Breakwater Kayak - Parks & Recreation - Rockland, Maine

City: Rockland, ME
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: (207) 596-6895 or (877) 559-88
Address: 8 Mill St.

Description: Founded by Mark DiGirolamo, Breakwater Kayak specializes in natural history tours, using Penobscot and Muscongus Bays as their campus. When he’s not guiding, DiGirolamo spends his time working on birding projects for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife or teaching in the local schools, so he knows of what he speaks when he takes you out for his daylong natural history tour. Birds are an obvious interest, and you can expect to spot ospreys, eagles, and warblers, as well as seals, and the trip always includes an exploration of the intertidal zone. The natural history tour pushes off at 9 a.m., returns at 4 p.m., and costs $110 per person. Breakwater Kayak also takes paddlers out to the mile-long breakwater for which it’s named, to Owls Head Light, and around busy Camden Harbor. Camping excursions are another possibility.