Duluth: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

Duluth's major daily newspaper is the morning Duluth News-Tribune. Several suburban newspapers and shopping guides circulate weekly. Labor World, a labor newspaper established in 1895, appears biweekly on Wednesdays. The Duluthian, a bimonthly, is published by the Chamber of Commerce with a business and community orientation. Lake Superior Magazine, also published bimonthly, features articles and photography about the region. A number of special-interest magazines are published in the city on such subjects as mining and mineral processing, the restaurant industry, and the dental profession.

Television and Radio

More than a dozen television stations, representing the major networks and PBS, broadcast in Duluth, which also receives programming from Hibbing; cable programming is available by subscription. Some 30 AM and FM radio stations offer a variety of formats, including classical, contemporary, and country music, religious programming, news, and public interest features.

Media Information: Duluth News-Tribune, 424 W. 1st St., Duluth, MN 55802; telephone (218)723-5313. The Duluthian, Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce, 5 W. 1st St., Ste. 101, Duluth, MN 55802; telephone (218)722-5501

Duluth Online

City of Duluth home page. Available www.ci.duluth.mn.us

Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce. Available www.duluthchamber.com

Duluth Convention & Visitors Bureau. Available www.visitduluth.com

Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. Available www.duluthconventioncenter.com or www.decc.org

Duluth News-Tribune. Available www.duluthsuperior.com

Duluth Public Library. Available www.duluth.lib.mn.us

Duluth Public Schools. Available www.duluth.k12.mn.us

Minnesota Historical Society. Available www.mnhs.org

Northeast Minnesota Historical Society Archives. Available www.d.umn.edu/lib/collections

Selected Bibliography

Hertzel, Laurie (ed.), Boomtown Landmarks (Pfeifer-Hamilton Publishing, 1993)

Sutter, Barton, Cold Comfort: Life at the Top of the Map (University of Minnesota Press, 1998)