Day By Day Cafe - Restaurants - St. Paul, Minnesota

City: St. Paul, MN
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (651) 227-0654
Address: 477 West Seventh St.

Description: Day by Day is a lovely spot just west of downtown St. Paul; its name refers to the fact that it was founded by a recovering alcoholic and employs others who are kicking dangerous addictions. The restaurant meanders through several rooms of multiple storefronts on busy West Seventh Street, and the plants, bookshelves, and tables at odd angles will make visitors feel right at home. Breakfast (served all day) highlights include homemade buckwheat cakes, the earth breakfast (two eggs scrambled with hash browns and onions and covered with melted cheese), and the breakfast burrito. For lunch and dinner the restaurant features a guacamole burger, triple-decker clubhouse sandwich, and stir-fried sesame chicken or tofu. Each menu has unique handmade cover art. Day by Day is open for early dinner Monday through Friday, and is open for breakfast and lunch seven days a week. On weekdays and Saturday, the cafe opens at 6 a.m., making it popular with people (especially insomniacs) who work downtown.
