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Registered sex offenders zip code 28358

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According to our research of North Carolina and other state lists, there were 101 registered sex offenders living in zip code 28358 (Lumberton, NC) as of April 26, 2024.
The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in zip code 28358 is 400 to 1.

Crime in Lumberton detailed stats: murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, arson

Zip code 28358 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to nearest zip codes:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
Zip code 28392:

Zip code 28320:

Zip code 28360:

Zip code 28372:

Zip code 28358:

Zip code 28369:

Zip code 28340:

Zip code 28384:

Zip code 28438:

Zip code 28358 ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to county and state:
(Note: Higher values mean more residents per sex offender)
North Carolina:

Zip code 28358:

Robeson County:


  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2012-09-01, Conviction date: 2016-03-31, Release date: 2022-01-10, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 13Y3MON

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1987-07-02
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2022-10-18
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-11-18, Conviction date: 2005-10-10, Release date: 2010-05-01, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 61M-83M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-03-13
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear - pierced
Race: Black
Registration date: 2010-05-03
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 1ST DEGREE - W/CHILD UNDER 13, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-09-19, Conviction date: 2004-11-01, Release date: 2012-11-05, Statute: 14-27.4.A.1, Victim's age: 8, Confinement: 12Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1984-09-18
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm - bm cut into skin; tat lf arm - clown wearing ball cap and buildings; tat rf arm - partial face and skull hand holding gun; tat r fgr - little finger 8 ring finger 3; tat back - upper back 8 west side 3; tat chest - left chest baby ave; tat l hnd - faded letter c; tat r hnd - bird; tat rf arm - back of forearm word curve
Race: Black
Registration date: 2012-11-08
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 1ST DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-12-01, Conviction date: 2022-08-15, Probation: 1D, Statute: 14-27.4

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1989-05-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2022-10-19
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1993-02-19, Conviction date: 1995-08-28, Release date: 1996-01-02, Probation: 5Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 364D

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-05-30
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2019-02-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2017-05-18, Conviction date: 2017-09-25, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1960-09-04
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Red
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2021-02-02
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2001-04-07, Conviction date: 2001-09-26, Release date: 2011-04-11, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 10Y
  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2001-04-07, Conviction date: 2001-09-26, Release date: 2011-04-11, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 10Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-10-13
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 243 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2018-08-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2018-11-09, Conviction date: 2020-03-31, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1991-04-16
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2020-04-21
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1999-12-21, Release date: 1999-12-22, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 5Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1959-07-22
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 243 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r fgr
Race: White
Registration date: 1999-12-29
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-12-23, Conviction date: 2004-04-28, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1977-12-02
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r shld - feather; tat neck - feather; tat lf arm - dream catcher with bear claw and feather; tat rf arm - two feathers with red circles
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2004-05-14
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2001-12-28, Conviction date: 2006-09-07, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 7
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-09-04, Conviction date: 2006-09-07, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1985-08-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2006-09-13
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-01-01, Conviction date: 2006-07-12, Release date: 2011-12-25, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 2Y6M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-01-01, Conviction date: 2006-07-12, Release date: 2011-12-25, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 2Y6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1968-04-23
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc head - sc left temple; sc l shld - sc near shoulder; sc neck - sc from back of nect to left side neck; tat chest - mr hunt stars rt side; tat l arm - above elbow lumbee; tat l arm - left upper arm initials r h; tat l hnd - below t c name redell; tat l hnd - mom left thumb hunt left index heart mid; tat l hnd - redell bh indian top hand; tat l hnd - top 101 below lh 101 t c; tat l knee - b hunt; tat l leg - b hunt left knee; tat l wrs - 101 tc; tat r arm - back by elbow is a cross 3dots; tat r arm - brady redell playboy bunny w red eye; tat r arm - forearm top brady redell
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2011-12-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-05-01, Conviction date: 2012-08-01, Release date: 2019-06-20, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 11Y6M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-10-01, Conviction date: 2012-08-01, Release date: 2019-06-20, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 11Y6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-03-28
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat chest - 2 hearts; tat l arm - tsg; tat l shld - dragon; tat r arm - lord no; tat r shld - love to gamble
Race: Black
Registration date: 2019-06-25
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-09-30, Conviction date: 2013-11-25, Release date: 2017-04-01, Probation: 3Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 4YRS

