Louisville: Geography and Climate

Louisville is located on the south bank of the Ohio River, about 377 miles above its confluence with the Mississippi River. Beargrass Creek and its south fork divide the city into two sectors with different types of topography. Louisville's eastern portion, with an elevation of 565 feet, is hilly, while the western part, lying in the flood plain of the Ohio River, is flat, with an average elevation of 465 feet. The climate is variable because of the city's position in mid-altitudes and in the interior of the continent; in both winter and summer there are hot and cold spells of brief duration. On the average, winters are moderately cold and summers are very warm.

Area: 66.65 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 488 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 31.7° F; August, 75.8° F; annual average, 56.1° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 44.4 inches