Tucson, AZ vs Deer Valley, AZ - Advanced U.S. city comparison tool

Tucson, AZ vs Deer Valley, AZ

Tucson, Arizona and Deer Valley, Arizona are two distinctly unique areas with their own set of advantages. Tucson is a larger, more populous city with significant cultural and educational opportunities. On the other hand, Deer Valley, a neighborhood of Phoenix, has a cozy, suburban feel, providing a more relaxed lifestyle but fewer amenities. It's important to understand the difference in cost of living, climate, crime rates, education, work opportunities, infrastructure, and more before deciding where to live.
Distance between Tucson, AZ and Deer Valley, AZ : 126.3 miles

Tucson's population is larger by 192%. Its population has grown by 56,543 people (11.6%) since 2000.

Type Tucson Deer Valley
Population 543,242 186,030
Female / male percentage 49.9% / 50.1%
50% / 50%
Racial makeup - percentage
Ethnicity TucsonDeer Valley
Hispanic 45.7% 7.3%
White Non-Hispanic 40.9% 87.2%
Black 4.6% 1.6%
Two or more 4.2% 1.3%
Asian 2.8% 2.1%
American Indian 1.5% 0.5%
Racial makeup - absolute values
Ethnicity TucsonDeer Valley
Hispanic 248,116 10,817
White Non-Hispanic 221,961 129,717
Black 24,821 2,372
Two or more 23,052 1,871
Asian 14,951 3,058
American Indian 8,261 708
Pacific Islander 0 88

Crime and Safety

Tucson has a higher than average crime rate compared to some other cities in the U.S. However, the nature of crime rates can vary greatly by neighborhood so it's important to research specific areas. Deer Valley tends to have lower crime rates, more characteristic of suburban communities. For visitors, both areas offer safe tourism, although everyone should practice common safety measures regardless of the location.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Tucson is generally lower than Deer Valley. Housing costs in Tucson are considerably below the national average, while those in Deer Valley are higher, due to its close proximity to Phoenix. The overall cost of goods and services in both areas is near or just below the national average.

Income Tax

Both Tucson and Deer Valley are located in Arizona, which has a sliding scale for state income tax, ranging from 2.59% to 4.5%.

Property Tax

Both Tucson and Deer Valley have lower property taxes compared to the national average, with Tucson typically having slightly higher rates than Deer Valley.

Sales Tax

Tucson has a relatively high combined city and state sales tax rate, currently standing at 8.7%. Deer Valley, as part of Phoenix, shares a combined sales tax rate of 8.6%.
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Estimated median household income $50,306 $115,120
Estimated per capita income $27,821 $52,163
Cost of living index (U.S. average is 100) 90.1 110.7

If you make $50,000 in Tucson, you will have to make $61,432 in Deer Valley to maintain the same standard of living.

Geographical Conditions

Tucson is located in the Sonoran Desert, surrounded by mountain ranges. Deer Valley is located in the northwest part of the Valley of the Sun, with less rugged terrain compared to Tucson.
Geographical information
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Land area 194.7 sq. miles 408.6 sq. miles
Population density 2,790.5 people per sq. mile 455.3 people per sq. mile
Elevation 2,491 feet 1,375 feet
Relative area comparison
Tucson, AZ Deer Valley, AZ


Tucson has a strong educational infrastructure, being home to the University of Arizona. In terms of primary and secondary education, Tucson also offers a wide range of public, private, and charter schools. Deer Valley offers good educational opportunities as well, including high-ranking Deer Valley Unified School District and several charter and private schools.
School enrollment
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Nursery, preschool 4,996 (3.6%) 3,157 (7.8%)
Kindergarten 6,415 (4.6%) 2,609 (6.5%)
Grade 1 to 4 23,819 (17.2%) 9,107 (22.6%)
Grade 5 to 8 24,627 (17.8%) 8,923 (22.1%)
Grade 9 to 12 24,950 (18%) 7,975 (19.8%)
College undergrad 43,713 (31.5%) 6,495 (16.1%)
Graduate or professional 10,160 (7.3%) 2,078 (5.2%)
Students in private schools - absolute values
Type Count
Grade TucsonDeer Valley
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 6,103 1,155
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 1,785 526
Undergraduate colleges 3,580 1,119
Students in private schools - percentage
Type Percentage
Grade TucsonDeer Valley
Grades 1 to 8 (elementary and middle school) 12.6% 6.4%
Grades 9 to 12 (high school) 7.2% 6.6%
Undergraduate colleges 8.2% 17.2%
Educational attainment
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Less than high school 11.9% 6.8%
High school or equiv. 23.7% 20.9%
Less than 1 year of college 7.9% 9.7%
1 or more years of college 17.4% 20.6%
Associate degree 10.1% 8.4%
Bachelor's degree 16.8% 23%
Master's degree 8.5% 7.7%
Profess. school degree 1.7% 1.9%
Doctorate degree 2% 1%
Education level (25-year-olds and older)
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Bachelor's degree or higher 29.1% 33.6%
Graduate or professional degree 12.3% 10.6%
High school or higher 88.1% 93.2%