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1989-01-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: con lenses; glasses; tat back - diamond w japanese number 12 in center; tat chest - 2 diamonds with an eye in the center
Race: Black
Registration date: 2017-04-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: RANDOLPH COUNTY, Offense date: 2018-06-08, Conviction date: 2019-04-02, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1998-07-26
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat rf arm - rose with skull and casket
Race: White
Registration date: 2019-04-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-06-09, Conviction date: 2002-11-01, Release date: 2004-11-22, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 1Y11M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1975-04-28
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2011-02-11
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2011-10-26, Conviction date: 2021-11-09, Release date: 2022-05-25, Statute: 14-27.5A, Confinement: 4Y5M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1992-01-18
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 173 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l leg - injury; tat l hnd - loyalty w crown; tat r hnd - boss w star
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-05-31
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2011-09-01, Conviction date: 2014-10-07, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1992-08-03
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2014-10-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-05-21, Conviction date: 2002-03-06, Release date: 2012-07-26, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 13Y3M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1941-07-05
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2012-07-26
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2020-01-25, Conviction date: 2022-11-03, Probation: 24M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1996-01-02
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: art l leg; art r arm; tat abdom - star 202 910; tat l arm - stars and clouds; tat neck - washington logo with wings; tat chest - rip; tat face - daughters name; tat l arm - baby mothers name camryn; tat l arm - loyalty; tat l arm - mothers name; tat r arm - darrius; tat r arm - nlmb; tat r arm - respect
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-11-03
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-06-06, Conviction date: 2001-09-04, Release date: 2002-06-04, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 10, Confinement: 001Y1

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1963-01-04
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc nose - scar across nose
Race: White
Registration date: 2006-09-13
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL OFFENSE WITH CERTAIN VICTIMS, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2015-05-17, Conviction date: 2016-02-03, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-27.7, Victim's age: 18

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1965-03-01
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 178 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: mole chest
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2016-02-08
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2012-06-25, Conviction date: 2013-04-26, Release date: 2022-09-14, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 15Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1991-02-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-09-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-09-05, Conviction date: 2005-11-28, Release date: 2014-11-02, Statute: 14-27.5, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 11Y2M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1973-02-01
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 309 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat chest - arrow heads; tat chest - blue eyes heart eagle bull 3 8 2 feather; tat chest - indian head dream catcher lumbee warrior; tat l arm - indian head nol bob wire dakota; tat l arm - tasha joseph fbi indian head; tat l hnd - eyes bear claw; tat r arm - dog hearts barb wire nol ax; tat r arm - dot candy ray; tat r hnd - get this hand blue bear claw
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2014-11-05
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1974-04-15
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Race: Unknown
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 1ST DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1997-02-05, Conviction date: 1998-09-08, Release date: 2011-07-04, Statute: 14-27.2, Confinement: 18Y1M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1978-02-06
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 204 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm - doris
Race: Black
Registration date: 2011-07-06
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-10-15, Conviction date: 2006-08-08, Probation: 60M, Statute: 14-202.1

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1986-05-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 204 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm - f g; tat r arm
Race: Black
Registration date: 2006-08-14
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-05-22, Conviction date: 2009-11-17, Release date: 2010-03-16, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 6, Confinement: 1Y8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1987-02-14
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l foot - chinese writing life re birth; tat neck - aacl; tat r arm - bear claws h d
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2010-03-17
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1995-09-15, Release date: 2005-12-12, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 10Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1950-01-13
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2022-08-09
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: BLADEN COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-10-18, Conviction date: 2005-02-09, Release date: 2006-06-09, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1961-11-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm - scar along left forearm; sc r arm; sc r leg - scar on top of right leg
Race: Black
Registration date: 2006-06-16
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: NEW HANOVER COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-02-18, Conviction date: 2009-05-19, Release date: 2009-11-19, Probation: 8Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1950-09-26
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2015-08-17
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: STOKES COUNTY, Offense date: 1998-11-26, Conviction date: 1999-04-07, Probation: 5Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 6

