Harrisburg: Communications

Newspapers and Magazines

Harrisburg's daily newspaper, The Patriot-News, has a daily morning edition; Patriot-News Company also publishes the Sunday Patriot-News and a weekly tabloid examining area business, arts, and entertainment. Another daily, the Press and Journal, is published in Middletown. Other newspapers published in Harrisburg are The Catholic Witness and Community Affairs. Journals published there include The New Social Worker (by White Hat Communications), The PBA Quarterly, and Pennsylvania Heritage (by the Pennsylvania Heritage Society). Many other magazines are published in Harrisburg, including Country Journal and several magazines focusing on sports and hobbies, law and medicine.

Television and Radio

Harrisburg receives two major network affiliates and public television; cable service is available. A Harrisburg educational television station presents Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series as well as programs of local interest, especially those relating to issues arising at the state capital. Four AM and six FM radio stations broadcast from Harrisburg, which also receives stations from Philadelphia, Lancaster, and York.

Media Information: Patriot-News Company, 812 Market St., Harrisburg, PA 17101; telephone (717)255-8100; toll-free (800)692-7207

Harrisburg Online

Capital Region Economic Development Corporation. Available www.harrisburgregionalchamber.org

City of Harrisburg. Available www.harrisburgpa.gov.

Dauphin County Historical Society. Available www.dauphincountyhistoricalsociety.org

Dauphin County Public Library. Available www.dcls.org

Harrisburg-Hershey-Carlisle Tourism & Convention Bureau. Available www.visithhc.com/capcity.shtml

Harrisburg Regional Chamber. Available www.harrisburgregionalchamber.org

Harrisburg School District. Available www.hbgsd.k12.pa.us

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Available www.phmc.state.pa.us

PinnacleHealth System. Available www.pinnaclehealth.org

Selected Bibliography

Del Tredici, Robert, The People of Three Mile Island: Interviews and Photos (San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1980)

Eggert, Gerald E. Harrisburg Industrializes: The Coming of Factories to an American Community (Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993)

Seitz, Blair (photographer) and John Hope, ed.. Harrisburg: Renaissance of a Capital City (Rb Books, 2000)