Crystal Ski Shop - Parks & Recreation - Boulder, Colorado

City: Boulder, CO
Category: Parks & Recreation
Telephone: Boulder (303 449-7669)
Address: 3216 Arapahoe Avenue

Description: The growing popularity of snowshoeing is also evident on all the local trails in winter. One needs no real lessons for this simple sport. Just strap on the snowshoes and start walking. Snowshoes provide you with the ability to leave the crowds on the trails and make your own route—and the cross-country skiers would appreciate it if you did. Snowshoes can be rented at most local mountaineering and ski rental shops (listed in the previous “Skiing” section), at a cost of around $12 a day.Please note: Snowshoers sharing forest trails with cross-country skiers should make their own tracks, wherever possible, and avoid walking in existing ski tracks. This is because cross-country skis work best in ski tracks and don’t work well on snowshoe paths. People without skis or snowshoes should not walk in either tracks—it ruins them both, making it frustrating and miserable for skiers and snowshoers alike.