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1952-06-26
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r shld
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2012-10-11
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-04-03, Conviction date: 2011-01-05, Release date: 2013-10-31, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 3Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1988-11-13
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 155 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: con lenses; glasses; prcd ears; tat abdom - only god can judge me with skeleton; tat chest - clouds with dove matt 316; tat l wrs - bar code leads into other art sleeve; tat l wrs - raised state of nc 26 leads into art; tat lf arm - 1 corithians 1311 leads into art sleeve; tat neck - stars; tat r arm - cross tomb stone skys the limit family; tat ul arm - text side; tat ur arm - text east; tat rf arm - scorpion leads into other art sleeve; tat neck - two hearts; tat r wrs - heart with text no love; tat back - skeletons
Race: Black
Registration date: 2013-10-31
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX EXPLOIT MINOR 2ND DEGREE, Location: GUILFORD COUNTY, Offense date: 2010-11-30, Conviction date: 2012-01-23, Release date: 2018-03-31, Statute: 14-190.17, Confinement: 20-33M
  • Crime: SEX EXPLOIT MINOR 2ND DEGREE, Location: GUILFORD COUNTY, Offense date: 2010-11-30, Conviction date: 2012-01-23, Release date: 2018-03-31, Statute: 14-190.17, Confinement: 20-33M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1987-01-28
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r shld - cross
Race: White
Registration date: 2018-04-02
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-10-08, Conviction date: 2005-02-08, Release date: 2009-10-16, Statute: 14-27.5, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 6Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1968-04-06
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 214 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2009-10-16
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1999-12-15, Conviction date: 2000-07-25, Probation: 5Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1972-06-28
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'02"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2021-02-23
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 1ST DEGREE, Location: LEE COUNTY, Conviction date: 1977-08-26, Release date: 2003-06-29, Statute: 14-27.2, Confinement: 999Y99M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1955-07-18
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2003-06-30
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2007-09-20, Conviction date: 2008-06-12, Release date: 2008-06-12, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-07-21
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2021-04-21
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: SCOTLAND COUNTY, Conviction date: 2001-04-16, Probation: 10Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A
  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-06-16, Conviction date: 2001-04-16, Probation: 10Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-05-25
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2017-10-12
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: FELONIOUS INDECENT EXPOSURE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2016-09-22, Conviction date: 2017-03-08, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-190.9.A1
  • Crime: FELONIOUS INDECENT EXPOSURE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2017-05-11, Conviction date: 2017-08-09, Release date: 2018-07-22, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-190.9.A1, Confinement: 2Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1987-03-18
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 209 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - skull thug life 41 curve; tat r arm - black 6 point star 74 l b b more; tat r arm - south side
Race: Black
Registration date: 2018-07-22
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL OFFENSE WITH CERTAIN VICTIMS, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-10-14, Conviction date: 2006-09-13, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-27.7, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1955-04-01
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2006-09-14
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1998-08-10, Conviction date: 1999-05-10, Probation: 036M, Statute: 14-202.1

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1963-01-23
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 176 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2001-04-26
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2008-08-01, Conviction date: 2014-07-10, Release date: 2015-02-25, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 2Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1968-05-09
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 194 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc chest
Race: White
Registration date: 2015-02-26
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: HARNETT COUNTY, Offense date: 2002-06-15, Conviction date: 2003-06-23, Release date: 2009-03-20, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 7Y9M
  • Crime: KIDNAPPING AGAINST A MINOR (1ST,2ND), Location: HARNETT COUNTY, Offense date: 2000-03-12, Conviction date: 2001-02-08, Release date: 2009-03-20, Statute: 14-39, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 2Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-12-14
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 153 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm; sc l knee; sc neck; sc r knee; sc ul arm; tat r arm; tat ur arm - joker; tat back - 2 women laying down; tat back - 2 women posing on one leg; tat back - hundred dollar bills; tat l arm - joe; tat ul arm - shackles and chain hand holding a rose; tat rf arm - grave yard; tat back - skull wearing hat and holding money; tat back - 910; tat back - gangsta
Race: Black
Registration date: 2009-03-23
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2010-09-16, Conviction date: 2011-05-19, Release date: 2011-05-19, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 10, Confinement: 090D

