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West Hills, New York (NY) income map, earnings map, and wages data

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The median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022 was $169,653, which was 53.1% greater than the median annual income of $79,557 across the entire state of New York. Compared to the median income of $87,295 in 2000 this represents an increase of 48.5%. The per capita income in 2022 was $77,659, which means an increase of 44.9% compared to 2000 when it was $42,783.

Whole page based on the data from 2000 / 2022 when the population of West Hills, New York was 5,607 / 5,143

Income statistics for all residents

Median household income in 2022
Change in household income between 2000 and 2022
Median non-family household income in 2022
Change in non-family household income between 2000 and 2022
Median per capita income in 2022
Distribution of median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022
Income distribution in West Hills, NY (%)
Income distribution in New York (%)
Median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:

New York:

Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

3.1% (57)
New York:

6.8% (527,598)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

7.4% (574,940)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

6.7% (517,718)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.6% (12)
New York:

6.5% (506,674)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

2.3% (42)

6.1% (470,439)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

4.5% (83)

5.8% (454,042)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

11.1% (206)
New York:

8.5% (657,508)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

5.2% (97)
New York:

11.6% (899,824)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

4.2% (78)

9.3% (723,825)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

8.2% (152)

7.1% (552,420)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

22.6% (418)
New York:

9.4% (727,051)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

38.0% (703)
New York:

15.0% (1,162,269)
Aggregate household income in West Hills in 2022: $389,633,432
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of families with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.5% (6)

4.2% (197,409)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.9% (13)

5.5% (259,113)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

8.4% (119)

5.4% (255,320)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

7.7% (109)

8.2% (388,624)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

1.7% (24)

12.3% (583,110)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

5.5% (79)
New York:

10.6% (500,579)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

12.5% (178)

8.5% (400,594)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

20.2% (288)
New York:

11.6% (551,650)
Number of families with income > $200k:
West Hills:

42.7% (609)
New York:

18.9% (895,998)
Median family income by family size
Median family income by earners
Distribution of median family (with children under 18) income by family type
Distribution of median family (without children < 18) income by family type
Median non-family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:


Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:

New York:


Income statistics for White residents

Distribution of median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022
Income distribution in West Hills, NY (%)
Income distribution in New York (%)
Median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:


Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

3.2% (50)

4.8% (225,550)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

6.1% (289,425)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

5.9% (280,254)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.7% (11)

6.1% (288,263)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

2.5% (39)

5.9% (278,079)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

5.2% (81)
New York:

5.7% (267,554)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

9.5% (149)

8.4% (398,344)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

5.2% (82)

11.8% (554,841)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

3.7% (58)
New York:

10.0% (469,794)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

7.1% (112)

7.6% (360,467)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

23.8% (373)

10.1% (477,078)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

39.1% (614)

17.6% (829,233)
Aggregate household income in West Hills in 2022: $342,369,259
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of families with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.4% (5)

2.5% (68,851)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.8% (9)
New York:

4.7% (130,902)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

9.3% (109)

4.9% (135,118)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

4.7% (55)
New York:

7.8% (216,254)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

1.0% (12)

12.4% (342,382)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

5.0% (59)

11.4% (314,917)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

11.6% (136)
New York:

9.4% (260,489)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

22.1% (258)

13.2% (365,586)
Number of families with income > $200k:
West Hills:

45.0% (527)

23.2% (642,319)
Median non-family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:


Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:

New York:

Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:



Income statistics for Black or African American residents

Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:



Income statistics for Asian residents

Distribution of median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022
Income distribution in West Hills, NY (%)
Income distribution in New York (%)
Median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

6.9% (42,537)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

7.3% (44,745)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

6.2% (38,249)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

5.5% (33,993)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

4.8% (29,795)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

5.2% (32,100)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

27.7% (49)

7.3% (44,615)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

4.5% (8)

10.8% (66,687)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

7.3% (13)

8.2% (50,233)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

22.6% (40)
New York:

7.2% (44,299)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

6.8% (12)
New York:

10.4% (63,837)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

31.1% (55)

20.1% (123,891)
Aggregate household income in West Hills in 2022: $28,130,808
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

22.5% (38)
New York:

7.6% (33,120)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

4.8% (8)

10.7% (46,726)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

8.4% (14)

8.6% (37,796)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

22.2% (37)

7.3% (31,893)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

7.1% (12)

11.0% (48,177)
Number of families with income > $200k:
West Hills:

35.0% (59)

22.2% (97,322)
Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:



Income statistics for Hispanic or Latino residents

Distribution of median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022
Income distribution in West Hills, NY (%)
Income distribution in New York (%)
Median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

9.9% (127,185)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

10.7% (136,699)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

8.1% (102,991)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

7.8% (100,149)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

6.9% (87,760)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

6.3% (80,968)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

9.2% (9)

8.7% (110,631)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

11.2% (142,787)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

19.4% (19)

8.2% (104,850)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

6.3% (80,274)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

64.3% (63)

7.4% (95,117)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

7.1% (7)
New York:

8.6% (109,514)
Aggregate household income in West Hills in 2022: $13,712,226
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

11.2% (10)
New York:

9.3% (78,564)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

19.6% (17)
New York:

9.4% (79,139)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

35.4% (32)

6.9% (58,255)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

26.7% (24)
New York:

8.3% (69,877)
Number of families with income > $200k:
West Hills:

7.0% (6)
New York:

9.3% (78,555)
Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:

New York:

Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:: -27.6%
West Hills, New York -27.6%
State +132.7%

Income statistics for Multirace residents

Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

8.9% (57,924)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

8.7% (56,590)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

7.1% (46,287)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

6.9% (45,132)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

5.8% (37,946)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

5.6% (36,410)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

7.8% (50,819)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

11.7% (76,024)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

9.3% (60,635)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

6.2% (40,533)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

8.6% (56,409)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

100.0% (16)

13.4% (87,442)
Aggregate household income in West Hills in 2022: $47,162,893
Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
West Hills, New York:

New York:


Income statistics for other residents

Distribution of median household income in West Hills, NY in 2022
Income distribution in West Hills, NY (%)
Income distribution in New York (%)
Number of households with income < $10k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

10.3% (69,252)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

11.0% (73,890)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

8.8% (59,096)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

8.1% (54,418)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

7.3% (49,042)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

6.5% (43,945)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
West Hills:

55.0% (11)
New York:

9.5% (64,087)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

10.9% (73,094)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

7.9% (53,055)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)
New York:

5.9% (39,446)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
West Hills:

0.0% (0)

7.2% (48,653)
Number of households with income > $200k:
West Hills:

45.0% (9)
New York:

6.6% (44,703)
Median per capita income in West Hills in 2022:
West Hills:

New York:

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