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Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey (NJ) income map, earnings map, and wages data

The median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022 was $118,606, which was 18.8% greater than the median annual income of $96,346 across the entire state of New Jersey. Compared to the median income of $67,301 in 2000 this represents an increase of 43.3%. The per capita income in 2022 was $80,492, which means an increase of 43.1% compared to 2000 when it was $45,829.

Income statistics for all residents

Median household income in 2022
Change in household income between 2000 and 2022
Median non-family household income in 2022
Change in non-family household income between 2000 and 2022
Median per capita income in 2022
Change in per capita income between 2000 and 2022
Distribution of median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022
Income distribution in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ (%)
Income distribution in New Jersey (%)
Median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:


Number of households with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.0% (1,664)

4.4% (155,271)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.8% (2,052)

5.4% (189,888)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.6% (3,580)

5.2% (183,402)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.4% (2,388)

5.9% (206,969)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.1% (2,803)
New Jersey:

5.2% (184,153)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.4% (2,940)
New Jersey:

5.6% (197,270)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.1% (3,873)

8.1% (284,245)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

15.6% (8,525)

11.6% (408,272)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

16.0% (8,722)

10.1% (354,738)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

10.7% (5,826)

8.0% (281,341)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

12.7% (6,921)

11.5% (404,977)
Number of households with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.7% (5,300)
New Jersey:

18.9% (666,452)
Aggregate household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022: $338,719,325
Median family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Distribution of median family (with children under 18) income by family type
Distribution of median family (without children < 18) income by family type
Median non-family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:


Median per capita income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:

New Jersey:


Income statistics for White residents

Distribution of median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022
Income distribution in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ (%)
Income distribution in New Jersey (%)
Median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:

New Jersey:

Number of households with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.4% (1,558)
New Jersey:

3.5% (73,676)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.1% (1,878)

4.3% (90,086)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.6% (2,536)
New Jersey:

4.7% (99,511)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.7% (2,138)

5.2% (109,051)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.1% (2,332)

4.9% (101,931)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.5% (2,515)
New Jersey:

5.4% (112,379)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.3% (3,325)

7.7% (162,379)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

16.3% (7,439)

11.6% (242,478)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

15.3% (6,994)

10.4% (218,622)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.9% (4,506)

8.5% (177,925)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

13.2% (6,011)
New Jersey:

12.5% (262,429)
Number of households with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.7% (4,435)

21.3% (446,393)
Aggregate household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022: $275,309,378
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Number of families with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

0.2% (2)
New Jersey:

1.5% (21,094)
Number of families with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

0.3% (4)

1.9% (26,388)
Number of families with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

1.2% (16)

2.4% (33,161)
Number of families with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

0.5% (7)

3.2% (43,969)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

2.3% (32)

3.5% (48,685)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.5% (60)
New Jersey:

4.1% (57,095)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.7% (50)

6.7% (92,267)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.7% (117)
New Jersey:

11.5% (158,630)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

16.7% (225)

11.5% (158,059)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.6% (62)
New Jersey:

9.8% (134,575)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

26.2% (353)
New Jersey:

15.5% (212,728)
Number of families with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

31.2% (421)

28.3% (389,541)
Median non-family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Change in median non-family income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:


Median per capita income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:



Income statistics for Black or African American residents

Distribution of median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022
Income distribution in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ (%)
Income distribution in New Jersey (%)
Median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:


Number of households with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.9% (29,093)

8.9% (38,971)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.8% (28,759)
New Jersey:

8.7% (38,456)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.3% (24,079)
New Jersey:

7.3% (32,276)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.7% (25,221)

7.7% (33,867)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.5% (24,572)

7.5% (32,945)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.6% (21,733)
New Jersey:

6.6% (29,115)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.8% (29,021)

8.9% (39,013)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

11.8% (38,703)

11.8% (51,915)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.1% (29,998)

9.1% (40,243)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.3% (20,573)