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1948-12-10
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 6'04"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l elb - scar on left eye
Race: White
Registration date: 2013-02-25
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2019-05-27, Conviction date: 2023-12-06, Release date: 2023-12-06, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 5Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1959-03-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 184 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2024-01-09
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: GUILFORD COUNTY, Offense date: 2001-10-03, Conviction date: 2002-01-29, Release date: 2020-03-27, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 11, Confinement: 10Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-07-29
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Blond
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2020-03-30
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: ATTEMPTED RAPE OR ATTEMPTED SEX OFFENSE (1ST,2ND DEGREE), Location: UNION COUNTY, Offense date: 2015-01-30, Conviction date: 2016-03-17, Release date: 2022-11-23, Statute: 14-27.6, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 14Y5M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1998-12-21
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2022-11-29
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-08-29, Conviction date: 2015-05-15, Release date: 2015-12-16, Probation: 20Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 12M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-02-09
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2015-12-31
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-01-01, Conviction date: 2007-09-11, Release date: 2018-07-31, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 11, Confinement: 15Y2M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1964-06-18
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 146 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2018-08-13
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL OFFENSE WITH CERTAIN VICTIMS, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1999-09-19, Conviction date: 2001-09-02, Release date: 2005-02-03, Statute: 14-27.7, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 09Y06M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-10-09
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 137 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back; tat chest; tat l arm; tat r arm; tat r hnd
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2005-02-07
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1994-07-04, Conviction date: 1996-01-19, Release date: 2018-04-26, Probation: 8Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 17, Confinement: 3Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1977-02-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2018-04-30
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2019-06-24, Conviction date: 2019-10-02, Release date: 2019-10-04, Probation: 24M, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 4M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1970-02-18
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2019-11-21
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2011-06-14, Conviction date: 2014-08-12, Probation: 24M, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1991-08-23
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l hnd - claw; tat neck - k crown; tat r arm - praying hands; tat r hnd - dollar sign
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2014-08-19
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: GASTON COUNTY, Offense date: 1999-06-15, Conviction date: 2003-03-12, Release date: 2007-09-28, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1949-01-03
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: mole r chk; sc abdom; sc thgh
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2007-09-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-07-22, Conviction date: 2006-10-04, Release date: 2012-06-19, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 11, Confinement: 6Y7M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-07-22, Conviction date: 2006-10-04, Release date: 2012-06-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 11, Confinement: 1Y8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1986-06-08
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 242 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - heart; tat back - heart pc; tat back - heart w pc inside on upper back; tat chest - lumbee; tat chest - lumbee upper center chest; tat l arm - briceton; tat l arm - briceton good die young skull; tat l arm - bryceton now covered w gemini zodiac; tat l arm - good die young skull inner forearm; tat l arm - road to riches; tat l arm - road to riches back of forearm; tat l arm - wings road power lines brickwall; tat r arm - c los dough; tat r arm - c los dough flowers rose; tat r arm - cross w praying hands doves clouds
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2012-06-21
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1993-05-24, Release date: 2006-09-26, Statute: 14-27.3, Confinement: 40Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1963-06-29
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm; tat chest
Race: Black
Registration date: 2006-09-27
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1997-05-21, Release date: 2002-03-10, Statute: 14-27.5, Confinement: 006Y0

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1965-09-18
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2002-03-12
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2014-02-02, Conviction date: 2014-02-02, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 12

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-06-24
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'00"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2015-09-16
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-11-26, Conviction date: 2005-10-13, Release date: 2011-07-17, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1981-01-22
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 148 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd abdmn - 1 hole belly; prcd l ear - 1 hole; prcd r ear - 1 hole; sc face - chin accident; sc l leg - below knee about 1 2 inch
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2011-07-20
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2016-02-01, Conviction date: 2018-12-10, Release date: 2022-02-12, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1993-06-20
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 191 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-03-01
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1995-10-14, Conviction date: 1997-04-01, Release date: 2018-03-13, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 27Y8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1973-09-15
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l wrist; tat back - tribal sign; tat l brst - tiger s head; tat l shld - bull s skull indian pride; tat r arm - rip lumbee w arrows; tat r arm
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2018-03-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-04-24, Conviction date: 2004-08-12, Release date: 2019-12-22, Statute: 14-27.5, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 14Y3M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1961-04-30
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc chest; sc head - sc fhd; sc l chk - sc l eye; tat chest - heart
Race: Black
Registration date: 2020-01-15
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INCEST WITH NEAR RELATIVES, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1994-02-16, Conviction date: 1998-04-02, Release date: 1999-09-20, Statute: 14-178, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 004Y06M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1954-08-26
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: disc abdom - birth mark on his right side stomach
Race: White
Registration date: 1999-09-27
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1980-05-24, Conviction date: 1982-05-27, Release date: 1996-08-01, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 9Y-12Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-04-26
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc groin - 6 inch scar; sc l arm - cross; sc l arm - tnt bomb; sc l eye - scar on eyebrow; sc l shld - diamond; sc r arm - heart and cross; sc r shld - mike
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-10-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2008-03-10, Conviction date: 2011-02-21, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1990-04-08
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l arm - j mtb; sc r arm - scratches; tat rf arm; tat back - two tribal dragons; tat l arm - 3 cross mary; tat l shld - bommarito; tat r arm - southern patience; tat r brst - son s feet; tat l leg - skull all fun and games; tat r leg - cross; tat lf arm - free your mind; tat r leg - samantha; tat ur arm - betty
Race: White
Registration date: 2011-02-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1998-11-01, Conviction date: 2000-02-15, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1978-07-18
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 250 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - ahmiyah; tat r arm - addison
Race: Black
Registration date: 2002-02-16
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2011-06-29, Conviction date: 2013-11-04, Release date: 2014-09-11, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 5M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1979-04-11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 161 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc face - small scars; tat l arm - willis blood of my blood; tat r arm - shalonda jaliyah flesh of my flesh os
Race: Black
Registration date: 2014-09-15
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-03-19, Conviction date: 2007-02-02, Release date: 2007-05-13, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 60D

