National Constitution Center - Tours & Attractions - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

City: Philadelphia, PA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (215) 409-6600
Address: 525 Arch St.
Insider Pick:

Description: Here, history’s so real you can feel it and live it as you take the Presidential Oath of Office or a seat on the Supreme Court. Much more than just a dusty document assigned to the annals of history, the Constitution has remained a central part of our government and daily lives, the extent of which visitors of all ages will become aware through more than 100 multimedia, hands-on exhibits and interactive programs. Each day, the National Constitution Center hosts activities to make the learning process even more fun for younger visitors. An example might be a relay race involving state flags and their symbols, another a junior detective assignment to find the “secret signer” of the Constitution. Check the program sheet at the center for the day’s activities schedule. Open Mon through Fri 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat until 6 p.m., and Sun noon to 5 p.m. Parking is available at a paid lot on Race Street between 5th and 6th Streets, and the Independence Visitor Center.