Relocation - Birmingham, Alabama


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: A fun, quirky, even slightly awkward site dedicated to memories of the Magic City, this blog is a treasure of old photos and relics of Birmingham’s past. Run by Russell Wells and chockfull of local pop culture guru Tim Hollis, it is nostalgic and a wonderful place to spend time looking back and remembering.


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: More than just a blog, The Terminal is a repository of opinion, arts and culture, news, and happenings with a strong focus on downtown politics and goings on. Publisher and frequent contributor André Natta created the site in 2007, and it updates several times a day.


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: A resource without peer the site documents the Birmingham area, serving as an ­encyclopedia-like compendium of more than 7,200 individual entries in the wiki format about the city. Enjoy news articles, factoids, and nostalgic images as well as current events all about Birmingham.


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: Calling itself a “Food Lover’s Notebook,” the popular online blog is all about the enjoyment of food. With more than 270,000 Twitter followers, the site has developed quite a following. Look for food facts, tips, recipes, quotes, history, and more.


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: Run by Roger Shuler, a journalist and editor, Legal Schnauzer is a political blog with a sense of humor that covers all facets of Alabama politics. In particular the site is a fantastic resource for those looking for other Alabama and national political blogs, as well as blogs that emphasize citizen justice. The tag line says it all: “One couple’s encounter with corrupt judges, slimy lawyers, and incompetent prosecutors in Alabama . . . and how you can avoid being cheated by the vermin who make a mockery of our justice system.”


City: Birmingham, AL
Category: Relocation

Description: Local journalist Kyle Whitmire is the principal contributor to the Second Front, a blog about news, public affairs, and politics in Birmingham. It’s a good source for original reporting that goes deeper than the typical local news coverage available in more traditional local media.  
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