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1985-06-16
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 192 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l wrist; tat l arm - sleeve; tat l arm - two skulls one woman
Race: White
Registration date: 2008-10-10
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-08-11, Conviction date: 2006-11-15, Release date: 2012-09-08, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 8Y1M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1984-11-11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear - 1 hole; sc r arm - scar from cyst removal on inside forearm; tat chest - paul; tat r brst - paul
Race: Black
Registration date: 2012-09-10
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Offense date: 1994-03-27, Conviction date: 1994-07-19, Release date: 1998-07-17, Probation: 5Y, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15, Confinement: 10Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1958-04-28
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc abdom; sc r elb; sc rf arm; tat l arm; tat l shld; tat r arm
Race: Indian
Registration date: 1998-07-27
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2008-07-03, Conviction date: 2013-04-05, Release date: 2013-04-05, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 03Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-12-30
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 265 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2013-06-12
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: KIDNAPPING AGAINST A MINOR (1ST,2ND), Location: COLUMBUS COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-05-05, Conviction date: 2003-06-17, Release date: 2003-10-19, Statute: 14-39, Confinement: 6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-09-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 161 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r arm - 4 inch scar; tat back - jaomare; tat l arm - rhonique; tat r shld - jamboan rhoquine; tat ul arm - rhonique
Race: Black
Registration date: 2004-05-24
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2015-03-13, Conviction date: 2015-11-17, Release date: 2023-06-09, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 1Y6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1975-05-30
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2023-06-12
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SECOND-DEGREE FORCIBLE SEXUAL OFFENSE, Location: BLADEN COUNTY, Offense date: 2018-06-04, Conviction date: 2019-06-04, Release date: 2022-05-17, Statute: 14-27.27, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 5Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1958-10-17
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 179 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l wrist - cut mark; tat abdom - victoria; tat chest - heart boxing chain ma bell slick rick; tat face - left eye tear drops; tat r arm - boxing gloves with slick monica; tat r arm - crown alicia; tat r arm - dollar sign eye w tears of joy
Race: Black
Registration date: 2022-05-25
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: ATTEMPTED RAPE OR ATTEMPTED SEX OFFENSE (1ST,2ND DEGREE), Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2006-08-27, Conviction date: 2007-07-12, Release date: 2016-10-01, Statute: 14-27.6, Confinement: 6Y11M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1963-09-28
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: mc other - 1 front top tooth missing; sc face - on nose; sc l arm - two circular burn scars; sc l hnd - cut; sc l leg - bullet scar; sc l leg - inner lower leg; sc nose; tat back - prayig hands judy
Race: White
Registration date: 2016-11-14
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: CUMBERLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 1992-09-17, Conviction date: 1993-06-04, Release date: 2003-05-12, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 12Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1967-02-14
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Unknown
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: con lenses; glasses; prcd l ear; tat back - angel; tat r arm; tat l arm - ashley
Race: Black
Registration date: 2003-05-30
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1996-11-07, Release date: 1997-09-26, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 001Y04M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1973-07-08
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 198 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - indian triabal design; tat chest - masonic tribal design; tat l arm - chinese tribal design; tat l leg - tree spirt; tat r leg - goat man; tat ul arm - picture of baby crying in wilderness; tat r arm - tat of cont.of africa w/ "afr" rt forarm
Race: Black
Registration date: 2016-06-20
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-08-12, Conviction date: 2004-03-17, Release date: 2018-01-14, Statute: 14-27.5, Confinement: 15Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1983-12-27
