Detailed job statistics for Adams County

Area-specific government job data

Average salary

The average salary in Adams County is $92,128.00. Below are graphs representing cities with the lowest and the highest salaries:

Gender breakdown within the region

The majority of government workers in Adams County are male. The ratio can be seen here:
The salary distribution between genders in Adams County also varies. The graphs below represents those differences:

Average salary by profession in Adams County

Breakdown of grades: number of employees working at each grade and their average salary

Grade Number of employees Average salary
AT LH 74 $138,243
GS 12 58 $85,951
FG 13 55 $100,708
GS 13 44 $100,207
FV H 43 $86,468
GS 11 41 $69,475
GS 09 36 $57,051
GS 07 34 $46,204
FV J 28 $123,412
FG 14 24 $119,191
FV I 22 $107,347
GS 04 21 $31,850
AD 00 20 $61,753
GS 08 17 $50,324
BB 00 15 $76,532
GS 14 14 $127,686
GS 05 13 $35,579
AT LK 10 $179,428
FV K 9 $141,451
VH 38 9 $84,084
others 108 $92,733