Lost Maples State Natural Area - Parks & Recreation - San Antonio, Texas

City: San Antonio, TX
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (830) 966-3413
Address: 90 miles northeast of San Antonio via Hi

Description: This lovely natural area got its name from a large, isolated stand of uncommon Uvalde Bigtooth Maple, whose fall foliage can be spectacular. Generally, the foliage changes the last two weeks of October through the first two weeks of November but doesn’t do much of anything in years when the onset of cool weather is sudden. Fortunately, there’s plenty more to enjoy here since Lost Maples is considered an outstanding example of Edwards Plateau flora and fauna. Located 5 miles north of Vanderpool on Ranch Road 187 on the clear Sabinal River, the area features combinations of steep, rugged limestone canyons, springs, plateau grasslands, wooded slopes, and clear streams. Try to plan any trip taken in the fall for a weekday, as the park is generally crowded on the weekend and parking is limited. Visit the website or call (800) 792-1112 for fall foliage updates.