Work and Economy

Both areas have diverse economies. Tucson's economy is driven by education, healthcare, and government sectors. Deer Valley, as part of Phoenix, benefits from a robust economy that supports a range of industries, from technology to real estate. Unemployment rates in both areas are similar to the national average.

Biggest Employers

In Tucson, the University of Arizona, Raytheon Missile Systems, and Banner Health are the largest employers. In Deer Valley, the largest employers include Deer Valley Unified School District and several large retail stores.

In Tucson (Pima County), 52.7% voted for Democrats and 45.7% for Republicans in 2012 Presidential Election. In Deer Valley (Maricopa County), 43.6% voted for Democrats and 54.3% for Republicans.

Type DemocratsRepublicansOther
Year TucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer Valley
2020 58.4% 50.2% 39.8% 48.0% 1.7% 1.8%
2016 53.3% 44.9% 39.7% 47.7% 7.0% 7.5%
2012 52.7% 43.6% 45.7% 54.3% 1.6% 2.1%
2008 52.4% 44.0% 46.3% 54.5% 1.4% 1.5%
2004 52.7% 42.4% 46.7% 57.0% 0.6% 0.6%
2000 51.4% 43.0% 43.3% 53.4% 5.3% 3.6%
1996 52.2% 44.5% 39.4% 47.2% 8.5% 8.2%
Breakdown of population affiliated with a religious congregation
Type AdherentsCongregations
Religion TucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer Valley
CATHOLIC CHURCH 20.8% 13.6% 7.9% 4.3%
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 0.8% 0.3% 1.4% 1.3%
LUTHERAN CHURCH 0.4% 0.5% 1.4% 1.5%
VINEYARD USA 0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.6%


Tucson and Deer Valley both offer the traditional hot desert climate of Arizona. However, Tucson tends to be hotter in the summer with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, while winters can get slightly cooler. Deer Valley commonly experiences less extreme hot and cold temperatures thanks to its metropolitan location included in greater Phoenix area.
Weather and climate
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Temperature - Average 70°F 70.7°F
Humidity - Average morning or afternoon humidity 38.6% 37.5%
Humidity - Differences between morning and afternoon humidity 46% 48%
Humidity - Maximum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 58% 60%
Humidity - Minimum monthly morning or afternoon humidity 12% 12%
Precipitation - Yearly average 12 in 10.8 in
Snowfall - Yearly average 2 in 0 in
Clouds - Number of days clear of clouds 32.3% 35.2%
Sunshine amount - Average 92.8% 92.8%
Sunshine amount - Differences during a year 15% 16%
Sunshine amount - Maximum monthly 94% 95%
Sunshine amount - Minimum monthly 79% 79%
Wind speed - Average 8.3 mph 6.6 mph

Average climate in Tucson, Arizona

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Average climate in Deer Valley, Arizona

Chicago, Illinois average temperatures Chicago, Illinois average precipitation Chicago, Illinois humidity Chicago, Illinois wind speed Chicago, Illinois snowfall Chicago, Illinois sunshine Chicago, Illinois clear and cloudy days