6.3% (27,533)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.3% (27,303)

8.3% (36,645)
Number of households with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.8% (28,925)
New Jersey:

8.9% (38,974)
Aggregate household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022: $11,901,610
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

27.5% (8)

6.8% (17,786)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

28.4% (9)

10.8% (28,173)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

44.1% (14)

8.2% (21,536)
Median per capita income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:



Income statistics for Asian residents

Distribution of median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022
Income distribution in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ (%)
Income distribution in New Jersey (%)
Median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:

New Jersey:

Number of households with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.8% (15,615)

3.8% (12,441)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.1% (12,497)
New Jersey:

3.1% (9,957)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.1% (12,682)

3.1% (10,104)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.6% (14,834)

3.6% (11,819)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

2.6% (10,460)
New Jersey:

2.6% (8,334)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.6% (14,809)
New Jersey:

3.6% (11,799)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.4% (22,179)
New Jersey:

5.4% (17,671)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.0% (36,776)

9.0% (29,301)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.6% (39,371)
New Jersey:

9.6% (31,368)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.1% (33,032)

8.1% (26,318)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

14.3% (58,618)
New Jersey:

14.3% (46,703)
Number of households with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

33.8% (138,124)

33.8% (110,048)
Aggregate household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022: $14,180,912
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

18.1% (9)

4.9% (12,419)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

20.7% (10)

7.9% (20,102)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

61.2% (29)

16.0% (40,707)
Median per capita income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:


Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:



Income statistics for Hispanic or Latino residents

Distribution of median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022
Income distribution in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ (%)
Income distribution in New Jersey (%)
Median household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley, NJ in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Change in median household income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:

New Jersey:

Number of households with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.6% (28,840)

4.6% (29,004)
Number of households with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.0% (50,075)

7.9% (50,233)
Number of households with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.8% (42,507)

6.7% (42,724)
Number of households with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.3% (52,426)

8.3% (52,621)
Number of households with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.6% (41,310)

6.6% (41,539)
Number of households with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.9% (43,697)
New Jersey:

6.9% (43,976)
Number of households with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

10.5% (65,798)
New Jersey:

10.4% (66,157)
Number of households with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

12.6% (79,520)

12.7% (80,102)
Number of households with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

10.1% (63,376)
New Jersey:

10.1% (63,832)
Number of households with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.6% (47,545)

7.6% (47,874)
Number of households with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.2% (51,802)

8.3% (52,287)
Number of households with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

9.9% (62,143)
New Jersey:

9.9% (62,842)
Aggregate household income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022: $15,555,590
Distribution of median family income in 2022
Median family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Number of families with income < $10k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

0.6% (1)
New Jersey:

3.1% (14,686)
Number of families with income $10k - 20k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

1.1% (2)
New Jersey:

6.0% (28,023)
Number of families with income $20k - 30k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

5.9% (11)

6.5% (30,501)
Number of families with income $30k - 40k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

4.7% (8)

8.3% (38,883)
Number of families with income $40k - 50k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

8.3% (15)
New Jersey:

7.2% (33,778)
Number of families with income $50k - 60k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

6.6% (12)

6.7% (31,451)
Number of families with income $60k - 75k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

7.0% (12)

11.1% (52,120)
Number of families with income $75k - 100k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

12.0% (21)

13.3% (62,373)
Number of families with income $100k - 125k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

17.6% (31)

10.9% (51,355)
Number of families with income $125k - 150k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

3.9% (7)
New Jersey:

7.5% (35,076)
Number of families with income $150k - 200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

14.5% (26)
New Jersey:

8.7% (40,972)
Number of families with income > $200k:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

17.8% (32)

10.9% (51,269)
Median non-family income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Median per capita income in Allamuchy-Panther Valley in 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley:

New Jersey:

Change in median per capita income between 2000 and 2022:
Allamuchy-Panther Valley, New Jersey:

New Jersey:

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