Cape Arundel Inn - Restaurants - Kennebunkport, Maine

City: Kennebunkport, ME
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (207) 967-2125
Address: Ocean Ave.

Description: People flock to Kennebunkport to get a look at the Bush compound on Walker Point, and the summer home of the presidents forms much of the view of this fine dining room. (George the First occasionally even sups here, so you can get a real close look.) The food, however, should be the real attraction. After establishing the White Barn Inn as the place to stay and eat in Maine, Jack Nahil sold the famous hostelry and turned his attention to this new project. The cuisine is thus exceptional, with seafood and continental favorites done with ingenious twists, like crab cakes with a ginger sesame rémoulade, for example, or lobster stew with truffle oil drizzle. Quite aside from the views of crashing surf and Secret Servicemen out the windows, the dining room is very comfortable, with its candles and white linens, and the service is exceedingly professional. Open Monday through Saturday for dinner from mid-April through December.