Property valuation of Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY: 2175, 2181, 2183, 2185, 2187, 2189, 2192, 2195, 2199, 2200 (tax assessments)

Listed properties vs overall distribution of properties in Bronx, NY:


2175 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $81,000
Current year's total market value of improvements: $1,467,000 (it was $1,172,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $1,548,000 (it was $1,253,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 01/07/2015
Current transitional assessed land value: $36,414
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $535,536
Current transitional assessed total value: $571,950
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $36,450
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $560,110
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $596,560
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $36,450
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $560,110
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $596,560
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: Apartments
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 45
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 45
Lot frontage: 97 feet
Lot depth: 89 feet
Land size: 8,673 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 97 feet
Building depth: 73 feet
Living area: 36,600 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 5.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1927
2181 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $122,000 (it was $188,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value of improvements: $146,000 (it was $99,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $268,000 (it was $287,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 11/25/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $5,336
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $6,385
Current transitional assessed total value: $11,721
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,208
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,215
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $12,423
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,208
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,215
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $12,423
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: 1-3 Unit Residences
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 1
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 1
Lot frontage: 25 feet
Lot depth: 90 feet
Land size: 2,273 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 19 feet
Building depth: 36 feet
Living area: 1,356 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 2.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1901
2183 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $114,000
Current year's total market value of improvements: $120,000 (it was $93,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $234,000 (it was $207,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 11/28/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $6,321
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $6,653
Current transitional assessed total value: $12,974
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,806
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,946
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $13,752
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,806
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,946
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $13,752
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: 1-3 Unit Residences
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 2
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 1
Lot frontage: 25 feet
Lot depth: 90 feet
Land size: 2,267 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 22 feet
Building depth: 30 feet
Living area: 2,274 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
Additions: extension
The number of stories for the building: 2.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1901
2185 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $128,000
Current year's total market value of improvements: $117,000 (it was $104,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $245,000 (it was $232,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 11/28/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $7,609
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $6,955
Current transitional assessed total value: $14,564
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $7,264
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $8,173
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $15,437
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $7,264
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $8,173
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $15,437
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: 1-3 Unit Residences
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 3
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 2
Lot frontage: 25 feet
Lot depth: 91 feet
Land size: 2,285 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 22 feet
Building depth: 38 feet
Living area: 2,564 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
Additions: garage
The number of stories for the building: 3.5
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1901
2187 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $143,000 (it was $219,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value of improvements: $202,000 (it was $65,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $345,000 (it was $284,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 11/25/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $5,157
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $7,284
Current transitional assessed total value: $12,441
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,217
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,224
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $12,441
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $5,217
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $7,224
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $12,441
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: 1-3 Unit Residences
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 2
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 2
Lot frontage: 25 feet
Lot depth: 92 feet
Land size: 2,306 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 20 feet
Building depth: 48 feet
Living area: 1,920 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
Additions: garage
The number of stories for the building: 2.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1901
2189 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $104,000 (it was $100,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $104,000 (it was $100,000 in 2012)
Current transitional assessed land value: $45,720
Current transitional assessed total value: $45,720
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $46,080
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $46,080
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $46,080
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $46,080
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: All Others
Lot frontage: 25 feet
Lot depth: 93 feet
Land size: 2,318 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Irregularly shaped building: no
2192 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $189,000 (it was $95,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value of improvements: $937,000 (it was $599,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $1,126,000 (it was $694,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 12/09/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $51,210
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $327,060
Current transitional assessed total value: $378,270
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $59,670
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $371,430
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $431,100
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $59,670
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $371,430
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $431,100
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: Apartments
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 44
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 44
Lot frontage: 62 feet
Lot depth: 106 feet
Land size: 9,452 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: yes
Building frontage: 51 feet
Building depth: 94 feet
Living area: 36,300 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 6.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1950
2195 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $90,000 (it was $70,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value of improvements: $139,000 (it was $21,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $229,000 (it was $91,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 09/22/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $39,150
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $39,960
Current transitional assessed total value: $79,110
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $38,700
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $50,670
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $89,370
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $38,700
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $50,670
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $89,370
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: All Others
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 2
Lot frontage: 50 feet
Lot depth: 93 feet
Land size: 4,650 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: no
Building frontage: 30 feet
Building depth: 50 feet
Living area: 2,897 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 2.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1910
2199 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $75,000
Current year's total market value of improvements: $621,000 (it was $362,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $696,000 (it was $437,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 12/02/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $33,750
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $207,090
Current transitional assessed total value: $240,840
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $33,750
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $228,420
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $262,170
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $33,750
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $228,420
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $262,170
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: Apartments
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 36
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 36
Lot frontage: 75 feet
Lot depth: 96 feet
Land size: 7,150 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: yes
Building frontage: 75 feet
Building depth: 79 feet
Living area: 36,483 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 6.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1932
2200 Morris Avenue
    Bronx, NY 10453
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Current year's total market value of the land: $195,000
Current year's total market value of improvements: $1,631,000 (it was $1,334,000 in 2012)
Current year's total market value: $1,826,000 (it was $1,529,000 in 2012)
Date of last change of market value: 12/09/2014
Current transitional assessed land value: $87,750
Current transitional assessed improvements value: $623,430
Current transitional assessed total value: $711,180
Tentative transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $87,750
Tentative transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $680,220
Tentative transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $767,970
Final transitional assessed land value for the next fiscal year: $87,750
Final transitional assessed improvements value for the next fiscal year: $680,220
Final transitional assessed total value for the next fiscal year: $767,970
Assessments for fiscal year: 2014/2015
Tax class: Apartments
Number of units (condos, etc). in the building: 72
Number of residential units (condos, etc). in the building: 72
Lot frontage: 154 feet
Lot depth: 110 feet
Land size: 19,460 square feet
Irregularly shaped lot: yes
Building frontage: 155 feet
Building depth: 108 feet
Living area: 76,158 square feet
Irregularly shaped building: no
The number of stories for the building: 6.0
The number of buildings on the property: 1
The year the building was built: 1937
Zip code 10453 (Bronx, NY) real estate house value trends

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