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - buffalo with piece pipe inside; tat chest - ronald bullard and jacquline oxendine; tat l chk - indian feather; tat r chk - bear claw; tat ul arm - 2 hatchets with ban wrapped hatchet; tat ul arm - indian women cheif head; tat ul arm - lumbee; tat ur arm - indian cheif head; tat abdom - a warriors path; tat back - 2 peace pipes buffalo; tat chest - ronald bullard loves jaqueline oxendine; tat l arm - lumbee; tat l chk - feather; tat l shld - indian woman; tat r arm - cash; tat r chk - bear claw
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2018-01-16
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1990-06-01, Conviction date: 1992-07-14, Release date: 2000-01-10, Statute: 14-27.3, Confinement: 024Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1964-06-15
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 450 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc neck
Race: Black
Registration date: 2000-01-11
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1972-11-04
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 219 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc l chk - accident; sc r chk - accident; tat back - picture of scorpio; tat back - rock; tat chest - denise; tat neck - rebecca
Race: Black
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1990-01-16, Conviction date: 1991-09-30, Release date: 2009-05-15, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 15Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1970-06-25
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r hnd
Race: White
Registration date: 2010-07-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2019-05-01, Conviction date: 2021-10-20, Release date: 2023-04-24, Probation: 7Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 8, Confinement: 4Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1993-04-01
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 171 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l ankl - holly; tat l arm - daylen; tat l arm - emmett; tat l arm - rylee
Race: White
Registration date: 2024-02-06
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: DAVIE COUNTY, Conviction date: 2005-05-13, Release date: 2005-06-27, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y11M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 2005-05-13, Release date: 2007-12-02, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y11M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1978-06-28
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: prcd l ear - both ears; prcd l ear - earlobe; prcd r ear - earlobe; prcd tongu - tongue; sc abdom - 1 scar; sc back - gunshot wound; sc buttk - 1 2 scar on right buttocks; sc face - 1 accident; sc l arm - 1 3 scars; sc r chk - 1 scar in eyebrow; sc r chk - 1 2 scar; sc r leg - 2 scar; tat abdom - tru; tat abdom - true; tat chest - shaun; tat l arm - asian symbol man
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2007-12-07
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ONSLOW COUNTY, Offense date: 2005-02-26, Conviction date: 2005-11-16, Release date: 2008-05-05, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 8Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1979-11-01
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Blond
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Race: White
Registration date: 2008-05-13
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 1987-04-01, Release date: 1999-07-14, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Confinement: 30Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1967-09-13
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'05"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc r leg
Race: Black
Registration date: 1999-07-16
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: FELONIOUS RESTRAINT AGAINST A MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2015-11-19, Conviction date: 2016-09-21, Release date: 2017-09-07, Statute: 14-43.3, Confinement: 3M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 1979-03-11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'03"
Weight: 183 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - tribal design across lower back; tat l ankl - b inside heart design; tat l thgh - mat; tat ur arm - destiny; tat back - tribal marking; tat l leg - destiny; tat r leg - heart w b
Race: White
Registration date: 2017-09-19
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: RAPE 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2004-10-22, Conviction date: 2006-02-14, Release date: 2013-08-20, Statute: 14-27.3, Victim's age: 12, Confinement: 10Y9M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1975-02-08
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'00"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat abdom - mask w t rock; tat back - dagger; tat back - dogs fighting; tat chest - mask lady heart; tat l arm - dragon woman feathers; tat l leg - terry symbol; tat l wrs - barb wire; tat r arm - skull mask indian; tat r leg - feather; tat r shld - lumbee; tat r wrs - barb wire
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2013-08-20
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: MOORE COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-09-24, Conviction date: 2009-11-02, Release date: 2009-11-02, Probation: 12M, Statute: 14-27.5A, Victim's age: 11, Confinement: 75D

