

According to US Geological Survey estimates, the value of 2001 nonfuel mineral production was about $577 million, down 2% from 2000. Industrial minerals, especially construction gravel, portland cement, and crushed stone, accounted for about 82% of the state's nonfuel mineral production.

According to preliminary figures, in 2001 Colorado ranked 2nd in the nation in production of molybdenum and 3rd in soda ash. The state ranked 22nd among the 50 states in total nonfuel mineral production value, with 1.5% of the national total. In 2001, Colorado mined 39.5 million metric tons of sand and gravel ($197 million), 13.5 million metric tons of crushed stone ($87.7 million), 35,000 tons of lime ($2.1 million), and 296,000,000 metric tons of clay ($2 million).