Air pollution
Year TucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer ValleyTucsonDeer Valley
2018 87 147 0.19 0.38 8.3 15.2 32.0 32.3 29.9 30.5 5.5 7.9 0.1 0.6
2017 73 114 0.18 0.41 8.4 15.8 31.7 31.9 32.2 29.9 7.1 7.1 0.1 1.4
2016 68 107 0.21 0.41 7.9 15.5 29.7 30.8 25.3 28.1 4.5 7.1 0.1 0.4
2015 62 100 0.21 0.40 8.7 17.1 29.7 30.2 25.4 23.7 5.1 7.3 0.2 0.9
2014 74 115 0.19 0.40 10.0 19.2 28.8 30.8 28.0 31.8 5.6 8.0 0.2 1.1
2013 94 124 0.17 0.39 10.4 19.5 30.4 31.7 30.9 30.0 6.8 7.9 0.2 0.9
2012 73 127 0.20 0.37 11.8 20.8 30.0 31.7 31.2 35.9 5.6 8.8 0.2 1.3
2011 81 163 0.22 0.40 11.9 19.1 31.0 31.7 29.7 35.2 5.8 9.4 0.3 0.9
2010 68 100 0.29 0.42 10.8 18.4 30.5 30.1 25.5 25.7 N/A 8.3 0.5 1.1
2009 82 104 0.25 0.43 11.2 18.6 29.2 29.0 31.9 35.2 N/A N/A 0.5 1.4
2008 81 105 0.29 0.44 12.2 19.8 29.2 29.5 32.0 38.2 N/A N/A 0.9 1.8
2007 75 128 0.37 0.48 13.4 21.8 28.7 27.8 27.3 46.3 N/A N/A 0.9 2.2
2006 74 129 0.41 0.54 15.3 23.9 27.7 28.5 17.3 49.2 N/A N/A 0.6 2.1
2005 76 111 0.43 0.64 15.1 24.5 26.0 26.4 17.8 41.4 N/A N/A 0.7 2.1
2004 77 101 0.49 0.68 15.6 24.2 25.6 26.1 14.0 32.1 N/A N/A 1.2 1.4
2003 81 102 0.57 0.78 17.2 25.4 27.1 26.8 19.2 42.6 N/A N/A 1.2 1.4
2002 76 112 0.56 0.85 16.9 26.9 26.8 27.3 19.9 41.8 N/A N/A 1.0 1.6
2001 70 107 0.55 0.87 16.4 26.7 26.1 27.4 23.2 37.8 N/A N/A 0.8 1.5
2000 78 120 0.50 1.04 16.7 29.6 26.4 28.6 N/A 45.6 N/A N/A 2.3 1.7
Natural disasters
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Tornado activity compared to U.S. average 8.9% 16.7%
Earthquake activity compared to U.S. average 1,584.9% 2,683.8%
Natural disasters compared to U.S. average 13% 16%


Tucson has an extensive public transit system, Sun Tran, and also a modern streetcar connecting the University with downtown. In Deer Valley, most residents rely on cars for transportation, and it's close to I-17 for commuting to central Phoenix.
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Amtrak stations 1 0
Amtrak stations nearby 1 1
FAA registered aircraft 983 0
FAA registered aircraft manufacturers and dealers 14 0
Means of transportation to work
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Bicycle 1% 0.3%
Bus 1.9% 0.3%
Carpooled 11.5% 10.2%
Car alone 81.9% 81.6%
Motorcycle 0.5% 0.4%
Walked 2.3% 0.7%
Means of transportation to work
Means of transportation to work
Average travel time to work
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Average 26 min 31 min
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work
Travel time to work
Time leaving to work

Real Estate

Tucson offers a diverse real estate market with a wide range of prices, from affordable homes to high-end properties. Deer Valley's real estate market tends to be slightly more expensive, with a variety of single-family homes and condos available.


Tucson is known for its historic districts and neighborhoods each with unique characteristics. Meanwhile, Deer Valley is a suburban community with more modern developments and gated communities.
Houses and residents
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Houses 242,816 58,709
Average household size (people) 2.4 2.7
Houses occupied 223,068 (91.9%) 53,676 (91.4%)
Houses occupied by owners 114,708 (51.4%) 47,925 (89.3%)
Houses occupied by renters 108,360 (48.6%) 5,751 (10.7%)
Median rent asked for vacant for-rent units $801.80 $1,840
Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos $557,132 $442,377
Estimated median house or condo value $224,800 $553,560
Median number of rooms in apartments 4 5.5
Median number of rooms in houses and condos 5.8 7.4
Renting percentage 48.1% 20.6%
Housing density (houses/condos per square mile) 1,247.3 143.7
Household income disparities 44.9% 33.7%
Housing units without a mortgage 1,087 (1.5%) 6,119 (13.8%)
Housing units with both a second mortgage and home equity loan 2,785 (3.9%) 166 (0.4%)
Housing units with a mortgage 70,054 (98.5%) 38,245 (86.2%)
Housing units with a home equity loan 211 (0.3%) 4,651 (10.5%)
Housing units with a second mortgage 4,051 (5.7%) 5,351 (12.1%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities 1.2% 0.4%
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities 0.8% 0.5%
Housing units in structures
Housing units in structures TucsonDeer Valley
One, detached 53.5% 85.2%
One, attached 8.3% 3.3%
Two 2.5% 0.2%
3 or 4 4.3% 0.7%
5 to 9 5.0% 1.4%
10 to 19 5.6% 1.7%
20 to 49 5.8% 0.7%
50 or more 8.6% 2.6%
Mobile homes 6.2% 3.3%
Boats, RVs, vans, etc. 0.2% 0.9%
Marital status
Type Tucson Deer Valley
Divorced 12.8% 8.5%
Never married 42.2% 17.2%
Now married 39% 70.7%
Separated 1.7% 0.9%
Widowed 4.4% 3.6%
Class of workers - percentage
Class of Workers TucsonDeer Valley
Employee of private company 66.4% 69.2%
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 8.1% 5.4%
State government workers 7.1% 4.4%
Local government workers 6.7% 6.7%
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 5.7% 7.1%
Federal government workers 3.7% 1.8%
Self-employed in own incorporated business 2.2% 5.2%
Unpaid family workers 0.3% 0.2%
Class of workers - absolute values
Class of Workers TucsonDeer Valley
Employee of private company 169,161 51,452
Federal government workers 9,342 1,348
Local government workers 17,049 4,955
Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers 20,635 4,027
Self-employed in own incorporated business 5,521 3,847
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business 14,487 5,256
State government workers 17,981 3,306
Unpaid family workers 709 168

