Detailed statistics for Michigan federal government workers

Various data about federal government jobs in the U.S.

Average salary

The average salary in Michigan is $72,974.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the lowest and the highest average salary:

Gender breakdown within the state

The majority of people working in Michigan are male. The ratio can be seen here:
The salary distribution between genders in Michigan also varies. The graphs below represents those differences: :

Average salary by profession in Michigan

Breakdown of grades: number of employees working at each grade and their average salary

Grade Number of employees Average salary
VN 02 703 $74,135
GS 11 543 $69,654
AD PH 372 $191,870
VN 01 357 $62,066
VN 03 334 $93,340
GS 05 319 $37,079
GS 05 271 $35,271
GS 06 225 $44,244
WG 02 214 $38,996
GS 12 211 $87,000
VM PH 204 $200,281
GS 08 199 $51,926
GS 11 198 $66,809
GS 13 182 $104,841
GS 12 177 $85,467
GS 07 164 $47,238
GS 04 163 $31,336
GS 05 155 $37,476
GS 06 140 $42,408
GS 12 131 $114,393
others 10,286 $70,440