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1963-09-28
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc abdom; sc face - under jaw surgery; sc r knee
Race: White
Registration date: 2010-07-12
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEX EXPLOIT MINOR 2ND DEGREE, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2013-10-01, Conviction date: 2014-10-06, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-190.17, Victim's age: 10

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1974-11-11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 230 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2014-10-28
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2012-12-24, Conviction date: 2013-11-18, Release date: 2014-05-04, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y11M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1992-10-07
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 153 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat l arm - ruby in god we trust 910; tat l arm - stars mob flames t money music note; tat l chk - teardrops; tat l hnd - flames 100 real; tat r ankl - music note thug life bullet 90 s baby; tat r arm - fera no evil; tat r arm - star; tat r arm - star 10 07 92 newtown tucker; tat r chk - gmst; tat r hnd - the son of god
Race: Black
Registration date: 2014-05-05
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2007-10-04, Conviction date: 2008-09-29, Release date: 2009-09-24, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 14, Confinement: 8M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 1978-06-03
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat back - tonya; tat l arm - harley davidson
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2009-09-24
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: REGISTERED AS A RESULT OF OUT-OF-STATE CONVICTION, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2007-04-14, Conviction date: 2007-08-21, Release date: 2015-01-16, Probation: 2Y, Statute: 14-208.7.A, Victim's age: 18, Confinement: 10Y

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1987-04-30
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 300 lbs.
Race: Black
Registration date: 2015-06-24
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: UNION COUNTY, Offense date: 2012-06-15, Conviction date: 2013-04-02, Release date: 2015-04-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 2Y5M
  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: UNION COUNTY, Offense date: 2012-06-15, Conviction date: 2013-04-02, Release date: 2015-04-19, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 13, Confinement: 2Y5M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1991-12-15
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 159 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: sc head - 1 accident; tat l hnd; tat l hnd - crown; tat l hnd - his queen sheritta 9 15 16; tat ur arm; tat ur arm - melting clock clouds initial; tat ur arm - melting clock with clouds; tat l arm - t; tat l hnd - crown his queen sheritta 9 15 16; tat r arm - d; tat r arm - discipline; tat l arm - graveyard scene; tat r leg - skeleton with hourglass; tat ul arm - skull with crown; tat leg - chanel symbol; tat r leg - skeleton with hourglass
Race: White
Registration date: 2015-04-23
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: SEXUAL BATTERY, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2009-03-29, Conviction date: 2019-09-12, Release date: 2022-10-09, Statute: 14-27.5A, Confinement: 4Y6M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-05-04
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 280 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm - bird claw and grandson name brandon; tat r arm - tat a w 1 2 letters upper arm; tat r shld - ink bear claw with bradon grandsons name
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2022-10-19
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 1997-04-12, Conviction date: 1998-04-08, Release date: 1998-10-10, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 001Y06M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1973-06-10
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: mole l wrs; sc l fgr - gunshot wound on left index
Race: Black
Registration date: 1998-10-17
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Conviction date: 2003-04-28, Release date: 2005-08-03, Statute: 14-202.1, Confinement: 1Y4M

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1966-01-09
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 208 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm - cross
Race: White
Registration date: 2005-08-12
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: ABDUCTION OF CHILDREN, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2018-03-21, Conviction date: 2018-12-10, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-41, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1998-10-01
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat neck
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2018-12-13
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: ROBESON COUNTY, Offense date: 2003-06-01, Conviction date: 2006-08-08, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 8

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1945-07-11
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Gray
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tat r arm
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2006-08-10
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: INDECENT LIBERTY MINOR, Location: SCOTLAND COUNTY, Offense date: 2007-11-25, Conviction date: 2012-09-05, Probation: 36M, Statute: 14-202.1, Victim's age: 15

City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1980-05-23
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5'09"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Race: Indian
Registration date: 2012-09-06
Minimum registration period: 10
Based on this official offender page

  • Crime: Sentence: Probation: 5 Year(s) Term: 364 Day(s) Local Jail; Offense description: None Reported; charge: AGGRAVATED CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONTACT, Jurisdiction: North Carolina Bureau of Investigation - Sex Offender Registry

Risk level: 2
City: Lumberton, NC
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 1962-05-30
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Bald
Height: 5'07"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Marks/Scars/Tattoos: none reported
Race: White
Based on this official offender page

No representation is made that the persons listed here are currently on the state's sex offenders registry. All names presented here were gathered at a past date. Some persons listed might no longer be registered sex offenders and others might have been added. Some addresses or other data might no longer be current. Owners of City-data.com assume no responsibility (and expressly disclaim responsibility) for updating this site to keep information current or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Accordingly, you should confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information before making any decision related to any data presented on this site.