Industries and Occupations

The major industries in Tucson are education, healthcare, and government with many residents working in these sectors. In Deer Valley, major industries include retail, healthcare, and hospitality.
Food environment data per 10,000 residents
Food environment statistics TucsonDeer Valley
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 2.3 2.0
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 0.5 0.6
Number of full-service restaurants 6.2 5.9
Number of grocery stores 1.2 1.3
Number of supercenters and club stores 0.1 0.2
Food environment - absolute values
Food environment statistics TucsonDeer Valley
Number of convenience stores (no gas) 226 768
Number of convenience stores (with gas) 52 219
Number of full-service restaurants 615 2,264
Number of grocery stores 122 501
Number of supercenters and club stores 9 60
Obesity and diabetes
Food environment statistics rate TucsonDeer Valley
Adult diabetes rate 7.8% 7.7%
Adult obesity rate 21.2% 22.5%
Low-income preschool obesity rate 15.2% 14.8%

Health Care

Both Tucson and Deer Valley have access to top-notch health care facilities. Tucson has Banner University Medical Center and Deer Valley features Honor Health Deer Valley Medical Center.
Health (county statistics)
Type Tucson Deer Valley
General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) 3.5 3.5
Average weight of females (lbs) 157.7 lbs 160.3 lbs
Average weight of males (lbs) 190.8 lbs 197.8 lbs
Residents visited a dentist within the past year 70.2% 67.3%
Residents exercised in the past month 77.7% 73.9%
Adult residents drank alcohol in the past 30 days 73.9% 53.6%
Residents smoked 100+ cigarettes in their lives 48.4% 42.8%
Mechanisms of homicide
Mechanism TucsonDeer Valley
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 557 2,282
Cut / Pierce 58 185
Firearm 388 1,697
Suffocation 21 51
Transportation - Related, Overall 0 26
Mechanisms of homicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism TucsonDeer Valley
Homicides from 2000 to 2006 87.8 95.5
Cut / Pierce 9.1 7.7
Firearm 61.1 71.0
Suffocation 3.3 2.1
Transportation - Related, Overall 0 1.1
Mechanisms of suicide per 1,000,000 residents
Mechanism TucsonDeer Valley
Suicides from 2000 to 2006 159.9 135.5
Cut / Pierce 0 2.6
Fall 0 1.4
Firearm 94.2 78.0
Poisoning 28.7 24.6
Suffocation 29.1 25.2


Tucson has well-developed infrastructure that includes transportation, utilities, and public services. The city’s road network and public transit system are extensive. On the other hand, Deer Valley benefits from the metropolitan infrastructure of Phoenix, with a well-maintained network of roads, and proximity to Phoenix’s light rail system and Sky Harbor International Airport.
Type Tucson Deer Valley
TV stations 20 4

Culture and Food

Tucson offers rich cultural and culinary scenes with Mexican influences. It’s also recognized by UNESCO as a "City of Gastronomy". Deer Valley has a growing food scene as well, with a variety of restaurants serving diverse cuisines.

Sports Teams

Tucson is home to the University of Arizona Wildcats. Deer Valley residents typically support Phoenix area teams like the Arizona Diamondbacks (MLB), Phoenix Suns (NBA), and Arizona Cardinals (NFL).