Bugfest - Annual Events & Festivals - Raleigh, North Carolina

City: Raleigh, NC
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (919) 733-7450
Address: 11 W. Jones St.

Description: For a festival that might seem to be aimed squarely at third-grade boys, this insectapalooza winds up having something for anyone who’s ever wondered what that thing buzzing in his ear was. During the day, the festival draws thousands of school age kids for a wide variety of bug-themed activities. Crowds fill the commons between the science and history museums and much of the capitol lawn. Participants can watch as cockroaches compete in speed races. They can make origami butterflies. They can taste bug ice cream or crunch on fried crickets. Dance troupes perform bug-related numbers and bands sing odes to insects. Along with the more frivolous activities, the museum offers classes on beekeeping and short lectures and displays on the important role bugs play in the natural world. In the evening, a more grown-up version of the day’s events lures adults to contemplate our creepy crawly friends while they listen to music and drink beer. Admission to BugFest is free, but some classes require fees.
