The Johns Hopkins Hospital - Health Care - Baltimore, Maryland

City: Baltimore, MD
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (410) 955-5000
Address: 600 North Wolfe St.

Description: The hospital opened in 1889, and since that time its recognition and groundbreaking work have grown with the years. Established as part of philanthropist Johns Hopkins’ gift to form Johns Hopkins University, the school of medicine and hospital revolutionized American higher education, medical education, and health care by establishing an intense teaching and learning environment where doctors, teachers, and students work hand in hand. Hopkins was the first medical school to require an undergraduate degree for admission and the first to combine science learning and intensive clinical mentoring, thus creating a model for medical education that remains in use throughout the world today. Among the firsts the hospital can claim is the first major medical school in the country to admit women, the first to use rubber gloves during surgery, and the first to develop renal dialysis and CPR.The hospital has 982 beds and draws patients from all over the world who seek the cures for which Hopkins is renowned. The hospital features marvelous accommodations for those having to spend time in the hospital. Travel agents, concierges, several types of dining, and other amenities ease the tough times, and the hospital is located on the city’s subway system, meaning transportation from the train station or airport doesn’t require a taxicab ride. Its children’s ward features games, movies, and a giant stuffed animal zoo that makes kids feel like they’re not so far away from home. Among its specialties are AIDS care, anesthesiology, critical care, asthma and allergies, cancer, cardiology and cardiac surgery, dermatology, digestive disorders, emergency medicine, endocrinology, immunology and infectious diseases, kidney disorders, neurology and neurosurgery, pediatrics, pulmonary medicine, reconstructive and plastic surgery, transplant surgery, and urology.
