 John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, served as pastor here and founded what is believed to be the world’s first Protestant Sunday school. Also interesting: Christ Church has one of the rarest church bells in the entire country. It is known as a Revere Bell and was created by Paul Revere and Sons, the company owned by the noted “British are coming” patriot. It is one of about 130 Revere bells, the majority of which are found in New England states; only a handful made it to the South. The bell in the tower is actually the third Revere Bell the church has owned. The first, purchased in 1816 for $716, cracked during shipment. The second cracked the second Sunday it rang. The third bell, as they say, was the charm. The church didn’t have any significant problems with the third bell until 1995, when repairs needed to be made to the apparatus holding the bell. After a two-year repair job, the bell was rung again in early November 1997. Continue heading south on Bull Street, crossing Congress Street and proceeding to Broughton Street. This is Savannah’s original business district, and after decades of decline, it is becoming a shining example of urban redevelopment. Look east and west to see many trendy shops and a restaurant selection that ranges from Thai to Moroccan to Italian (not to mention a good ol’ hot dog place as well). Take a detour if you are hungry. If not, continue south on Bull Street to Wright Square, the second square on our trip.
